Object Complements

ref – https://www.superenglishgrammar.com/2024/05/object-complement.html

List of verbs that take object complements:

‘Is’ test

He paints the wall green. wall ‘is’ green
We found the house empty. house ‘is’ empty
We consider the matter very important. matter ‘is’ important
I find the dish repulsive. dish ‘is’ repulsive
That case made the lawyer famous. lawyer ‘is’ famous
We name our daughter Lexus. daughter ‘is’ Lexus
The Americans elect Trump president. Trump ‘is’ president
The boss declares the store bankrupt.
The boulder knocks the man unconscious.
I got him angry. he ‘is’ angry.
He considers me a fool. I ‘am’ a fool.

He painted the wall green.

We found the house empty.

We consider the matter very important

find – I find the dish repulsive

make – That case made the lawyer famous.

name – We name our daughter Benz.

consider – I consider you a failure.

color – We paint the house blue.

elect – The americans elect Trump president.

declare – The boss declares the store bankrupt.

knock – The boulder knocks the man unconscious.

shoot – We shoot the ball far.

get – I got him angry.

consider – We consider this matter very important.

Nouns as Object Complements

They elected John leader. (“leader” = noun object complement; “John” = direct object)
I named the dog cracker. (“cracker” = noun object complement; “the dog” = direct object)
He considers me a fool. (“a fool” = noun object complement; “me” = direct object)

Noun Phrases as Object Complements

He made me a better person. (“a better person” = noun phrase as object complement; “me” = direct object)

The students elected John class leader. (“class leader” = noun phrase as object complement; “John” = direct object)

The workers consider Smith their true representative. (“their true representative” = noun phrase as object complement; “Smith” = direct object)

Adjectives as Object Complements

An adjective object complement describes the direct object, providing additional information about its qualities or state.

The judges found her innocent. (“innocent” = adjective as object complement; “her” = direct object)

I’ll paint my office green. (“green” = adjective as object complement; “my office” = direct object)

The company found him able. (“able” = adjective as object complement; “him” = direct object)

Adjective Phrases as Object Complements

Adjective phrases, a group of words whose head word is an adjective, can function as an object complement.

The company found her worthy of the position. (“worthy of the position” = adjective phrase as object complement; “her” = direct object)

b. The judges declared him guilty of the crime. (“guilty of the crime” = adjective phrase as object complement; “him” = direct object)

c. They painted their house light blue. (“light blue” = adjective phrase as object complement; “their house” = direct object)

Relative Clause as object complement:

A relative clause, a group of words containing a subject and predicate and describing and giving more information about a noun or pronoun, can also be used as an object complement.

For examples:

Hard work made me what I am today. (“what I am today” = relative clause as object complement; “me” direct object)

I like the room that’s painted blue. (“that’s painted blue” = relative clause as object complement; “the room” = direct object)

I can’t tell the person who doesn’t listen to me. (“who doesn’t listen to me” = relative clause as object complement; “the person” = direct object)

Gerund Phrase as Object Complement

A gerund or gerund phrase, verb+ing, can also act as an object complement and give us more information about an object in a sentence.

For examples:

She found him stealing the money. (“stealing the money” = gerund phrase as object complement; “him” = direct object)

I found her sleeping in the office. (“sleeping in the office” = gerund phrase as object complement; “her” = direct object)

They caught him helping the criminal. (“helping the criminal” = gerund phrase as object complement; “him” = direct object)

Infinitive Phrase as Object Complement

An infinitive phrase, a group of words whose head word is an infinitive, can function as an object complement and give us more information about an object within a sentence.

For examples:

He wants me to be his spoken English tutor. (“to be his spoken English tutor” = infinitive as object complement; “me” = direct object)

I want you to be my spiritual guru. (“to be my spiritual guru” = infinitive as object complement; “you” = direct object)

I encourage you to be an online tutor. (“to be an online tutor” = infinitive as object complement; “you” = direct object)

Prepositional Phrase as Object Complement

She considers the project in its final stages.
We found the book on the shelf.
They named the team after their hometown.
The committee elected him as their spokesperson.
I always want my coffee with a dash of cinnamon.
The teacher left the students in a state of confusion.
The artist painted the wall with vivid colors.
The coach deemed the players ineligible for the tournament.

Participial Phrases as Object Complements

A participial phrase, a group of words usually ending in:

  • -ing [present participle]
  • -ed [past participle]

can also do the task of an object complement and give us more information about an object in the sentence.

For examples:

I saw the cat bleeding. (“bleeding” present participle as object complement; “the cat” = direct object)

I like the argument presented. (“presented” = past participle as object complement; “the argument” = direct object)

I take the medicine prescribed. (“prescribed” = past participle as object complement; “the medicine” = direct object)

Comparing Object Complements with Other Elements

1. Object Complement vs Direct Object:

  • An object complement identifies or describes a direct object:
    subj – transitive verb – direct object <-- [object complement]
  • A direct object receives the action performed by the subject of a sentence.
    subj – transitive verb – direct object

Compare the object complement with the direct object below:

Example of Object Complement:

He painted his office yellow. (“yellow” = object complement which describes the direct object “his office”)

Example of Direct Object:

I have eaten the apple. (“the apple” = direct object which receives the action of “eating” performed by the subject “I”)

2. Object Complement vs Subject Complement:

An object complement is used after a direct object, and it gives us more information about the direct object

a subject complement is used after a linking verb, and it gives us more information about the subject of the sentence.

Example of Object Complement:

We found him innocent. (“innocent” = object complement used after the direct object “him”)

Example of Subject Complement:

John is innocent. (“innocent” subject complement used after the linking verb “is”)

3. Adjectives Modifying Nouns vs Adjective Object Complements:

Adjectives modifying nouns are different from the adjectives that are used as object complements. Adjectives modifying nouns are generally used before the words they modify,

Adjectives used as object complements are the adjectives that are used after direct objects.

(Note that the adjectives are in bold and the modified words are italicized in the following examples.)

Example of Adjective Modifying Noun:

My new bike is very fast. (“new” = adjective modifying the noun used before the noun it modifies: “bike”)

Example of Adjective Used as Object Complement:

They painted the bike blue. (“blue” = object complement used after the direct object it modifies: “the bike”)

4. Object Complements vs Adverbs:

An object complement completes the direct object,
whereas an adverb modifies a verb, adjective or another adverb.

Example of Object Complement:

I called the man a fool. (“a fool” = object complement completing the direct object “the man”)

Example of Adverb:

I called the man yesterday. (“yesterday” = adverb modifying the verb “called”)

Practice Correction on sample essay

my correction
My comments

Some people regard increasing business and cultural contact between countries as a positive development. Others, however, feel that this will lead to the loss of national identities.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Your introduction:

Most recently, whether increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development stimulates wider discussion. Some people consider it as a beneficial trend, while others believe that this will lead to the loss of national identities. Let’s delve into both perspectives before giving my opinion.


After a dependent clause ‘Most recently’, we should not start an independent clause with the subjugate ‘whether’. Find the proper subject instead.

Increased business and cultural contact between countries have caused widespread debate. One group considers it to be a mutually beneficial trend, while an opposing group believes that it will lead to a loss of national identity.


Don’t say ‘before giving my opinion’. Just list write out your opinion.

比如: This essay delve into both perspectives and argue that traveling is not only beneficial, but educational as well.

Body 1

Remember that the prompt wants you to [Discuss both views]. So I see here that you are discussing ‘increasing business and cultural contact’ here.

You have a good mini-thesis but it’s a run on sentence.

Your body 1:
The primary purpose of boosting business and cultural contact between countries is to promote the economic development and let people enjoy all kinds of culture form different countries over the long haul,which can improve people’s happiness. In addition, by increasing business and cultural contact can produce more job opportunities, such as translators, workers, which reduce extremely great job pressure in our society. Many people have more chances to go abroad to broaden their horizons and acquire more knowledge about this world. Most importantly, students who want to go abroad for further education can have more chances to be admitted by their ideal university, which help them have a better life in the future.

The primary purpose of (boosting/encouraging/increasing) business and cultural contact between countries is to promote economic development and let the citizens enjoy the others’ culture. Over the long haul, this improves happiness.

Be care of run on sentences. Also, you need to define ‘workers’ because its very broad. For example, translators is good! It’s very specific.

In addition, by increasing business and cultural contact, the respective countries will create more job opportunities such as translators, laborers, and corporate talents. This economic exchange will greatly reduce job pressure for the people.

People will have more opportunities to travel abroad, which gives them a worldly education and as a result, broadens their horizons.

Most importantly, there may be students in the host country who are tired of being stuck in a hypercompetitive academic environment. By investing in exchange with a partner country, those students can enjoy more scholastic choices offered by the partnership.

Body 2

Remember that the prompt wants you to [Discuss both views]. So I see here that you are discussing why we SHOULD NOT have an exchange.

You body 2:
On the other hand, a quantity of people think that this will lead to the loss of national identities.They think that after most people eat the same food as the other countries and wear the similar clothes for a long period,they will think all of people form the world are friends and have no ethnic discrimination.By exposing the culture from other countries or being sent to the overseas to get education when people were young,they will have different ways to consider their life styles and study habits,and then learn form each other.

I’m not following your logic. You’re saying:

1) After people eat the same food and wear same clothes as citizens from other countries..
2) Think that people all over the world are friends
3) This world has no ethnic discrimination
4) “they will have different ways to consider their life styles and study habits,and then learn form each other.”

Then? How does it discuss why WE SHOULD NOT have the exchange?

Where’s your opinion!? Do you want more exchange? or less exchange? why?

In conclusion,I believe that increasing business and cultural contacts between countries has many benefits ,which not only improve individual development and happiness ,but also solve a variety of problems in society.


Task Response – 4
One part of the prompt is addressed (should exchange).
But the other side (should NOT exchange) is not clear.
Did not give personal opinion (body) either. It is stated in the conclusion, but I need to see the body about it.

Coherence – 5.5
Writer has stated some good points on why we should exchange. But the part about “loss of national identities” is not clear. I don’t follow at all.

Lexical Resource – 5.5
long hual

GRA – 5

Lots of run on simple sentences.
Mostly continuous tense, and present simple.
Wrong usage: a quantity of people, all of people

4, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5 = overall 5

Phrases to use

  • The company would cease operations.
  • Her actions has been exceedingly cruel.
  • The announcement was the dire culmination of a personal crisis.
  • The dark skies ominously foreshadowed his fate on a social media account, expressing his somber farewell.
  • epilogue – a section or speech at the end of a book or play that serves as a comment on or a conclusion to what has happened.

  • This tragic epilogue was the abrupt end to a tragic whirlwind saga that started less than a year earlier.

Sample part 2 essay – students learn a foreign language

Rewrite – 40 minutes (part 2)

Some people think that [all school students should learn a foreign language]. Others [think that a student should not be required to learn a foreign language if he or she does not have talent for it].

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Nowadays most school students are required to learn at least one foreign language as part of their studies.


A lot of people support this practice, while others hold the view that a student should not be required to learn a foreign language if he or she does not have talent in it.

[side a – why we should learn a foreign language!]

It is understandable that so many parents and teachers think that a student should learn a foreign language. They believe that in this increasingly globalized world, foreign language skills are indeed important if a student is to become a knowledgeable and socially-respected person. In addition to that, mastering a foreign language will give a student a distinct advantage over others who are monolingual, enabling him or her to have more choices and opportunities later in life, especially in terms of college educationa dn employment.

[side b – should not be required]

However, people who think a student should not be required to learn a foreign language do have a point. They argue that students should be given the right to make their own decisions on this issue based on their own interests, talents and life goals. They also claim that knowledge of a foreign language is not absolutely essential for a student’s future success, career-related or otherwise, and that it therefore should not be compulsory for a student to learn a foreign language at school if he or she has no interest or talent in it.

[give your own opinion]

Personally, I tend to side with the view that a student should be given the right to decide whether or not to learn a foreign language. I do think a student should be forced to study a second language when he or she has absolutely no talent or interest in it. At the end of the day, without foreign language skills, a student can still become a well-balanced, intelligent and successful person. In shortr, foreign language skills are indeepd important, but they are in no way essential. I think foreign languages courses should be listed as optional at school. For students who choose not to study any foreign language at school, they can always start learning one later in their life when they genuinely feel they want or need to.

IELTS writing (Part 1) tips

Task 1:
The bar chart shows the amount of foreign direct investment in India and China from 2014 and 2019.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Cut it into small pieces. Divide and Conquer. Describe accurately.

Introduction – Paraphrase the problem

The bar chart shows the amount of foreign direct investment in India and China from 2014 and 2019.

The bar chart shows = The chart illustrates

the amount of foreign direct investment =
the level of outside investment in the economies

in India and China from 2014 and 2019. = of India and China between 2014 and 2019.

The chart illustrates the level of outside investment in the economies of India and China between 2014 and 2019.

Overview – “Overall, [ruler method –> trend 1, trend 2]”

Ruler Method – put a ruler and try to match as many of the graphs as you can. That is general, overall trend.

Key – Look for 2 to 3 most obvious main features.


Obvious trend 1 from Ruler Method:
trend 1 – expenditure in China declined steadily throughout the period but fluctuated in India.

Obvious thing 2 from Ruler Method:
trend 2 – Despite this, the total amount of money that flowed into China was higher than in India.

Overall, expenditure in China declined steadily throughout the period but fluctuated in India. Despite this, the total amount of money that flowed into China was higher than in India.

Details Paragraph

A – China

The Chinese economy received just under eight billion in 2014, which fell to around sixty billion in 2015 and 2016.

After a slight decrease in 2017, there was a massive resurgence to a high point of more than $100 billion in 2018 before receding to just over $40 billion in 2019.

B – India

In 2014, foreign outlays into India’s economy reached more than twenty billion, then rose significantly to approximately sixty billion in 2015 and 2016 before falling back to 2014 levels in 2017.

In 2018, there was another dramatic increase to just below sixty billion, before returning to around twenty billion in 2019.

Last paragraph – compare more specific data

2015 was the only year India’s investment exceeded that of China’s, with values slightly over sixty billion and values slight below sixty billion, respectively.

Use vocabulary to describe Data

resurge (resurgence)
rose significantly
reached more
increased dramatically
slightly over

IELTS writing (Part 2) tips

Part 2 Writing Tips

40 minutes

More and more people people are shifting to a plant-based diet.

Why is this case?

Do you think is a positive or negative development?

Make sure you answer the prompt and address it!

Must address both questions

If given a present continuous verb in the statement..

Laser pinpoint the question.

For example, the question is not asking why people do not eat meat.

The question is asking why people “MOVE” from meat to plant based diet.
Another point is “Why now”?


Paraphrase the topic: More and more people people are shifting to a plant-based diet:

“Many cultures have followed a meat-based diet, but an increasing number of people are now replacing meat products in their diet with plant based foods.”

What will it do?

“This essay will examine the key drivers of this trend and argue that is it mostly a positive development.”

So we will examine the key drivers (why is this case?) in the body paragraphs.

Notice how it answers the question Do you think is a positive or negative development?

Task Response

A clear position is presented which directly answers the questions. The thesis statement must show that the candidate is going to answer BOTH questions and that they have a clear position.

Body Paragraph 1

Make sure your body paragraphs are:

  • Ideas are relevant
  • Fully extended
  • Well Supported

Mini-thesis answers the first question (We need to answer “Why is this the case?”):

The most common reasons for becoming a vegan seem to be based on ethical or environmental concerns.

and provides two clear reasons:

reason 1 – ethical/environment concerns
extension – practices involved in large-scale meat and dairy farming.
examples – inhumane conditions in which some animals are raised and killed.

reason 2 – livestock farming’s contribution to deforestation.
extension – compared to that of growing plant crops
examples – deforestation

Explains “why” the trend is happening NOW.
–> “By using in recent years”, and giving reasons that is related to today.

It answer all questions of “why”?

Use a range of grammatical structure

Body 2

Mini-thesis answers second question.

Positive and negative consequences.

Task Response – The prompt is addressed and explored in depth.
The candidate acknowledges that some aspects of more people adopting a plant-based diet may
not be as positive as others.

This shows a greater depth of exploration of the topic than stating it is wholly positive or negative.

Cohesion attracts lots of attention

Subordinate conjunctions

Firstly, for example, therefore, Secondly, as a result, however, thus.


Writing Task – Children spend hours everyday on their smartphones (v1)

  • Task 2
  • ~ 250 words

Some children spend hours every day on their smartphones. Why is this the case? Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

– entertainment
– no parental guidance

thesis – Children spend too much time on their smartphones because it gives them cheap entertainment, and as a result leads to damages their eyes, stunts their growth, and takes precious time away from human interaction.


Since the early 2000s, smartphones have taken over the world. From students to professionals, smartphones have become everyone’s preferred tool of communication. Unfortunately, its long cables of influence have taken its toll on our most vunerable demographic: children. Children spend too much time on their smartphones because it offers them cheap entertainment admist non existant parents. This is a terrible phenomenon because it damages their eye sight, stunts their growth, and takes precious time away from human interaction.

Body 1

mini-thesis 1 – It is no secret that electronic screens can damage the human eye, especially children’s.

It is no secret that it takes both parents to make a livable salary now. As a result, the term latchkey kids is used to describe children who take the house keys to school so they can let themselves in when they return home. Both parents are working so the children must raise themselves.

As young children, they have no discipline, nor control over their impulses. Various games and cartoons are easily accessible from mobile phones. These latchkey kids would naturally glue their faces to smartphones. Electronic screens can damage the human eye, especially children’s. The white blare of the screen radiates against their tender eyes. Its white heat burns their retina, and after a while, their faces would scrunch together in order to lubricate their damaged eyelids. This is why optometrists would always encourage their young patients to put some distance between themselves and the screen, take more breaks, and always go outside to recalibrate their vision with the real world.

Body 2

mini-thesis 2 – Prolonged time in front of the screen ruins a child’s feeding and sleeping time.

Online games and cartoons are addictive and children often ignore their physical needs in order to keep watching. Growing Children need to eat on schedule and addictive entertainment can lead them astray. Instead of eating three to four meals a day, they would often eat too late or even skip meals in order to stay online. This is detrimental to their nutritional needs and therefore, their health. Even worse, children will play on smartphones late into the night. This is one of the worse problems to a child’s growth because it ruins their Circadian Rhythms.

Body 3

mini-thesis 3 – smartphones will steal the child’s life away.

Last but not least, smartphones will steal the child’s life away. With its addictive chat apps, games, and cartoons, technology today easily wipes away the child’s precious moments with the real world. A child needs positive human interaction to strive and learn. But if these important interactions are not given, the smartphone will create artificial memories with the child, rather than meaningful memories with humans. This will damage the child’s psyche after they mature and will create bad habits later on.


Smartphones and technology have been a detriment to our future generation. Smartphones damages their eyes, creates unhealthy living habits, and removes our children from the natural world. If this is a precursor to how our future generation will be raised, then we are in a world of trouble for what’s to come. Because happy adults who contribute to society are raised with lots of communication with their peers, family, and the natural world. And those who are raised without it, fare much worse.

IELTS reading tips

  • It may be possible that the farm’s produce will account for as much as 10% = In the urban environment you’re working with very significant practical constraints, clearly, on what you can do and where. But if enough unused space can be developed like this, there’s no reason why….

    account for as much as 10% of = there’s no reason why you shouldn’t eventually target maybe between 5% and 10% of consumption.

    city’s = In the urban environment

  • When the remaining two thirds of the vast open area are in production, 20 staff will harvest up to 1000 kg of fruits, everyday.

    There will eventually be a daily harvest = When the remaining two thirds of the vast open area are in production
    of as much as 1000 kg in weight of fruit and vegetables = 20 staff will harvest up to 1000 kg of fruits.

  • From identical vertical tubes nearby burst row upon row of lettuces; near those are aromatic herbs, such as basil, sage and peppermint.

    Vertical tubes = From identical vertical tubes
    are used to grow lettuce = burst row upon row of lettuces
    and herbs = near those are aromatic herbs, such as basil, sage and peppermint.

  • An unmodified Doble Model E runs clean enough to pass the emissions laws in California today, and they are pretty strict.

    1) emissions laws
    2) strict emissions laws

  • As the new Doble steamer was further developed and tested, its maximum speed was pushed to over a hundred miles per hour, and it achieved about fifteen miles per gallon of kerosene with negligible emissions.

    1) A later version of the Model E = As the new Doble steamer was further developed and tested
    2) raised its speed = its maximum speed was pushed to over a hundred mph
    3) keeping its emissions extremely low = it achieved about 14 miles/gallon with negligible emissions

Mock IELTS verbal

Mock Test by Jet and Nick

Part 1

* to fix: Talk more about yourself in part 1

Where do you live?

How long have you lived there?

Which part of America?

Ohhh, interesting.

Has much has your hometown changed since you’ve been there?

Where do you plan to live in the future?

Is your city friendly for children and elders (elderly people)?

Do you often see your neighbors?

One neighbor?

Are they friendly people?

Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument

What instrument do you enjoy listening to the most?

Do you think children should learn to play an instrument?

How important is music as an actual subject?

Part 2

what films do you feel strongly about?

How often do you go to the cinema?

Do you think going to the movies is better with a friend?

Is going to the cinema still popular?

The popularity of going to the cinema has decreased compared to twenty years ago, primarily due to advancements in technology. Nowadays, individuals have the convenience of watching their favorite movies in the comfort of their own homes.

Streaming applications discreetly gather user preferences to tailor future content recommendations. Consequently, video content is now more aligned with the preferences of the viewers.

On the contrary, the film industry predominantely releases movies, but has no way to push these movies towards targeted audiences. This results in a mix of successful and unsuccessful productions. The cinema’s only advantage is that it has control over when its movies can be distributed to streaming services. A newly released movie is only available in theaters until its revenue stream from theatrical screenings has concluded.

What do you see in the future of cinema

The future of cinema depends on blockbusters because today’s society relies on streaming apps to watch their favorite movies. To ensure a steady flow of revenue, the movie industry must implement effective promotions for the latest movies. Eye-catching advertisements and gripping trailers generate excitement, anticipation, and a reluctance to wait for the film to be available on a streaming app.

How would you define a blockster?

A blockbuster is characterized by three factors: a substantial budget, a cast of renowned actors, or being an adaptation of a popular book.

Money enhances the superficial glamour of the movies by facilitating the creation of promotional materials like billboards and trailers, which serve to generate interest among the general public.

Audiences tend to gravitate towards their preferred actors and actresses. Analogous to guiding sheep across a meadow, movie stars attract a significant number of followers and supporters to the films in which they appear. This phenomenon entices viewers who may not have otherwise chosen to watch the movie.

Well-written novels and books are often utilized as inherent material for potential blockbuster films. This stems from the pre-existing loyal readership of the book. Leveraging this dedicated fan base for a cinematic adaptation typically leads to a successful blockbuster movie.

Do you think people can learn cultures through movies?

It is not reasonable to learn about other cultures by watching movies because movies do not reflect reality. The portrayal of a film is influenced by its commercial interests.

For instance, in The Last of the Samurai, the film effectively depicts The Edo Period during Feudal Japan. The purpose of the movie was to take the audience on an adventure, and it succeeds. The filmmakers aimed to provide their Western audiences with a sense of awe in order to immerse them in the experience of living during that time period. It portrayed the the Japanese People in an objective and realistic manner. This objective depiction is something the audience can appreciate.

On the other hand, there are numerous comedies and chick flicks that aim to attract audiences by exploiting other cultures. These movies often feature outlandish plots and rely on crude humor. They frequently depict other cultures in a negative manner through unfair caricatures. As a consequence, this practice has been harmful on the people belonging to the culture being misrepresented.

Until death do us part

Until death do us part

Qu Yuan (Qu1 Yuan3) (Ancient state of Chu)

He was the number one advisor of the Kingdom of Chu.

He dedicated his whole life to assisting the king to build the State of Chu stronger.

dedicate (verb) – devote time or effort to a particular task or purpose.
dedication (noun) – the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose.

(one of the seven warring states: Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei, and Qin)

He advised the King to ally with the State of Qi to fight against the most powerful State of Qin. However, he was slandered by jealous officials and accused of treason, and the King dismissed and exiled him.

slander [诋毁 di2 hui3] (v) – make false and damaging statements about (someone)

The king decided to ally with the increasingly powerful state of Qin, Qu was banished for opposing the alliance and even accused of treason

During his exile, Qu Yuan wrote a great deal of enduring poems showing his love and passion for his country, some of which are still very famous in China.

In 278 BC, the Qin State conquered the capital of Chu. On hearing of the defeat, on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, Qu Yuan in great despair committed suicide by drowning himself in the Miluo River (a branch of Yangtze River) as a gesture of dying along with his motherland.

The rest is legend… When they heard of Qu Yuan’s death, the local people were very sad, and rowed out on the river to search for his body, but were unable to find him. To preserve his body, the locals paddled their boats up and down the river, hitting the water with their paddles and beating drums to scare evil spirits away. They threw lumps of rice into the river to feed the fish, so that they would not eat Qu Yuan’s body.

The sentence itself is a subordinate clauses (also known as dependent clause).

Until – subordinate conjunction
death (subject) do (transitive verb) us (direct object) part (noun, object complement)

The phrase itself means lifelong commitment or dedication.

It is used usually between romantic partners in the Middle Ages. Christians believe that marriage is considered the ideal purpose of God, and that at the heart of God’s design for marriage is companionship and intimacy.

commit (verb) – pledge or bind (a person or an organization) to a certain course/situation.
commitment (noun) – to commit

Difference between commit and dedicate?

Being dedicated to something implies a certain level of passion and enthusiasm (热情 re qing), while being committed implies a sense of duty (责任感) and responsibility.

stoic (adj) 坚忍的 jian ren de – not showing or not feeling any emotion

But why? Fruit of our loins; Offspring

matrimony (婚姻 hun ying) – the state or ceremony of being married; marriage
holy – divine 神圣的 (shen sheng de)

Holy Matrimony (神圣的婚姻) – marriage blessed by divine being.

In the old Christian times when “until death do us part” is used, divorce isn’t approved or recognized.

Death is the only option for getting out of the marital contract.

But not everyone takes it literally.

Most people like the passionate, romantic feeling it promotes because it shows their undying love for their partner.

Marriage was binding women to men, and guaranteeing that his children were his biological heirs.

If wives fail to produce offsprings, the husband would give the wife back and marry someone else.

Business – produce heirs to pass down property and money

People create stronger families and ties by marriage. It has never been about love.

Stronger families protect resources, money, and create power.

Normally, a lot of people want to pass down their hard work and accomplishments. They do this by passing their money, property, and land onto their offspring.

As role models for successful child-raising

The couple is the pillar of a family.

pillar (n) – a tall vertical structure of stone, wood, or metal, used as a support for a building, or as an ornament or monument.

They split tasks – wife keeps home, husband works to own home.

They are the temple in which their offspring can safely grow and flourish.

For most inmates and criminals, there is a direct correlation between child neglect/abuse and crime.

“Get better grades” do not work

When a couple stays together, work through their problems, and positively interact with their kids, it has been shown that the kids become exponentially better. They learn from role models much much better than said parent telling them over and over to “get better grades”.

Hold death close, for it tells us what’s important and what’s not

Let’s say you die in three days? What will you do in those three days?

If you were to die, who would you say goodbye to? Who would you thank? Who would you see?

Waking up tomorrow – The million dollar question

1) If I gave you a million dollars how would you feel? How would you feel this week? this month? this year?

2) If i gave the million dollars but you can’t wake up tomorrow?

People will say no way!! –> We value our life more than the million dollars

3) Therefore, if we value our life more than the money, and we’re so hyped up about the money, then why aren’t we hyped up when we wake up everyday?

Families are the basic building blocks of a country