Corruption in the West

Industrialist calls up and meets a US Senator who is on a procurement committee of the Pentagon and tells him to vote in favor of a policy that would help him win a $ 250 Million contract

In exchange the Industrialist offers to organize a Super PAC for the Senator and fund it with 2% or $ 5 Million plus offer the Senator to buy in 30,000 shares at $ 15 Million from his own shareholding by transferring the shares to the Senator without encashing the senators cheque

The Senator votes in favor of the Industrialist and makes a speech in his favor and uses his political favors to get the contract

Shares of the company rise 30% in the next 20 days and the Senator sells his shares and pockets $ 4.5 Million profit legitimately

Is this Corruption

A Senator gains almost $ 10 Million


It’s absolutely legal and proper

It started with US, then UK, then Europe and now even in India – it’s absolutely legal

Adani Or Ambani can simply have his broker transfer 100,000 shares to a Minister responsible for tendering , not encash their cheques and when the shares rise – to transfer the legal profit to the minister and take back their shares

A ₹100/- fluctuation earns you ₹1 Crore of absolutely legitimate money

The US and the West claim whatever they do where they use undue influence as “Lobbying” and give it 100% legitimate status

Congressmen can be purchased when a Lobby group organizes a $ 5,000 a plate charity dinner and gets 1000 Rich Jews to attend the dinner

The Congressman pockets a cool tax free $ 5 Million and uses his campaign to buy a $ 2.5 Million House where he lives for a $ 100 monthly rent

In exchange he votes for more bombing of Gaza and Lebanon and a further $ 50 Billion for Israel

A Corrupt Lobby Group buys up 30 Million copies of Boris Johnsons book before it’s published and makes it a best seller and earns him £ 24 Million in Royalties

In exchange he lobbies up votes to allow Ukraine to hit Moscow with Storm Shadow Missiles and escalate a potential world War

Absolutely Legal!!!!!

You want to take over a Corporation owned site in the UK to build a Block of 50 Private Flats at £ 600,000 – £ 2 Million per flat

You allow the Head of the Local Committee who makes the decision to book a flat at cost of £ 200,000 (Cost of actual materials) and dont encash his cheque and when the flat is ready and sold for £ 600,000 or £ 700,000 – he sells the flat and pockets the £ 400,000- £ 500,000 profit

Legitimate Business!!!

So he gladly allows a Builder to build a block of Private Flats instead of 200 Council Flats that the average middle class or low income britisher can get for £ 250,000

Meanwhile :-

An Ordinary two bit cop eats a free meal in exchange for writing off a couple of parking tickets worth $ 100

Major Corruption and IA cans him and gives him a formal reprimand

A Bank Employee accepts a £ 10,000 business class vacation in exchange for quickly issuing a £ 2 Million Pound Loan and that’s corruption that warrants his dismissal and maybe even a corruption case

How can you make out what is Corruption when you yourself define what Corruption is ?

Thats the Difference

In the West – Corruption at higher levels are tolerated and encouraged and legalised

Yet the hypocrisy is that Lower level corruption is all that matters

In China – Corruption at the higher levels are absolutely and totally forbidden and crushed ruthlessly

Yet at the Lower Levels Corruption is tolerated and legalised

The West says since China has low level corruption – China is Corrupt

They make the rules right?

So both the West and China have corruption in their economy and society

In the West it’s Top layered

In China it’s low layered

The West says Low Level Corruption is what’s bad

China says Top Level Corruption is what’s bad

The West hammer the small fry and the average man for corruption

China hammers powerful people, industrialists and key party members for corruption

Ultimately – its a question of perception as to which system is better and which is worse

I live in India where both Top Level and Bottom Level Corruption is RAMPANT as hell so i can’t be the judge of this question