
Millions of tourists visit places of natural beauty (mountains, lakes, and beaches) every year. However, they sometimes leave rubbish behind in these places.

Why has this happened?

What can be done to solve this problem?

Every year, waves of happy visitors would vacation at scenic spots, and unfortunately, leave trash behind, debasing the place and its beauty. Let’s delve into this issue and propose a resolution to this predicament.

Scenic parks wants to keep the environment pristine but to no avail. Visitors continue to litter. The first reason why tourists do this is because they are on vacation, and as a result, they will undoubtedly be a lot less concerned about upkeep. They consume, purchase souvenirs, gorge on delicious cuisine, and leave trash whenever it’s convenient. To them, it’s the simple matter of a business transaction. They pay for a service, enjoy the place to the fullest, and expect others to clean up their mess afterwards. The second reason why visitors would leave rubbish at places of natural beauty is because of inconvenience. As travelers, people are too busy running about and don’t have the energy, nor the patience, to hold on to their trash until the next available trash can. This is why they discard rubbish at scenic spots.

An organic solution to such a sensitive problem would be to charge a Clean Up Tax. The Clean Up Tax is a fifteen percent surcharge that is included in all park fees. This money will be used to hire clean up crews, build recycling centers, and dispatch nightly sanitation services. At night, while everyone is dozing off after a hard day of trekking, sanitation service vehicles will come and sweet the streets, throw away garbage, and make sure the place is good as new for the next batch of visitors. During the day, instead of leaving all these glass bottles and rubbish sitting along the roadside, vacationers can drop them off at recycling bins. As far as travelers who find holding onto trash an inconvenience, the parks can hire trash collectors. Similar to the Sherpa guides that would help trekkers up Mount Everest, we can dispatch trash guides whos job is to specifically seek out and pick up trash. All the cups, plastic and glass bottles, barbeque equipment, and food wrappers laying around are damaging to the landscape’s vistas, so they need to be collected right away.

All in all, it is good business for fun loving visitors to come and enjoy the beauty of earth’s natural wonders. However, we need to maintain this beauty with a clean up surcharge that will help pick up the trash, recycle them, and keep the place as pristine as it once was. Only then can humans enjoy Earth’s gifts, which is meant for each generation after the next.