Pitfalls of learning English

      Don’t memorize vocabulary words, we are what we do

      Use frameworks instead.

      Memorize it today, forget tomorrow. Memorizing is a learning myth.

      Use it, touch it, process it everyday, this gives true results.

      We are what we do.

      Using the wrong English over and over with confidence creates bad habits

      Write short paragraphs, and use English writing checkers. (deepl, fanyi.baidu.com)

      For pronunciation, use bing.com, type in the vocabulary word + meaning, and click audio.

      Create an English learning environment through books

      Let the author’s English condition how you read and process English.
      The grammar in books have been revised multiple times and is proper English. We should get used to it.
      Read one book a week.

adjective complement

ref – https://www.englishwithashish.com/adjective-complement-masterclass

An adjective complement is a phrase or a clause that completes the meaning of an adjective by giving more information about it.


phrase – A phrase is a group of words that stand together as a single grammatical unit
clause – subj and verb

  • An adjective complement is a phrase or a clause.
  • It comes right next to an adjective.
  • It sits right next to an adjective.

Past Participle Adjective (add ‘ed’ to verb)

When we add ‘ed’ to certain verbs, it can be used as an adjective.

It is an emotion or a feeling that the subject is experiencing.

In other words, it is how the subject feels:

  • annoy + ‘ed’ = annoyed
    My mother is annoyed.
  • amaze + ‘ed = amazed
    My teacher was amazed.
  • frustrate + ‘ed’ = frustrated
    She felt frustrated.
  • worry + ‘ed’ = worried
    My dad seems worried.
  • excite + ‘ed’ = excited
    That dog looks excited.
  • confuse + ‘ed’ = confused
    The cat’s face has a confused look.
  • surprise = ‘ed’ = surprised
    My friend was surprised.

Active and Passive Infinitives

ref –

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVlgzuhBi-I
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zX60e3Pf-m4

Active Simple ( to + verb )

Active Past ( to have + past participle )

to have is the infinitive

You seem [to have] forgotten your jacket.

I was happy [to have] finished everything early.

You seem [to have] eaten your dinner already.

I am glad [to have] said yes to your offer.

We feel ashamed [to have] lost to the kid.

Passive Simple (to be + past participle)

Receive the action

They expect [to be] invited.
We waited [to be] given instructions.
Prepare [to be] amazed!

Passive Past (to have been + past participle)

Receive the action

I’m happy [to have been] invited.

It was an honor [to have been] chosen.

How to write an essay that talks about a short story’s main idea

Read the book

– Spend at least fifteen minutes and read the book three times carefully.

– If you have vocabulary words, look it up, write its definition, word type, and create three sentences.

In our example, we will use the short story “Pirate Pat”.


Let’s just use the short story’s main idea as our thesis.

For example, in Pirate Pat, a thesis statement would be:

Pirate Pat has found treasure at Gran’s house because he has a treasure map and wants to dig it up.

  • he has a treasure map
  • wants to dig up the treasure


Now we write a simple hook to capture the reader’s attention:

A scary pirate appears at the front door.


Now connect the thesis and introduction with a bridge:

A scary pirate appears at the front door. [hook]
Gran and the kids are scared. [bridge]
Pirate Pat has found treasure at Gran’s house because he has a treasure map and wants to dig it up. [thesis]

Body One – he has a treasure map

re-iterate part of the thesis
[Point] Pirate Pat has a treasure map.

Grab a quote that supports your point.

[Evidence] “Pat hunted in his heavy pack. What has he found? It is a map.”

[Explanation] On a dark cold day, he uses the map and arrives at Gran’s house. Gran lives in a cozy house with two grandkids. Gran and her kids are scared of the pirate, but watches him. He shows them the map to explain that he is there because he wants to find treasure. He is not scary at all.

Body Two – wants to dig

re-iterate part of the thesis
[Point] Pat shows Gran the map and says he wants to dig at the house.

Grab a quote that supports the point

[Evidence] “But that’s my home!” says Gran. “Look, lad, you can’t just dig here.”
“Pat is Sad”

[Explanation] Gran tells Pat he can’t dig there because it is her house. Because of this, he is let down and becomes depressed. But pat is stubborn and digs anyways. And in a stroke of luck, he manages to find the treasure!


In conclusion, Gran’s house is sitting on the treasure that’s on Pat’s map.
She doesn’t let him dig because it will ruin the house.
He does not listen, and finds the treasure.
His map was right. Pirate Pat was right. He finds the treasure after all.
The fearful kids and Pat celebrates with Pat.


A scary pirate appears at the front door. Gran and the kids are scared. Pirate Pat has found treasure at Gran’s house because he has a treasure map and wants to dig it up.

Pirate Pat has a treasure map. “Pat hunted in his heavy pack. What has he found? It is a map.” On a dark cold day, he uses the map and arrives at Gran’s house. Gran lives in a cozy house with two grandkids. Gran and her kids are scared of the pirate, but watches him. He shows them the map to explain that he is there because he wants to find treasure. He is not scary at all.

Pat shows Gran the map and says he wants to dig at the house. “But that’s my home!” says Gran. “Look, lad, you can’t just dig here.” “Pat is Sad”. Gran tells Pat he can’t dig there because it is her house. Because of this, he is let down and becomes depressed. But pat is stubborn and digs anyways. And in a stroke of luck, he manages to find the treasure!

In conclusion, Gran’s house is sitting on the treasure that’s on Pat’s map.
She doesn’t let him dig because it will ruin the house.
He does not listen, and finds the treasure.
His map was right. Pirate Pat was right. He finds the treasure after all.
The fearful kids and Pat celebrates with Pat.

Douglas’s Mystery Novel


A story about money, meat, and hunger

by Douglas Ye


The mother’s anxious face twisted into a knot. She quickly dialed nine one one. Soon, sirens could be heard and the red blue lights appeared from afar. Police veteran Peter Pecker squeezed out of his police car and waddled up the front porch like a fat pig. His trotters step on the porch. The poor mother opened the door and tearfully slid onto the ground.

Peter kneeled by the mother while she filed a police report on her son. He had been missing for three days. Peter’s eyebrows furrowed even closer when he saw that her son went missing near the library. This was the tenth report in the past week about kids disappearing near the vicinity of the library.

When Peter got back to the Police Stations, he assembled a squad of his best men and quickly drove like a race car driver to the library.He stepped on the gas pedal with all his power.The car lurched forward. Its wheels spun even faster and the car flew down the street.

It was half past midnight. The library was like a grave.The atmosphere was eerie and quite. And the men scoured the area like hunting dogs. They were sniffing and looking carefully over all the details. Suddenly, Peter saw what seemed like a backpack, similar to the one described by the mother. The men shined their flashlights and started to analyze it. However, no sign of life had been found. Paul, one of the veteran police officers, yawned and declared that it was half past midnight. It was a dead end and he suggested the men go home to get some rest. His wife has been ill for a while and he needed to get back to take care of her. Besides, they could always come back the next morning. The men agreed and retired home.

Intransitive Verbs

ref –

  • https://www.grammar-monster.com/glossary/intransitive_verbs.htm
  • https://www.scribbr.com/verbs/intransitive-verb/

What Is an Intransitive Verb?

An intransitive verb is a verb that does not take a direct object.

In other words, the action of an intransitive verb is not done to someone or something.

It involves only the subject.

For example:

Sarah laughed.

(“Laughed” is an intransitive verb. The action of the verb only involves Sarah.)

The opposite of an intransitive verb is a transitive verb. A transitive verb can have a direct object.

Sarah ate an apple.

(“Ate” is a transitive verb. The action of the verb was done to something (“an apple”), which is the direct object.)

What Does “Taking a Direct Object” Mean?

An intransitive verb does not take a direct object. Here’s a bit more on what that means:

He laughed.
(Laughed is an intransitive verb. It has no direct object. You cannot laugh something.)

He told a joke.
(Told is a transitive verb. The direct object is a joke. You can tell something. For example, you can tell a story, a lie, a joke, etc.)

You can find the direct object of a verb by reading the verb and then asking “what?” (or “whom?”).

If this question seems inappropriate, then you’re probably dealing with an intransitive verb. For example (verbs shaded):

He caught the bus after the party.
(Q: Caught what? A: the bus. This is a transitive verb. It has a direct object.)

He disappeared after the party.
(Q: Disappeared what? That doesn’t make sense. You can’t disappear something.
This is an intransitive verb. It can’t take a direct object.)

Examples of Intransitive Verbs

Here are some more examples of intransitive verbs. With each example, if you read the verb (shaded) aloud and ask “what?”, there will be no answer. There is no answer because there is no direct object. These verbs are all intransitive.

Every single person voted.
The jackdaws roost in these trees.
The crowd demonstrated outside the theatre.

(In this example, demonstrated is an intransitive verb. However, to demonstrate can be used transitively too, e.g., He demonstrated a karate chop to the class.)

Verbs That Are Transitive and Intransitive

Some verbs can be transitive and intransitive.

For example:

Mel walks for miles.
(As walks is not being done to anything, this verb is intransitive.)

However, compare it to this:

Mel walks the dog for miles
(This time, walks does have a direct object (the dog). Therefore, it is transitive. Some verbs can be both intransitive and transitive, depending on the usage.)

Here is another example:

The apes played in the woods.
(Played what? Nothing, intransitive)

The apes played hide and seek in the woods.
(Q: played what? A: hide and seek.)

Never followed by an Object

While intransitive verbs are never followed by an object,
they can be followed by modifiers such as

  • adverbs
  • adverbial clauses
  • prepositional phrases

that indicate where, when, or how something occurs.

Ravi jumped.
Leonardo is sleeping soundly.
Marie exercises as often as she can.
Lisa will meditate in the garden.