IELTS writing (Part 2) tips

Part 2 Writing Tips

40 minutes

More and more people people are shifting to a plant-based diet.

Why is this case?

Do you think is a positive or negative development?

Make sure you answer the prompt and address it!

Must address both questions

If given a present continuous verb in the statement..

Laser pinpoint the question.

For example, the question is not asking why people do not eat meat.

The question is asking why people “MOVE” from meat to plant based diet.
Another point is “Why now”?


Paraphrase the topic: More and more people people are shifting to a plant-based diet:

“Many cultures have followed a meat-based diet, but an increasing number of people are now replacing meat products in their diet with plant based foods.”

What will it do?

“This essay will examine the key drivers of this trend and argue that is it mostly a positive development.”

So we will examine the key drivers (why is this case?) in the body paragraphs.

Notice how it answers the question Do you think is a positive or negative development?

Task Response

A clear position is presented which directly answers the questions. The thesis statement must show that the candidate is going to answer BOTH questions and that they have a clear position.

Body Paragraph 1

Make sure your body paragraphs are:

  • Ideas are relevant
  • Fully extended
  • Well Supported

Mini-thesis answers the first question (We need to answer “Why is this the case?”):

The most common reasons for becoming a vegan seem to be based on ethical or environmental concerns.

and provides two clear reasons:

reason 1 – ethical/environment concerns
extension – practices involved in large-scale meat and dairy farming.
examples – inhumane conditions in which some animals are raised and killed.

reason 2 – livestock farming’s contribution to deforestation.
extension – compared to that of growing plant crops
examples – deforestation

Explains “why” the trend is happening NOW.
–> “By using in recent years”, and giving reasons that is related to today.

It answer all questions of “why”?

Use a range of grammatical structure

Body 2

Mini-thesis answers second question.

Positive and negative consequences.

Task Response – The prompt is addressed and explored in depth.
The candidate acknowledges that some aspects of more people adopting a plant-based diet may
not be as positive as others.

This shows a greater depth of exploration of the topic than stating it is wholly positive or negative.

Cohesion attracts lots of attention

Subordinate conjunctions

Firstly, for example, therefore, Secondly, as a result, however, thus.
