“Nature’s first green is gold”

Symbolism in the Poem:

The “first green” symbolizes new beginnings, youth, and innocence.

“Gold” represents something precious, perfect, and full of potential.

Together, they symbolize the fleeting beauty of early life or the initial stages of something wonderful.

“Her hardest hue to hold”

The “hue” (color) symbolizes the transient nature of beauty and perfection.

It suggests that maintaining such purity or perfection is nearly impossible.

“Her early leaf’s a flower”

The “early leaf” and “flower” symbolize the brief, delicate stage of life or growth where things are at their most beautiful and vibrant.

This symbolizes the peak of beauty and innocence before it fades.

“But only so an hour”

The “hour” symbolizes the short-lived nature of perfection and beauty.

It emphasizes the inevitability of change and loss.

“Then leaf subsides to leaf”

The transition from one leaf to another symbolizes the natural progression of life, where beauty and youth give way to maturity and eventual decline.

“So Eden sank to grief”

The reference to Eden symbolizes the loss of innocence and paradise, drawing a parallel to the biblical story of Adam and Eve.

It suggests that all perfect, golden moments are destined to end, just as Eden was lost.

“So dawn goes down to day”

The “dawn” symbolizes a brief, beautiful moment of transition, while “day” represents the mundane reality that follows.

This symbolizes how fleeting moments of perfection are replaced by ordinary life.

“Nothing gold can stay”

The repeated phrase “nothing gold can stay” serves as the central theme of the poem.

“Gold” symbolizes anything precious, beautiful, or perfect, while “stay” implies permanence.

The line underscores the inevitability of change and the transient nature of all things.

Overall Meaning:
The poem uses natural imagery (leaves, flowers, dawn, Eden) to symbolize the universal truth that all beautiful, perfect, and precious things are temporary. It reflects on the inevitability of change, loss, and the passage of time, reminding readers to appreciate fleeting moments of beauty before they fade.