
Capitalize the first letter of first word only, and proper nouns (names of people, places, or things).

For example:

I (first letter of first word) bought a Tesla (the car has a name, so we must capitalize it) for Owen (person has a name, so we must capitalize).

(first letter of first word) Let’s visit Shenzhen Talent Park.

Shenzhen Talent Park is the name of a park in Shenzhen. We must capitalize.

Surely, It is late

Surely, it is late.

Surely, we will be happy.

Surely, he is tall.

Remember to use an for words that start with a vowel:

There’s an automatic toy.

If you need to use ‘many’, add ‘s’ behind the nouns.

There are many automatic things.


Red brings food to visit her grandmother

You can’t say you bring food [to visit]. The food is NOT for the verb visit.
The food is FOR her grandmother.

Red brings food to her grandmother.
Red brings food and visits her grandmother.

A hungry wolf comes.


A hungry wolf arrives
A starving wolf arrives ominously.

His saliva is a long river. haha is ok

He decides to wait at her grandmother’s house.

Remember to describe. Answer why. Stretch situation out into small details, and use conjunctions to connect them.

He (subj) decides (verb) [to set] a trap for Red

to set is an infinitive that turns ‘to set’ into a noun.
“a trap for Red” is a object complement.

conjunction ‘and’
[He] waits at her grandmother’s house.

Since we use and, we can carry over the subject.

He decides to set a trap for Red and waits at her grandmother’s house.

He arrives

Try to use more adverbs to describe your verbs.

He meticulously arrives

He sees an old woman lying on the bed. Good!

He eats the “appetizer”.

Let’s describe more and try to connect it.

The wolf sees the old woman as an appetizer.
The wolf devours her in one gulp
use ‘and’ conjunction.

The wolf sees the old woman as an appetizer, and devours her in one gulp.

When Red arrives, she sees her “grandmother” lying on the bed.

Let’s try to be more descriptive. Don’t use quotes to have the audience guess what you are meaning.

When Red arrives, she sees a big hulking figure lying on the bed.

It does not look like her grandmother at all!

It is the wolf actually.

Let’s not use actually. That word is used too much among Chinese students.

In fact, is it the wolf in disguise.

The wolf eats his “main course”

Jump, spring, hop, leap…各种各样的jump synonym 都可以用。

He leaps into the air.
In a gruesome scene, Red becomes his main course.


He leaps into the air, and in a gruesome scene, Red becomes his main course.

Vocab by Mark-11-18

He contempts the work.

Contempt is a noun. We can say {show a contempt for sth.}

He shows contempt for the work.

I jump on the table.


They despise to eat hamburger.

despise 套现/很不喜欢 (动词)

They despise hamburgers.

I run around in my house.


A dog barks at me.


We cook some cookies.

We always say {make some cookies}.

We make some cookies.

A chicken runs to farmer.
{Farmer} is a countable noun. You should say {a/the farmer}.

A chicken runs to a farmer.

We admire cars.

She cherish her cat.

{She} is the third person singular, so please add {-es}.

She cherishes her cat.

We jog to our home.


Vocab by Owen-11-18


It means to make a loud sharp sound.

The parrot squawked and flew away.

eventually (adv)最后
Eventually, he win the race.
Eventuall, I go A in my test
Eventuall, I go to sleep.

Pay attention to your spelling. E-V-E-N-T-U-A-L-L-Y.
He is the third person singular, so please add an s.
And you’d better use past tense here. He won the race.

eventually (adv)最后
Eventually, he won the race.
Eventually, I got an A in my test.
Eventually, I went to sleep.

I trembled.
After the cold wind blow him, he trembled.
The cold weather make my trembled.

Past tense!

I trembled.
When he felt the cold wind, he trembled.
The cold weather made me tremble.

Make him a quartermaster.


I like apples because they are delicious.

sentence 1: I (subj) like (action verb) apples (object: plural noun).

Conjunction: because

sentence 2: They (subj) are (linking verb) delicious (adjective).


subj-verb agreement rules:

1) She like(s) apples.
2) [She and her dad] like (no s) apples.
3) We like (no s) apples.
4) They are (plural) delicious.

Vocab by owen-11-08

I drew picture.
I played video games.
I had played video games before I drawn picture.

Please add an article before a singular countable noun.
The article refers to a or an or the.
You should say ‘I drew a picture’ here.
Also pay attention:
Past tense form of the word ‘draw’ is ‘drew‘.
Past participle form of ‘draw’ is ‘written‘.
Please review the past tense and past participle of irregular verbs.

I drew a picture.
I played video games.
I had played video games before I drew a picture.

I played basketball.
I did test.
I had played basketball before I done test.

You should say ‘I took a test.’ here.
We ‘do’ homework. We ‘take’ tests.

Past tense form of the word ‘take’ is ‘took’.
Past participle form of ‘take’ is ‘taken‘.

I played basketball.
I took a test.
I had played basketball before I took a test.

I blew ballon.
I broke ballon.
I had broke ballon after I blown balloon.

Pay attention to the spelling. Balloon!
Use ‘popped’ a balloon. We can’t break balloons, we can only pop them.

I blew a balloon.
I popped a balloon.
I had popped a balloon before I blew it.

Vocab by owen-11-03

Latitude is uncountable.
Everywhere can’t be a subject. It is often used as an object or an adverb.
Air is everywhere.
I can feel the kindness everywhere.

latitude (n) 纬度
Our house’s latitude is high.
Latitude is about geography.
Everything has its own latitude. Subj+verb(action)+object

commanded (v) 命令
I commanded you to eat.



noble (adj) 崇高的
I am noble. Subject+verb(linking)+adverb
They are noble. Subject+verb(linking)+adverb
The food is for noble people.

Noble is an adjective!

noble (adj) 崇高的
I am noble. Subject+verb(linking)+adject
They are noble. Subject+verb(linking)+adject
The food is for noble people. Subject+verb(linking)+adverb

devoured (v) 吞噬
The wate devoured the boat. Subj+verb(linking)+obj.

Be careful about your spelling. Water!

devour (v) 吞噬
The water devoured the boat. Subj+verb(linking)+obj.


The enmy is scoundrels. Subj+verb(linking)+noun
They are scoundrels. Subj+verb(linking)+noun

Watch spelling.
Scoundrel is countable, use a/an/the.

The enemy is a scoundrel. Subj+verb(linking)+noun
They are scoundrels. Subj+verb(linking)+noun