
Version 1

A turtle lives in the forest (2).
His name is Ted (3).
Ted loves apples (3).
The forest has many lagoons (3).
Ted swims in the lagoons (2).
The birds chirp (1).
The water feels refreshing (3).
The forest air smells sweet (3).

Version 2

A turtle lives in the forest (8, where).
His name is Ted (3).
Ted loves to eat apples (4).
His garden has many apples to eat. (5)

He likes to swim. (4)
The forest has many lagoons (3).
Ted swims in the lagoons (8, where).

He swims early mornings. (8, when)
The birds chirp beautifully (7).
The water feels refreshing (3).
The forest air smells deliciously sweet (8, how).
This is Ted’s favorite time of the day. (3)