Douglas’s Mystery Novel


A story about money, meat, and hunger

by Douglas Ye


The mother’s anxious face twisted into a knot. She quickly dialed nine one one. Soon, sirens could be heard and the red blue lights appeared from afar. Police veteran Peter Pecker squeezed out of his police car and waddled up the front porch like a fat pig. His trotters step on the porch. The poor mother opened the door and tearfully slid onto the ground.

Peter kneeled by the mother while she filed a police report on her son. He had been missing for three days. Peter’s eyebrows furrowed even closer when he saw that her son went missing near the library. This was the tenth report in the past week about kids disappearing near the vicinity of the library.

When Peter got back to the Police Stations, he assembled a squad of his best men and quickly drove like a race car driver to the library.He stepped on the gas pedal with all his power.The car lurched forward. Its wheels spun even faster and the car flew down the street.

It was half past midnight. The library was like a grave.The atmosphere was eerie and quite. And the men scoured the area like hunting dogs. They were sniffing and looking carefully over all the details. Suddenly, Peter saw what seemed like a backpack, similar to the one described by the mother. The men shined their flashlights and started to analyze it. However, no sign of life had been found. Paul, one of the veteran police officers, yawned and declared that it was half past midnight. It was a dead end and he suggested the men go home to get some rest. His wife has been ill for a while and he needed to get back to take care of her. Besides, they could always come back the next morning. The men agreed and retired home.