The suffix “-tion” is commonly used to convert verbs into nouns, often indicating an action, process, or state. Here are the key rules and guidelines for using “-tion” to form nouns:
1. Base Verb Ends in -te:
If the base verb ends in -te, replace -te with -tion.
create → creation
celebrate → celebration
educate → education
2. Base Verb Ends in -ify:
If the base verb ends in -ify, replace -ify with -ification.
simplify → simplification
clarify → clarification
justify → justification
3. Base Verb Ends in -ize:
If the base verb ends in -ize, replace -ize with -ization.
organize → organization
realize → realization
modernize → modernization
4. Base Verb Ends in -ate:
If the base verb ends in -ate, replace -ate with -ation.
donate → donation
communicate → communication
evaluate → evaluation
5. Base Verb Ends in -end or -and:
If the base verb ends in -end or -and, replace the ending with -ension or -ansion.
ext[end] → extension
exp[and] → expansion
6. Base Verb Ends in -scribe:
If the base verb ends in -scribe, replace -scribe with -scription.
describe → description
prescribe → prescription
7. Base Verb Ends in -duce:
If the base verb ends in -duce, replace -duce with -duction.
produce → production
introduce → introduction
8. Base Verb Ends in -mit:
If the base verb ends in -mit, replace -mit with -mission.
permit → permission
submit → submission
9. Base Verb Ends in -ss:
If the base verb ends in -ss, add -ion directly.
discuss → discussion
express → expression
10. Irregular Forms:
Some verbs have irregular noun forms with -tion that don’t follow a specific pattern.
solve → solution
absorb → absorption
describe → description
Key Points:
The suffix “-tion” is used to form nouns from verbs, typically indicating an action, process, or state.
The spelling of the base verb often changes slightly when adding “-tion” (e.g., dropping or replacing letters).
Not all verbs can be converted to nouns using “-tion”; some require other suffixes like “-ment” (e.g., enjoy → enjoyment) or “-ance” (e.g., perform → performance).