Marco – Human Space Mission

1) An intro about the mission and its significance

2) Detailed information about the mission’s

  • objectives
  • challenges
  • achievements

3) A conclusion summarizing what you learned and why this mission is important in space exploration history.

Introduction about the mission and its significance

In the 1960s, the United States was engaged in a Cold War with Soviet Union. The two nations were rivalries, and they were vying to be pioneers in space exploration. The Apollo program was created by then President John F Kennedy in order to compete. It was significant because the Soviet Union had launched an artificial satellite called Sputnik 1. This meant they had the capability to deliver nuclear weapons anywhere in the world, and it challenged American hegemony. Thus, America’s hold on world domination was in danger.


The goal of the Apollo program was to beat the Soviet Union in a space race. Unfortunately, Soviet astronauts became the first to launch a man into Earth’s orbit. Thus, the Americans had to catch up and move their goal to be the first ones to put a human on the moon. The objective of Apollo 11 was to not only send someone into orbit, but to land them on the moon.


There were several challenges. First, As Apollo 11 was preparing to land on the moon, the astronauts saw a alarm. It was a software issue. Too many commands were being loaded into the computer, and it was running out of RAM memory. The computer was unable to do all those calculations. Second, while Amrstrong was controlling the craft, a low fuel warning appeared. Fortunately, the low fuel warning is just like a car’s. Fuel is low, but the craft still had enough to complete the mission. Third, when the crew landed, the astronauts suited up for the moonwalk. They accidently knocked off the tip of a circuit breaker. Fortunately, they fixed it.


Apollo 11’s success was spectacular because it was watched by millions of spectators. Furthermore, it meant American power will continue to dominate. Neil Armstrong and crew went into orbit, landed on the moon, stuck an American flag on the moon, and safely landed back onto Earth. This was not only a victory for American politicians, it was a victory for mankind. The American public roared with nationalism and reveled in this American achievement.


Wrap it up