Daniel’s corrections (ASM 6)

ref – https://chineseruleof8.com/2024/03/25/english-sentences/

1) Which of the following is an example of a complex sentence?

A. “Icebergs are a hazard to shipping”

This is a simple sentence because it is a complete thought wrapped up in a complete sentence:

Icebergs (subj) are (verb) a hazard (obj) to shipping (obj complement).

B. “She did not cheat on the test, for it was the wrong thing to do”

for is a conjunction

She (subj) did not cheat (verb) on the test (obj) – independent
it(subj) was (verb) the wrong thing (obj) to do (infinitive as adjective) – independent

independent, (‘for’ conjunction) independent –> compound sentence

C. This is a Complex Compound sentence.

D. “She returned the computer after she realized the damage”

She returned the computer (independent)
after she realized the damage (dependent)

Note that ‘after’ is a linking subordinate conjunction. This means the clause that contains the ‘after’ is a dependent clause (aka subordinate clause)

So this is the complex sentence √

3) Identify the type of sentence

Spring days, and summer days, and all sorts of days would be her own.

A. Simple
B. compound
C. complex
D. compound-complex


[Spring days, and summer days, and all sorts of days]
is a compound subject

[would be] is the verb

[her own] is object

Therefore, the sentence is a complete thought.


I would (helping/aux verb) wonder (main verb) about (preposition) the outcome (obj).

A. Transitive verb?
I (subj) wonder (trans verb) you (direct obj). (X)

B. Intransitive verb?
I wonder (about) you. (√) It requires preposition ‘about’. It cannot function with a direct object as shown above.

C. linking verb? No, wonder is an action verb.

D. auxiliary verb? would is the auxiliary verb.


A. Since I studied literature (subordinate clause because ‘Since’)
I can take over the world (independent clause)

B. “After lunch” is not a clause. A clause requires a subj and verb.

C. This is a compound sentence
I have read all the books in the series – simple sentence
, and joining method
I have also seen the movie – simple sentence

D. This is a complex compound sentence.

I finally played the video game – simple sentence
that I got for my birthday – subordinate sentence
I did not like it – simple sentence

Writing Question – SWIFT

The poem “Friendship” by Emma Guest does not strictly adhere to a traditional rhyme scheme. Instead, it is written in free verse, which means it lacks a set meter, rhyme pattern, or melodic structure.

You only answered the question:

  • tone is positive
  • theme is friends are important and helpful.

What you need:

– talk about numerous similes
– talk about imagery
– talk about word choice..all those adjectives
– some kind of rhyme scheme does exist:

both beautiful and wise
Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost
whos spirit never dies.

perhaps a friend is like a ghost
is like a hear that goes

strong until the end
Where would we be in this world
If we didn’t have a friend

You missed too many opportunities for points

BONUS – write an example of an reflexive pronoun:

A reflexive pronoun is a pronoun that’s used in the object position when the subject and object of the sentence are the same (i.e., to show someone acting on themselves).

Answer (any one of them will do):
I(subj) am teaching myself(obj) how to play the piano.
We(subj) can entertain ourselves(obj).
Daniel (subj) talks to himself(obj) sometimes.
We(subj) blame ourselves(obj) for what happened.