Poem about Basis

My favorite school(Sonnet)

I have attended Basis for three years.
My parents sacrificed their life savings.
The school cafeteria give me tears.
At least I don’t have anymore cravings.
I study hard until the break of dawn.
I can finally close my tired eyes.
To society, I am just a pawn.
That will never wake up to all the lies.
It’s been a long day without you my friend.
Let us travel the world for old time’s sake.
Please do you have a couple bucks to lend?
I promise to go to our favorite lake.
I have attended Basis for too long.
For I feel my sanity too far gone.

To the guy that likes cherry (Villanelle)

ref – https://writewithchorus.com/rhymes/later

It’s been a long day without you my friend.
I will tell you all about it later.
You know why stupid love will always end?

Do you have some time, old buddy, to lend?
Don’t be distracted by that dumb player.
Because you have no more money to spend.

This is absolutely not your dead end.
Come out from the sadness you dumb stranger.
Stop looking at her beautiful rear end.

Girls and money are not all our intend.
Come out of your room and be my neighbor.
Get your lifestyle together and suspend.

Your time is money so don’t overspend.
Let’s play some games and use up those lasers.
There is a book I want to recommend.

The great book is called “Will You Be My Friend?”
I will come to you and be your savior.
For we do not want others to offend.
Is all this something you can comprehend?