Mark -12-08-2023-11:38

I throw a apple at him.

apple 以元音音素开头的可数名词,前面要用an

I throw an apple at him.

We buy a lot of supply.

supply作为不可数名词指the act of supplying sth
在你的句子中supply是表达the things such as food, medicines, fuel, etc. that are needed by a group of people, for example an army or expedition,是他的可数名词用法

We buy a lot of supplies.

She sees her’s cat at school.

her’s 明显错误,her就是所有格

She sees her cat at school.

They had a good news.

news-uncountable noun

They had good news.

He attends my birthday party.


My cat jumps on my sofa.


He ates lot but he did’t get fat.

eat:过去式 ate
单三 eats
a lot 固定词组作为副词修饰动词表示「很多,非常」

He ate a lot but he did’t get fat.

I walk to my big, white school.


They eat small, meat pizza.

pizza在这里是可数名词 一整张披萨

They eat a small, meat pizza.

She sees a orange, big orange.


She sees a big, orange orange.

Mark -12-09-2023-07:40

I throw my blue, small pencil at him.

blue,small 都是coordinate adjectives, 当adj. 修饰名词的时候,一般顺序为:大小+颜色+n

I throw my small, blue pencil at him.

We turn into 3 monstors.


They cook cookies for the party.


She walks down the stier.

stair 注意拼写, 同时它是个可数名词。


I attend my friend’s birthday party.


He works slow, but he’s work is bad.

but 表示转折,slow和bad都是形容不好的事物,不需要转折,用and即可

He works slow, and his work is bad.

Farmer’s chicken runs out the farm.

run out 表示耗尽用尽 为不及物动词词组
run out of 为及物动词 +地点 表示跑出哪里

Farmer’s chicken runs out of the farm.

My cat chiesses me at living room.

spelling mistake
living room is a countable noun, please add {the} before it.

My cat chases me at the living room.

We play soccer together.


I finsh my long, big, boring homework.

finsh:spelling mistake
long, big, boring homework:修饰作业,一般不用long and big, 一般用heavy

I finish my boring, heavy homework.

Mark -12-11-2023-10:11

I trained ever month.

1. ever 在这里spelling mistake,should be every
2.「train」can be both n and verb.
as a noun, 作为一种交通工具时,常见用法有:
to get on/off a train
I go to SZ by train.
as a verb, train-trained(过去时)trains(第三人称单数形式)
sb. train sth. 锻炼,培养(某一素质或能力)
train sb. to do sth.训练某人去做某事
train for sth.为某项活动或赛事去训练

I trained (for the race)every month.

I zipped my bag.


Mark -12-01-2023-09:33

A white cat jump around In my house.

{A white cat} is the third person singular, we should add -s at the end of verb.
句中的{In}, pay attention to whether the letters should be uppercase or lowercase.

A white cat jumps around in my house.

My tall dad hug me.

{My tall dad} is the third person singular

My tall dad hugs me.

I throw two eggs at my mom.


She odmire black dogs.

spelling mistake! pay attention to the verb {admire}
{she} is the third person singular

She is admiring black dogs.

We attend our teacher party.

在这里,老师的party,是对party表示所属关系,英语名词的所有格表示所属关系。我们在可数名词party前要加所属格,表示“…的…”,常用的人称表示所属格的有my, your, his, her, their。还有其他名词,一般情况包括单数名词和不带词尾 s 的复数名词,加 ‘s:teacher’s party, Jack’s book

We attend our teacher’s party.

He turn into a elire.

{he} is the third person singular
elire 注意拼写
elite 前面要用 an elite

He turns into an elite.

His green bird shoute at me.

shoute 注意拼写
{His green bird} is the third person singular

His green bird shouts at me.

They overlap the papers.


He learn fast, but he write bad.

{he} is the third person singular

He learns fast, but he writes bad.

I read slow, but I know the book.


Mark -11-29-2023-09:05

She throw a ball at her coach.

{she} is the third person singular, we should add -s at the end of {throw}

She throws a ball at her coach.

He turns into a ball.


I chersh my dog.

spelling mistake!


I write slow, but I write good.


We odmire school.

spelling mistake! pay attention to the verb {admire}
{school} is a countable noun.

We admire my school.

She turn down him.

{she} is the third person singular, we should add -s at the end of {turn}
短语 turn dowm 的结构是一个动词+副词构成的词组,代词作宾语必须放中间,him在这里就是代词宾格,所以要放中间。如果是个名词,名词可以放在中间也可以放在后面,但通常放后面。
turn the TV on
turn on the TV

turn it off
turn it on

She turns him down.

We despise bad dog.

{dog} is a countable noun.

We despise the bad dog.

They attend his birthday party.


I contempt practice ukualele.

spelling mistake for {ukulele}
{contempt} is a noun. We can say {show/feel a contempt for sth}.

I feel contempt for practicing the ukulele.

They jump high, but they jop low.

spelling mistake for job, 应该是hop, 对吧?

They jump high, but they hop low.

Mark -11-29-2023-08:59

There is a humid jungle.


A turtle lives in it.


His name is Jack.

good, 指代物品或者动物的“它”,我们通常用「it」,但是如果在一个故事里有一些拟人的形象,我们用「he」也可以哦!

He has a green body and hard shell.

这里「and」后面的 hard shell 缺少冠词。
1. 若表示由两部分或两种身份组成的一个事物或人,则第二个名词前不用冠词;但如果是表示两样事物或两个人,则两个名词前都要用冠词。
a black and white cat 一只黑白相间的猫
a black and a white cat 一只黑猫和一只白猫

a worker and writer 一位工人兼作家的人
a worker and a writer 一个工人和一个作家

2. 两个名词是成套的物品,两个合用一个冠词。如果两个名词都有冠词,则表示意思分开。
a horse and cart 一辆马车
a horse and a cart 一匹马和一辆车

a knife and fork 一副刀叉
a knife and a fork 一把刀和一把叉

he has a green body and a hard shell

He also has four short feet and a short tail.


Essay by owen-12-06

Irish people love to raising sheep.
Love to do sth.
Irish people love to raise sheep.

Shepherd specially raising sheep.
{Shepherd} is a countable noun, so please use the plural form here.
And the tense is simple present, so the verb should use the original form.
Shepherds specially raise sheep.

Sheep has white fur.
{Sheep} can be singular and plural.
We can use {sheep} as plural or {a sheep} as singular.
A sheep has white fur.
Sheep have white fur.

Sheep likes to ate grass.
The same problem mentioned above.
Like to do sth. Use the original form after {to} here.
Sheep like to eat grass.

Vocab by owen-12-07

wisdom. (n)
I have many wisdom.
{Wisdom} is an uncountable noun. We should use {much} instead of {many}.
I have much wisdom.

He have no wisdom.
{He} is the third personal singular. We should use {has} instead of {have}.
He has no wisdom.

They have some wisdom.

liger (n)
There was a liger.
Liger are big.

{Liger} is the third personal singular. We should use {is} instead of {are}.
Liger is big.

essay by owen-12-04

turtle live on the riverbank.

The first letter of a sentence should be capitalized.
Also, {turtle} is the third person singular, so please add an -s at the end of the verb.

I’m going to assume Turtle is the name.

Turtle lives on the riverbank.

In this situation, you need to give the name Turtle to the turtle, or reference it using ‘the turtle’.

turtle’s eyesight are bad.

{Eyesight} is an uncountable noun.

Turtle’s eyesight is bad.

turtle also appear at harbor.

{Turtle} is the third person singular, so please add an -s at the end of the verb.
Also, please use the article before {harbor}.

Turtle also appears at the harbor.

there was a grimy turtle at the fild.

You mean {field}?

In this sentence, ‘a turtle’ is correct.
There was a grimy turtle at the field.