IELTS Reading Tip – Fill in missing word Questions

For these kind of questions, you need to fill in the expected word. The paragraph is just basically a paraphrased version of the original paragraph. The challenge is how do we know what paragraph it is?

The key to finding which paragraph lies in the title of the question: “Advantages of green roofs”

This is the thesis of our passage, so we need to look through all the mini-thesis of each paragraph.

Luckily, we find the answer in the SECOND sentence of the FIRST paragraph.

“More and more private companies and city authorities are investing in green roofs, drawn to their wide-ranging benefits.

So we know right away, our fill in questions will match that of paragraph 1.

So let’s keep reading.

The passage says:
“Among the benefits are saving on energy costs, mitigating the risk of floods, making habitats for urban wildlife, tackling air pollution, and even growing food.”

In the answer, 6 says:

reducing how much money is spent on ____________, which paraphrases “saving on energy costs”.

So we’d put energy for 6.

In the answer, 7 says:

In many cases, they can also be used for producing _________________, which paraphrases “even growing food”.

So we’d put “food” for 7.

There’s a tab space, so we know the answers to fill in the next few sentences are for the next paragraph, which is paragraph #2.

So move on to the next paragraph and keep going until we get to “social benefits”.

In the answer, we see the first line is :

There are also social benefits of green roofs. So you know what we’re trying to fill in is something about social benefits. Let’s find:

‘to demonstrate the social value of green roofs’

the next few sentences is critical as our answer follows exactly that.

  • Doctors are increasingly prescribing time spent gardening outdoors for patients deal with anxiety/depressions.
  • research has found that access to even the most basic green spaces can provide a better quality of life for dementia suffers and help people avoid obesity.

Thus, the answers for 8 says:

“For example the medical profession recommends 8________________ as an activity to help people cope with [mental health issues]. ”

[mental health issues] would be anxiety/depression, so obviously its gardening.

“Studies have also shown that the availability of green spaces can prevent physical problems such as 9_______________________”

[access to basic green space] is same as [availability of green spaces].
[prevent physical problems] is same for [people avoid obesity].

prevent physical problem does not work for “provide better qualiyt of life”.

So for 9, we’d fill in obesity.