How do American kids learn English (part 2)

Great Teachers and School more hands on

School assignments made us write a lot, and read a lot. We were asked to participate and give our opinions in class. During the summer, we had to read a lot of books. We had to take books and assignments home, and study them.

Teachers taught us various interactive methods.

We learned by using vocabulary words often, and in different situations.

We practiced grammar rules over and over by using them over and over.

We wrote story after story, and revised them time and time again.

During the summer, it was normal to read one book every few days.

When I attended UCI, we had to go through gruesome writing classes in WR 39a, b, and c. We had to write an essay every two weeks, and our professors made us go through revision after revision. Most of us were Asian Americans who grew up in California. We worked hard, we wrote masterpieces, and this is why many Asian Americans’ english is more proper and authentic than other Americans.
当我在(UCI)就读时,我们必须在课程 写作39A/B/C 写很多的文章。而且是每两周要完成一篇修改好的文章,大学的教授都是非常的严苛的,让我们进行一次又一次的修改。我们大多数人都是在加州长大的人。我们很努力学习,不停的练习写作,尽量做到最好,这就是为什么许多亚裔美国人的英语比其他美国人更得体、更地道的原因。