1984 book vocabs (Part 1)

    fitfully (adj) – irregular intervals

  • The wind howled fitfully.
  • The sporadic raindrops fell fitfully.
  • The drunk driver swerved along the road fitfully.
    guesswork (noun) – process of guessing

  • The way we learn english in China is pure guesswork.
  • We use guesswork to find our candidates.
  • America has been using guesswork to find its spies.
    distaste (noun) – mild dislike

  • I regard my mother with distaste.
  • They eye me up and down with distaste.
  • There is a certain amount of distaste in her voice
    succumb (verb) – failed to resist pressure; to accept defeat.

  • The soldiers succumbed to their injuries.
  • After so many deaths, we succumbed.
  • The Titanic succumbed to the freezing ocean.
    procure (verb) – obtain something carefully and with much effort.

  • I managed to procure the secret from her.
  • We managed to procure some edible food from the dumpster.
  • Have you procured the documents?
    actuate (verb) – cause to take action; motivate; put into motion.

  • My dislike for America was actuated by political zealots.
  • A high performing athlete is actuated by good warmups.
  • The sudden heavy rain actuates the crowd to disperse.
    shirk (verb) – neglect a duty.

  • The massage therapist shirked when she saw her client.
  • I shirked the cleanup because the environment was too dangerous.
  • She shirks her agreement because he was just too creepy.
    incongruous (adj) – out of harmony with its surrounding; out of place

  • I felt incongruous on my first day in an American school.
  • The bottles of soda looked incongruous sitting there on the gym floor.
  • My black girlfriend and I were incongruous in American’s dating scene.
    convolute (verb) – make something difficult to follow.

  • The US government convolutes her people’s wishes.
  • The remnants of the crash convolutes the investigation.
  • Their selfish ways convolute our team work.
    innumerable (adj) – too many to count

  • They are indifferent to the innumerable sufferings of children.
  • The amount of problems that Andy has is innumerable.
  • The innumerable army surges forward.
    pugnacious (adj) – eager to argue/fight

  • Those brats are pugancious.
  • The most pugnacious countries in the world has the most insecure citizens.
  • When I’m hungry, I become pugancious.
    sordid (adj) – involving immoral actions and motives

  • I ignore their sordid explanations.
  • The overcrowded slums are sordid.
  • The sordid affairs of Israel’s president should be investigated.
    eccentric (adj) – odd; unconventional

  • You have very eccentric behavior.
  • The girl behind the tree is eccentric.
  • The eccentric teacher takes a nap.
    sanguine (adj) – optimistic in the face of a bad situation.

  • I am sanguine about my test scores.
  • I have a sanguine view on the Palestine-Israel conflict.
  • Young people always have sanguine opinions on love.