IELTS reading tips

  • It may be possible that the farm’s produce will account for as much as 10% = In the urban environment you’re working with very significant practical constraints, clearly, on what you can do and where. But if enough unused space can be developed like this, there’s no reason why….

    account for as much as 10% of = there’s no reason why you shouldn’t eventually target maybe between 5% and 10% of consumption.

    city’s = In the urban environment

  • When the remaining two thirds of the vast open area are in production, 20 staff will harvest up to 1000 kg of fruits, everyday.

    There will eventually be a daily harvest = When the remaining two thirds of the vast open area are in production
    of as much as 1000 kg in weight of fruit and vegetables = 20 staff will harvest up to 1000 kg of fruits.

  • From identical vertical tubes nearby burst row upon row of lettuces; near those are aromatic herbs, such as basil, sage and peppermint.

    Vertical tubes = From identical vertical tubes
    are used to grow lettuce = burst row upon row of lettuces
    and herbs = near those are aromatic herbs, such as basil, sage and peppermint.

  • An unmodified Doble Model E runs clean enough to pass the emissions laws in California today, and they are pretty strict.

    1) emissions laws
    2) strict emissions laws

  • As the new Doble steamer was further developed and tested, its maximum speed was pushed to over a hundred miles per hour, and it achieved about fifteen miles per gallon of kerosene with negligible emissions.

    1) A later version of the Model E = As the new Doble steamer was further developed and tested
    2) raised its speed = its maximum speed was pushed to over a hundred mph
    3) keeping its emissions extremely low = it achieved about 14 miles/gallon with negligible emissions