When to use “-tion” to convert verbs into noun

The suffix “-tion” is commonly used to convert verbs into nouns, often indicating an action, process, or state. Here are the key rules and guidelines for using “-tion” to form nouns:

1. Base Verb Ends in -te:
If the base verb ends in -te, replace -te with -tion.


create → creation

celebrate → celebration

educate → education

2. Base Verb Ends in -ify:
If the base verb ends in -ify, replace -ify with -ification.


simplify → simplification

clarify → clarification

justify → justification

3. Base Verb Ends in -ize:
If the base verb ends in -ize, replace -ize with -ization.


organize → organization

realize → realization

modernize → modernization

4. Base Verb Ends in -ate:
If the base verb ends in -ate, replace -ate with -ation.


donate → donation

communicate → communication

evaluate → evaluation

5. Base Verb Ends in -end or -and:
If the base verb ends in -end or -and, replace the ending with -ension or -ansion.


ext[end] → extension

exp[and] → expansion

6. Base Verb Ends in -scribe:
If the base verb ends in -scribe, replace -scribe with -scription.


describe → description

prescribe → prescription

7. Base Verb Ends in -duce:
If the base verb ends in -duce, replace -duce with -duction.


produce → production

introduce → introduction

8. Base Verb Ends in -mit:
If the base verb ends in -mit, replace -mit with -mission.


permit → permission

submit → submission

9. Base Verb Ends in -ss:
If the base verb ends in -ss, add -ion directly.


discuss → discussion

express → expression

10. Irregular Forms:

Some verbs have irregular noun forms with -tion that don’t follow a specific pattern.


solve → solution

absorb → absorption

describe → description

Key Points:
The suffix “-tion” is used to form nouns from verbs, typically indicating an action, process, or state.

The spelling of the base verb often changes slightly when adding “-tion” (e.g., dropping or replacing letters).

Not all verbs can be converted to nouns using “-tion”; some require other suffixes like “-ment” (e.g., enjoy → enjoyment) or “-ance” (e.g., perform → performance).

Adverbial (Adverb) Clause

ref – https://www.englishwithashish.com/adverbials-masterclass/#google_vignette

What is an adverbial clause?

An adverbial clause is a dependent clause that functions as an adverb in a sentence.

Adverbial clauses start with a subordinating conjunction (because, when, if, although, etc.).

Ex: I [ate] the whole cake because I was hungry.

Adverbial Clauses vs Relative/Noun Clauses

Thus, note that adverbial clauses do not start with relative pronouns. They start with subordinating conjunctions.  

Relative pronouns introduce relative (adjective) clauses (a type of dependent clause that acts like an adjective).
Examples include: who, whom, whose, which, that.  

Subordinating conjunctions: These introduce adverbial clauses (dependent clauses that act like adverbs).

Examples include:

  • that
  • because
  • since
  • although
  • if
  • when
  • while
  • before
  • after
  • as

Adverbial Clause functionality

They modify:

  • verbs (most used) – He arrived after the party started.
  • adjectives – She was so happy that she cried.
  • adverbs – They spoke more quietly when the teacher entered the room.

All adverbial clauses are dependent clauses. The other clauses included in dependent clauses are noun clauses, and relative (adjective) clauses.

An adverbial clause contains a subject and a verb

They answer questions like how, why, when, where, to what extent. In other words, it gives more information about the:

  • time
  • place
  • condition
  • reason
  • manner
  • purpose of the action

Adverbial Clause format and usage

subordinate conjunction + clause

Adverbial clause of time:
[He drinks coffee] before he leaves his house.
*modifies verb drinks.

Adverbial clause of time:
[We’ll be sitting in the conference room] until they tell us to leave.
* modifies main verb sitting.

Adverbial clause of manner:
As dollar signs flashed in his eyes, [my brother agreed to the deal].
*modifies verb agreed.

Adverbial clause of manner:
[She addressed the crowd] as she had practiced in the mirror.
*modifies verb addressed.

Adverbial clause of manner:
[José], as he tried to contain his excitement, [waited for her response].
*modifies waited.

Adverbial clause of place:
[My son told me another fight broke out] where he eats lunch.
*modifies verb broke out.

Adverbial clause of place:
[They drove] beyond where the city ends.
*modifies drove.

Adverbial clause of concession:
Whether my friend likes it or not, [we’re going on the roller coaster].
* modifies entire clause ‘We’re going on the roller’.

Adverbial clause of reason:
[We adopted these two cats] because they are cute.
* modifies verb adopted. The reason why you ‘adopted’ was because they are cute.

Adverbial clause of reason:
[He is amazing at soccer] because he spent his youth at the AYSO..
*modifies amazing.

Adverbial clause of reason:
[I took out the trash] because it stunk.
*modifies verb took out.

Adverbial clause of result:
[It was dark], so Nina lit a candle.

*modifies the main clause It was dark.

Important! Because ‘so’ is an coordinating conjunction (fanboy), we need to follow its rules.
we need to put a comma before any coordinating conjunction. This goes for and, but, yet, or, either, and for as well. (fanboy)

Adverbial clauses of manner (as, as if, as though, like):

He [sings] as if he were a professional. (manner)
The adverbial clause modifies the verb “sings” by describing how he sings.

He [talks] as if he knows everything. (Compares his manner of speaking to someone who knows everything)
She [dances] as though she’s floating on air. (Describes her manner graceful way of dancing)
He [talks] as if he’s an expert. (This describes the manner that he talks, as if he were an expert.)
It [looks] as though it might rain. This compares the manner of the weather to the appearance of impending rain.

A word on ‘like’

Note that like can be used as a conjunction.

Usually, we use ‘like’ as preposition:

“She looks [like] her mother.” Here it’s NOT introducing a clause with a subject and verb.

When used as part of an Adverbial clause, it is used as a conjunction:

The cake tastes [like] [it(s) has(v) almonds in it]. (Adverbial clause of manner, modifying “tastes”)
He talks [like] [he(s) knows(v) everything]. (Adverbial clause of manner, modifying “talks”)
He spends money [like] [he(s) is(v) a millionaire]. (Adverbial clause of manner, modifying “spends”)

“Like” as a Preposition

Role: It compares two nouns or pronouns, showing similarity.
ex: She looks like her mother. (comparing two nouns)

Structure: It’s followed by a noun or pronoun (the object of the preposition). It doesn’t introduce a clause with a subject and verb.  
I enjoy fruits [like] [apples and oranges]. (the two fruit nouns follows ‘like’)

“Like” as a Conjunction (Informal)

Role: It introduces a dependent clause that shows a comparison or manner. This clause has its own subject and verb.
Structure: It’s followed by a subject and verb, forming a clause.

He acts [like] [he(s) is(v) the boss].
It sounds [like] [it(s) is(v) going to rain].

Adverbial clauses of place (where, anywhere, everywhere):

Where the river flows, the land is fertile. (The clause describes the location of fertile land.)
Wherever you go, I will follow. (The clause expresses an action that happens regardless of the location.)
You can sit anywhere you like. (The clause indicates freedom of choice in seating location.)
Everywhere I look, I see signs of autumn. (The clause emphasizes the pervasiveness of autumnal signs.)

Adverbial clauses of condition (if, unless, provided, as long as, in case, on condition that):

if: This is the most common conjunction for conditional clauses. It expresses a possibility.

Example: If it rains, we’ll stay inside.

If you study hard, you will [pass] the exam. (condition)
The adverbial clause modifies the verb phrase “will pass” by stating the condition required to pass.

unless: This means “if not” or “except if.”  
Example: We’ll go to the beach unless it’s too cold.

provided (that): This expresses a condition that must be met for the main clause to be true.  
Example: You can borrow my car provided that you return it by tomorrow.

as long as: Similar to “provided that,” it sets a condition that needs to be fulfilled.  
Example: You can stay here as long as you like.

in case: This expresses a condition that might happen, and the main clause describes what to do if it does.
Example: Take an umbrella in case it rains.

whether…or: This presents two alternative conditions.  
Example: Whether you like it or not, you have to go to school.

Adverbial clauses of Cause and Effect – one event (the cause) directly leads to another event (the effect).


We stayed indoors [because] it was raining.

[Because] it was raining, we stayed indoors.


You may have a cookie [since] you asked nicely.

[Since] you asked nicely, you may have a cookie.

So that:

We set an alarm [so that] we wouldn’t oversleep.
[So that] we wouldn’t oversleep, we set an alarm.


[As] everyone expected, the traffic was terrible on Friday.

The traffic was terrible on Friday [as] everyone expected.


[Unless] you practice, you will never get better.

You will never get better [unless] you practice.

Adverbial clauses of reason – An explanation for why something happened or why someone did something.

Because she was tired, she [went] to bed early. (reason)
* The adverbial clause modifies the verb phrase “went to bed” by explaining why she went to bed early.

Since it was raining, we [decided] to stay indoors.
* modifies ‘decided to stay’. It explains the reason they ‘decided’ to stay in doors.

Seeing that the weather was nice, they [decided] to have a picnic.
* modifies ‘decided to have’

Note that it’s introduced by “Seeing that”, which acts as a conjunction to connect the adverbial clause to the main clause:

seeing (that) / considering (that): These phrases introduce a reason or cause. “Seeing” and “considering” are present participles.  

Example: Seeing that it’s late, we should go home.
Example: Considering that she’s new to the city, she’s doing quite well.

Adverbial clauses of time

  • When the bell rang, the students [rushed] out of the classroom. (time)

    The adverbial clause modifies the verb “rushed” by indicating when the action happened.

Adverbial clauses of purpose (so that, in order that, in order to, so as to, in case, lest)

She [studied] hard so that she could pass the exam.
They [woke] up early in order to catch the first train.
I’ll [leave] a note in case he forgets.

Adverbial clauses of comparison (of degree and manner)

Adverbial clause of concession

Although it was raining, they [decided] to go for a walk. (concession)

The adverbial clause modifies the verb phrase “decided” by a concede. I admit that it is raining, but I still went for a walk.

Each type communicates different information, but every type is a group of words that functions as an adverb.

Adverbial Clause modifying Adverbs

  • She spoke so softly [that I could barely hear her].

    Adverbial clause: that I could barely hear her
    Modified adverb: softly

  • He drives more carefully [when it’s raining]

    Adverbial clause: when it’s raining
    Modified adverb: carefully

  • They arrived earlier [than we expected].

    Adverbial clause: than we expected (them to arrive) – This is an elliptical clause with some words implied.
    Modified adverb: earlier

  • I completed the task more quickly [than my brother did].

    Adverbial clause: than my brother did (complete the task) – Another elliptical clause.
    Modified adverb: quickly

  • She sings more beautifully [when she’s on stage].

    Adverbial clause: when she’s on stage
    Modified adverb: beautifully

Adverbial Clause modifying Adjectives

The water was so cold [that my teeth started chattering].
(The adverbial clause “that my teeth started chattering” modifies the adjective “cold,” emphasizing how cold the water was.)

She was so tired [that she fell asleep on the couch].
(The adverbial clause “that she fell asleep on the couch” modifies the adjective “tired,” showing the extent of her tiredness.)

The box was heavier [than I expected].
(The adverbial clause “than I expected” modifies the adjective “heavier,” indicating the degree of heaviness.)

He was more excited about the trip [than his sister was]. (The adverbial clause “than his sister was” modifies the adjective “excited,” comparing his excitement to his sister’s.)

The movie was as scary [as I had heard]. (The adverbial clause “as I had heard” modifies the adjective “scary,” confirming the level of scariness.)

Noun Clause vs Adjective Clause

Both noun clause and relative (adjective) clause start with a relative pronoun who, whom, whose, which, that.  

Noun Clause

Function: Acts as a noun in the sentence.

It can be a subject, object, subject complement, object of a preposition, or appositive.  

What it does: Names a person, place, thing, or idea.  

How to identify it: Ask yourself if you can replace the clause with a single noun or pronoun. If so, it’s likely a noun clause.


What he said surprised me. (subject)

I know that you are right. (object)

The truth is that I was scared. (subject complement)

I’m interested in what you think. (object of a preposition)

Adjective Clause (Relative)

Function: Acts as an adjective to modify a noun or pronoun in the sentence.  

What it does: Provides more information about the noun it modifies.  

How to identify it: It usually starts with a relative pronoun (who, whom, whose, which, that) or a relative adverb (where, when, why).  


The book that I borrowed [is] overdue. (modifies “book”)

The woman who lives next door [is] a doctor. (modifies “woman”)

The city where I was born [is] far away. (modifies “city”)

Adjective (Relative) clause’s subj-verb agreement

People like clothes that make them look good.

Here’s a breakdown:

The relative clause: “that make them look good” modifies the noun “clothes.”

The subject of the relative clause:

The relative pronoun “that” refers back to “clothes,” so the subject of the relative clause is also “clothes.”

Subject-verb agreement:

Since “clothes” is plural, the verb in the relative clause needs to be the plural form “make” to agree with it.

If the sentence were about a single item of clothing, then the verb would be singular:

“She likes the dress [that makes her look good].”

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Figurative Language Homework

Figurative Language

  • Simile – use ‘like’ or ‘as’ to compare two things.

    • Her eyes were as bright as stars.
    • His eyes glistened like the stars.
    • Her hair was as white as snow.
    • Her hair was white like snow.
    • She sang like a donkey.
    • I eat like a pig.
  • Metaphor – A metaphor is a figure of speech that directly compares two seemingly unrelated things, highlighting a shared characteristic or creating a vivid image in the reader’s mind. Unlike similes, which use “like” or “as,” metaphors state that one thing is another.

    • Her laughter was music.
    • Life is a roller coaster.
    • Time is a thief.
    • His words were daggers.
    • He drowned in grief.
    • Ideas are seeds.
  • Personification – inanimate objects or abstract ideas are given human-like qualities

    • This city never sleeps.
    • The clouds loomed over me.
    • The table stood there, waiting for me.
  • Hyperbole – extreme exaggeration

    • I’ve told you a million times!
    • This weather is killing me.
    • I’m so hungry I could finish a banquet.
  • Alliteration – repetition in two or more nearby words of initial consonant sounds.

    • rocky road
    • big business
    • kissing cousins
    • jumping jacks
    • no nonsense
    • tough talk
    • quick question
    • money matters
    • picture perfect

Ted the turtle (gerund and present participle) version

Living in a cave, a turtle enjoys roaming around the deep dark forest.

Living in a cave (present participle phrase – fronted)

A turtle (subj)
enjoys (verb)
roaming around the deep dark forest. (gerund phrase)

He(s) spends(v) his mornings (dir obj) in the river. (prep phrase, swimming is used as a noun).

The weather feels [particularly hot].
adverb phrase

Swimming along the river feels exhilarating for Ted.

Subject: The subject of the sentence is the gerund phrase “Swimming along the river.” This phrase functions as a noun, representing the activity of paddling.
Verb: The main verb is “feels.” This is a linking verb, connecting the subject to the subject complement.
Subject Complement: The subject complement is the adjective “exhilarating.” This adjective describes how the activity of paddling feels to Ted.
Prepositional Phrase: The prepositional phrase “for Ted” further clarifies who experiences the exhilarating feeling.

Crawling out from the water, Ted looks up.
One of the birds, flapping its wings, lands gently onto the ground.

One of the birds – subj
flapping its wings – present participle phrase as non-restrictive
lands – verb
floating gently onto the ground – present participle phrase

Suddenly, the bird turns into a big phoenix.

The phoenix spews fire, waving his head to and fro.

The forest animals runs away, begging for their lives!

Present Participles and Present Participle Phrases

ref – https://www.esu.edu/writing-studio/guides/participles.cfm

Initially we mentioned present participles in Present Continuous, where the participle is used to represent the main verb and we had a helping verb to help express the tense.

I(subj) am (helping verb) working (main verb) on a project.
They(subj) are (helping verb) eating (main verb) fried chicken.
She(subj) is (helping verb) sleeping (main verb) on (prep) the sofa (obj).

But let’s look at participles more in detail:

Present Participles act as:


  • The running [water] tastes fresh.
  • I know a [pond] teeming with fish.
  • The smiling [child] waved at us.
  • Mariah carries [two tubs of ice cream] dripping from the lid.
  • The warrior jumps into the unwavering [battle].
  • The warrior notices the [battle] ending.

(As nonessential (没必要) information modifying a noun) (non-restrictive Participle phrase)

  • Delores, walking along the shoreline, noticed her cousin.
  • The old house, creaking with every gust of wind, stood on the hilltop.
  • The dancer, twirling gracefully across the stage, captivated the audience.

As Adverbs modifying independent sentences

  • Cooper enjoyed dinner at Audrey’s house agreeing to a large slice of cherry pie even though he was full to the point of bursting.

    BUT! It is WRONG because Audrey’s house cannot ‘agree’:

    Cooper enjoyed dinner at Audrey’s house, agreeing to a large slice of cherry pie even though he was full to the point of bursting.

  • The warrior jumps (into battle), [swinging an ax].

    The battle cannot swing an ax. It is the warrior who is swinging an ax.

  • I stood staring at the sunset.

    stood is the main verb.

    I stood, staring at the sunset

  • In these examples –
    independent sentence, [nonessential information]:

    She walked away, [whistling a tune].
    She walked out of the room, [slamming the door behind her].
    He left the room, [whistling a tune].
    She walked down the street, [smiling happily].

Fronted Participle Phrase – Modify entire sentences (as a sentence adverb)

Time: [Finishing his homework], he went out to play.
Reason or cause: [Feeling tired], she decided to go to bed early.
Condition: [Weather permitting], we will have a picnic tomorrow.
Manner: [Smiling broadly], she accepted the award.
Concession: [Admitting his mistake], he apologized sincerely.

[Laughing hysterically], the children ran around the playground.

Forming part of a verb phrase:

Present Continuous:
subj + [is/am/are/..etc] + verb+ing + [complements]


They are (helping verb) playing (main verb) in the park.
She is (helping verb) helping (main verb) with the dishes.
I am (helping verb) having (main verb) the time of my life.

Participles vs Gerunds

  • Present Participle usage: He ran, carrying two plates of food.

    ran is main verb
    “carrying” describes an action happening simultaneously with ‘run’.

    Gerund usage: Carrying luggage is hard work.
    ‘Carrying’ is used as a noun, in the subject position.

  • Present Participle usage: The warrior jumps into battle, swinging a mighty ax.

    jump is main verb
    “swinging a mighty ax” (挥hui1 舞着)is nonessential information that modifies the sentence “The warrior jumps into battle”.

    Gerund usage: The warrior likes [swinging axes].
    swinging is a gerund. “swinging axes” is a gerund phrase acting as the direct object of the verb “like”. It functions as a noun.

  • Present Participle usage: I stood, looking at the sky.

    stood is the main verb
    “looking at the sky” is nonessential information.

    Gerund usage:

    [Looking at the sky] is my favorite pastime.
    “looking” is the subject of the sentence, and functions as noun.

    “Looking at the sky” is a gerund phrase and acts as the subject of the sentence.

Sample Story

Participle Practice (1-5):

A tiger appears [waving its tail]. // no distance, no comma needed

It roars (out loud), [baring its teeth]. // distance, so we need a comma

He notices a bunch of chickens [strutting around]. // as adjectives to describe ‘chickens’

[Crouching comfortably], the tiger waits to pounce.

The chickens, [being clueless], stares into the tiger’s hot dark mouth.

A turtle lives in a [soothing] forest. (modifies forest as adjective)

His name is Ted.

Ted jumps (into a cool pond), [paddling his flippers]. // nonessential info ‘paddling…’

He swims in the cool water.

He resurfaces, [kicking frantically with his short stubby flippers]. // nonessential info ‘kicking…’

Ted sees a group of birds [landing on a tree branch]. (“landing on a tree branch” modifies birds as an adjective)

adjective clause video


Adjective clauses are used to provide additional information about a noun or pronoun in a sentence.

提供 (ti gong) 更多 (geng duo) 详细 (xiang xi) 信息 (xin xi)

They are used to give more detail about the sentence and to help clarify the meaning.


Adjective clauses and adjective phrases:

– Both describe a noun.
– Adjective phrases are a few additional words that “bulk up” an adjective, while adjective clauses reiterate the noun (重申名词 chong sheng ming ci) and often use a pronoun.
– Adjective phrases are a group of words without a subject or verb that modify a noun, while adjective clauses are a group of words that contain an adjective, a subject, and a verb


1. Starts with a ‘relative pronoun’ (关系代词) (that, who, whom, whose, which)
2. Subject + verb
3. It tells us something about the noun.


ex for ‘that’:

subject complement = phrase (noun, adjective, prepositional)

1) The rat(subj) is (linking verb) in (prep) the kitchen (obj). // prepositional phrase
The rat [that John saw yesterday] is in the kitchen.

1. That
2. John + saw
3. Info about noun ‘rat’ √

1) The car is worthless. // linking verb ‘is’
2) The car [that they stole] is worthless.

1) The book has been published. // present perfect
2) [The book that I wrote] has been published.

1) I like movies.
2) I like movies [that make me think].

1) People like clothes.
2) People like clothes [that make them look better].

I need something.
I need something [that works].

This is the mail [that arrived this morning].
adjective clause modifying noun ‘mail’.

These are the tasks [that must be completed today].
adjective clause modifying noun ‘tasks’.


The beggar who lied about a limp sprinted after the bus.

1. who
2. who lied
3. Tells us something about the noun ‘beggar’

She is the one [who stole my bike].
adjective clause modifying noun ‘one’.

The burglar [who robbed us] was captured this morning.
adjective clause modifying noun ‘burglar’.

There are lots of kids [who would be interested].
There’s this guy at work who eats lunch with a butter knife.

Whom – Use whom when the person is the object of the verb.

You can trust [her].
She is someone [whom you can trust].

(whom refers to the person that you can trust)

I have consulted those [managers].
The response of those managers [whom I have consulted] has been positive.

(whom refers to those managers and is the object of consulted in the relative clause)

He had loved [her].
She was a celebrated actress [whom he had loved].

(whom refers to the actress, and is the object of loved)


indicate possession by people.

He married a girl [whose family doesn’t seem to like him].
adjective clause modifying object

Shang Xian, whose love gave me life, has passed away.
adjective clause modifying subject

John works with a guy [whose name I can’t remember].
adjective clause modifying object

Shirley has a 17-year-old daughter [whose ambition is to be a clown].
adjective clause modifying object

This is the book [whose title I couldn’t remember].
adjective clause modifying object


Which vs. that
Both which and that are relative pronouns that help describe or define nouns.

While which provides an optional description, that introduces essential information that defines or identifies a person or a thing.

Electric cars that drive themselves are already here.

My trusty old hatchback[, which I bought in the ’90s, ]has finally broken down.

Munro’s stories[, which often deal with moral conflict, \resonate with readers of all generations.

She bakes cakes that are healthy[, which isn’t easy].

Nonrestrictive: This book on baking[, which was published in 1823, ] is a useful little guide for home bakers.
The which clause provides extra information.

Restrictive: The book that Maya wrote last year has just been published.

Farley’s new phone, which he bought yesterday, has stopped working.

We already know what is being referred to: Farley’s new phone. Use which instead of that to present the extra details enclosed in commas.

This alarm clock[, which I found in the attic, ]is an antique.

The pronoun which connects the relative clause to the noun it describes.

Also use which instead of that to describe an entire clause.
My parcel didn’t arrive today[, which is disappointing.]

Poco bought me chocolate, which is interesting because he knows I’m allergic to cocoa.

I love my new shoes[, which are not just stylish but also comfortable].

The latest report[, which was published last Monday, ]is now available for download.

The dodo[, which went extinct in the 1600s, ]was a flightless bird.

Fables[, which are stories with animal characters, ]are a useful way to teach children right from wrong.

The humble cactus[, which requires minimal care to grow, ]has become a popular indoor plant.

They were immediately informed about the incident[, which occurred last Friday].

Farley has lost the lottery again, which is not surprising.

Restrictive: I have a chair [that] swivels.

Nonrestrictive: This amazing chair[, which not only swivels but also tilts, ]costs just twenty dollars.

The Relative Pronoun Can Be Omitted

It is sometimes ok for the relative pronoun to be omitted.

remove [that]:
The rat John saw yesterday is in kitchen. √

The carpets [which] you bought last year have gone moldy. √
The film [which] you recommended scared the kids half to death. √

Not always though:

remove [who]:

The beggar lied about a limp sprinted after the bus. (X)

The person who speaks first will die:

The person speaks first will die. (X)

When the adjective clause starts with a relative adverb (when, where or why), the relative adverb cannot be omitted.

Relative Adverb: when, where, or why

Video 2

ref – https://www.grammar-monster.com/glossary/relative_adverbs.htm

Relative Adverb (when, where, why)

preposition and prepositional phrase video

Preposition and Preposition Objects

Adverb –

I(s) cook(v) quickly(adv).
I(s) cook(v) the beef (obj) quickly (adj).

Prepositional Phrase

The witch sits [on her broom] (prepositional phrase).

on (prep) her (modifier) broom (prep obj).


Prepositional phrases function as either:

  • adjectives modifying nouns
  • adverbs modifying verbs.

Functions as adjectives that modify nouns:

I know the policeman [with the radio]. // modifying noun at the obj

“with (prep) the (modifier) radio (prep obj)” modifies noun policeman, and functions as an adjective.

My father buys the scarf [with dots]. // modifying noun at the obj

“with (prep) dots (prep obj)” modifies noun scarf, and functions as an adjective.

The man [on the radio] has a boring voice. // modifying noun at the subj

“on (prep) the (modifier) radio (prep obj)” modifies noun “man”, and functions as its adjective.

Give me one [of the brown ones]. // modifying noun at the obj

“of(prep) [the brown] (modifier) ones (prep obj)” describes pronoun ‘one’.

Functions as Adverbs modifying verbs:

I live [near the stadium]

“near(prep) the(modifier) stadium(prep obj)” modifies verb ‘live’, and functions as as an adverb.

She speaks [with notable enthusiasm].

“with(prep) notable(modifier) enthusiasm(prep obj)” modifies verb ‘speaks’, and functions as an adverb.

Yes, the verb “eat” can function as both a transitive and an intransitive verb, depending on how it is used in a sentence.

He eats.

He eats [with enthusiasm (热情)] // prepositional phrase […] describes verb ‘eats’.

He eats beef. // beef is direct object

He eats beef [with enthusiasm (热情)] // prepositional phrase […] describes verb ‘eats’.

Dawn is tired [from the hike]. // prepositional phrase […] describes “Why” Dawn is tired.

“from(prep) the(modifier) hike(prep obj)” modifies the verb “is”. It tells us ‘why’ she “is” tired.

She kicks.

She kicks [with power]. // prepositional phrase […] describes verb ‘kicks’.

She kicks the ball (direct obj) [with power]. // prepositional phrase […] describes verb ‘kicks’. ‘The ball’ is a direct object.

She took notes (obj) [during the lecture]. // prepositional phrase […] describes verb ‘took’.

Other prepositions

at – location
I cook [at(prep) home(pre obj)].
I eat at(prep) home(pre obj).
Let’s meet at(prep) Manners(pre obj).

at – direction
I look at(prep) you(prep obj).
I smile at(prep) Sara(prep obj).
The flashlight shines at(prep) us(prep obj).

at – time
I will meet you at(prep) midnight(prep obj).
Let’s meet up at(prep) Terry’s(prep obj).
Rebecca will meet us at(prep) 8pm sharp(prep obj).

I speak [with] anger.
I play [with] Rover.
I watch [with] awe.

in – The way something is done.

I ponder [in] silence.
I stare [in] awe.
They rejoice [in] victory.

in – inside a space

I live [in] a cave.
Let’s look [in] the box.
The birds fly [in] the sky.

in – a specific point in time

We visit [in] the summer.
I’ll see you [in] five days.
Let’s start [in] a few moments.

Don’t treat a prepositional phrase as subject

A box of knives were found at the scene.

A box “is” found. (not were)

A combination of factors were the cause of the crash.

A combination “was” the cause. (not were)

The noun in a prepositional phrase influences the verb

subj – Most of my friends
aux verb – have
main verb – left // used in passive constructions

(The noun in the prepositional phrase (“friends”) is plural. Therefore, “most” is treated as plural.)

More than half of the people [are] idiots. √
(“Half” is plural because “people” is plural.)

Half of the world [knows] nothing. √
(“Half” is singular because “world” is singular.)

All politicians [give] hope. √

Over eighty percent of the human race [wants] love. √
(“Eighty percent” is singular because “human race” is singular.)

IELTS speaking questions

P1 – challenge

What subject do you think is the most challenging at school?

I think foreign language is the most challenging subject at school. The main reason is due to a lack of immersive practice. There is only one teacher that can help you, and you are at the mercy of her availability. Furthermore, a foreign language has rules, structure, and grammar that needs a lot of practice to get down. You have very few, if any, people in the vicinity to practice with you. A great example would be English in China. Every elementary student has to learn English, but they have no native friends to practice with. With no environment, there is no immersion. And that is why foreign language is the most challenging subject in school.

Do you like to challenge yourself?

I love to challenge myself. Challenging oneself creates growth and in order to get better, we must find our weak spots. And the best way to do that is to seek out challenges. We find competition in order to expose our weakness and what we’re not good at, then work hard to fix it. And with every hole we patch, with every problem we fix, we improve into a better version of ourselves. And that is the epitome of what every successful person should do.

Do you like to live a life that has a lot of challenges?

A life without challenges would be very boring. Every accomplishment feels better if we work for it. Whenever we take on a challenge and succeeds, the rewards taste a bit sweeter. This is because we spend time, energy, and sweat to become better at it, and when we reach our goals and put our hands on the reward, the dopamine hit feels like heaven. However, I think everything should be balanced. I wouldn’t want to be a helpless child in a war zone being bombed day in and day out with no clean water, food, nor shelter. I would hate to see my parents work hard for basic necessities and having to claw their way through life. Living a life in a war zone is sad and a tragedy so I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

Do you like eating chocolate? Why or why not? How often do you eat chocolate?

I love chocolates because its cocoa beans smell amazing. It is aromatic, and the bitterness from chocolates goes perfectly with any sweetener. I eat chocolate every now and then because it is a delight to my tastebuds. However, I’d rather reserve my stomach for more beneficial foods like vegetables and fruits.

Describe a kind of foreign food you have had

    You should say:

  • When you had it
  • Where you ate it
  • What it was
  • And explain how you felt about it

When I was 19, I tried Indian food for the first time. I was visiting my friend in Berkeley, CA, and we had just arrived in Berkeley after a tumultuous six hour drive. I was starving and tired, so I picked up my buddy and we went to a local Indian diner. We had Butter Chicken, Rogan Josh which is lamb curry, garlic nan, and white Basmati Rice. It was simply delicious. The richness of the curry complemented the tender meat perfectly. The blend of spice was aromatic, and I would scoop up the curry morsels with my nan. The juices from the curry was made for the rice and it danced in perfect sync with my taste buds. I felt great about trying Indian food because it gave me a whole new perspective to food. I didn’t know such delicious cuisine could created from spices and yogurt, and I was more open to trying other cuisine in the future. Ever since then, curry became part of my diet.

Is there a relationship between food and health?