Writing Task – Children spend hours everyday on their smartphones (v2)

Some children spend hours every day on their smartphones. Why is this the case? Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

main thesis –
Children spend too much time on their smartphones because it gives them cheap entertainment, and as a result leads to retinal damage, stunted growth, and robs them of human interactions.


Since the early 2000s, smartphones have taken over the world. From students to professionals, smartphones have become everyone’s preferred tool of communication. Unfortunately, its long cables of influence have taken its toll on our most vunerable demographic: children. Children spend too much time on their smartphones because it gives them cheap entertainment, and as a result leads to retinal damage, stunted growth, and robs them of human interactions.

Body 1

mini-thesis 1 – Prolonged time in front of a mobile screen can damage the human eye, especially children’s.

Prolonged time in front of a mobile screen can damage the human eye, especially children’s. Naturally, latchkey kids would glue their faces to smartphones, spending countless hours in front of a screen. Electronic screens can damage the human eye, especially children’s. The white blare of the screen radiates against their tender eyes. Its white heat burns their retina, and after a while, their faces would scrunch together in order to lubricate their damaged eyelids. This is why optometrists would always encourage their young patients to put some distance between themselves and the screen, take more breaks, and always go outside to recalibrate their vision with the real world.

Body 2

mini-thesis 2 – Addictive games and monotonous cartoons stunt a child’s growth by putting their feeding and sleeping time in a dishevel.

Addictive games and monotonous cartoons stunt a child’s growth by putting their feeding and sleeping time in a dishevel. Growing children need to eat on schedule and addictive entertainment can lead them astray. Instead of eating three to four meals a day, they would often eat too late or even skip meals in order to stay online. This is detrimental to their nutritional needs and therefore, their health. Even worse, children will play on smartphones late into the night. This is one of the worse problems to a child’s growth because it ruins their Circadian Rhythms. Twelve hours of sleep from eight at night is very different than twelve hours from midnight. Too many late nights will affect their bodies and can potentially lead to serious disease later on in life.

Body 3

mini-thesis 3 – smartphones will steal the child’s life away.

Last but not least, all that time with a smartphone will steal the child’s life away. With its addictive chat apps, games, and cartoons, technology today easily wipes away the child’s precious moments with the real world. A child needs positive human interaction to strive and learn. But if these important interactions are not given, the smartphone will create artificial memories with the child, rather than meaningful memories with humans. This will damage the child’s psyche after they mature and will create bad habits later on.


Smartphones and technology have been a detriment to our future generation. It damages eyes, creates unhealthy living habits, and removes our children from the natural world. If this is a precursor to how our future generation will be raised, then we are in a world of trouble for what’s to come. Because happy adults who contribute to society are raised with lots of communication with their peers, family, and the natural world. And those who are raised without it, fare much worse.