IELTS Reading Tip – Reading Paragraph # Exposed

For reading, there will be problems that tell you exactly which paragraph to read. These are easiest.

Hence we must do these problems first!

Look at question 10-11

It asks for TWO advantages of using newer buildings for green roofs.

We have located the part where it starts talking about benefits of new buildings (red).

We keep going to find TWO advantages.

First, we see something about keeping enough water at roof height.
Then we keep going and see that its “also easier to grow a greater variety of plants”

So let’s look at our answer selection:

A – a longer growing season for edible produce (eliminate)
B – more economical use of water (economical use means sparringly. Passage talks about saving and distributing)
C – greater water-storage capacity (paraphrase – keep enough water)
D – ability to cultivate more plant types (paragraphse – to grow a greater variety of plants)
E – a large surface area for growing plants (eliminate)

Question 12-13

Which TWO aims of new variations on the concept of green roofs are mentioned in Paragraph E.

We find the keywords “new variations”. After that it gives three examples.

only solar panels (because it generates power as a sustainable source of power)

and maximize biodiversity (provides habitat)

matches what’s in our answers.

The ‘holding water over longer periods of time’ is vaguely given in E but the details are wrong.

“Blue roofs hold water instead of draining it quickly”
“to collect water to supply buildings”

So we E is not it.

A – to provide habitats for a wide range of species (paraphrase: maximize biodiversity)

B – to grow plants successfully even in the wettest climates (not mentioned X)

C – to regulate the temperature of immediate environment (not mentioned X)

D – to generate power from a sustainable source (paraphrase: solar panels)

E – to collect water to supply other buildings. (X)