Jayden’s Shekou International

The Basis campus sits in a tranquil environment. Multiple trail surrounds the campus.

Although Basis uses marketing media to make itself look good, the real face of this school is incredibly dark.

Shekou Basis International School has the highest suicide rate in all of Shenzhen’s schools. Five hundred thousand students have died since it was opened in 2023. They have committed suicide because of unfair scoring. Students experience numerous symptoms because of food poisoning. In addition, parents were always complaining about their ridiculous tuition. Therefore, Shekou Basis International school is terrible because of its high failure rate, poisonous lunches, and ridiculous tuition.

Shekou Basis International School has an alarming failure rate of 98.76%. School is a place to teach students how to be successful, not to fail. But many students have a GPA below 1.0 because of unfair scoring. Teachers are hypocrites. They act friendly in front of their superiors, but in front of students, they act like devils. Teacher are irritable and corrupt. They give points idly without any particular purpose or depend on their mood(which makes students get low scole because they are irritable), but they only give high scores to students who pay. This money supplements their meager salaries. There is a teacher in Basis called Mr Tomato. He is persistent about makes students fail. He gives students homework that is impossible to finish. Students spend their hard earned weekends on his pointless homework for those miniscule ten points. He takes pleasure in the suffering of his students. He loves to steal their youth away.

Shekou Basis International School has failed at food hygiene and safety inspections since its opening day. Everything is premade in the kitchen and the food is perishable. The food looks like sewer drudge. Flies, cockroaches and mold have infested the food supply. They think this is high level protein supplements for students. Also, to cut costs, schools force students to eat foliage. The truth is that 78% students and 67% teachers have contracted E. coli from eating maggot-corrupted hamburgers. Many people suffered from chronic gastritis, peptic ulcers and stomach cancer. There was a food recall to retrieve all the poisonous food, but unfortunately, they have already been eaten. The food poisoning has evolved into cancer, which causes disability. Students’ intestines have incurred unrecoverable injury. They can’t digest solid food anymore, and they realize that they desperately need life saving surgery. The school vaguely explains all of these to avoid punishments.