The turtle and the rabbit (example essay)

A little kind turtle (subj) lives (verb) in a big green forest (obj). (2)

His name is Ted. (4)

Ted lives happily and loves (verb) [to swim] (obj). (3) and (9)

He has swam in a pond his whole life. (8, present perfect)

He (subj) loves (verb) [to eat] (obj) vegetables. (9)

He has a small head and a short tail. (2) and (2)

His heavy shell (subj) sits (verb) on his four short legs (obj). (2)

He (subj) is (verb) slow (adj) but very smart (adj). (6) but (6)

A confident rabbit (subj) lives (verb) in the same forest (obj). (2)

His name (subj) is (verb) Randi (obj). (4)

Randi loves [to run] in the woods. (8)

He looks healthy because he has eaten carrots his whole life. (6) because (8, present perfect)

Randi is too confident, so he challenges Ted to a race. (7) so (2)

Ted agrees. (1)

The race day arrives. (1)

The weather is really beautiful, and the sky is blue. (7) and (6)

All the animals arrive [to watch]. (12)

Randi sprints ahead, and laughs at Ted. (3) and (2)

Ted hears Randi, but he continues to crawl. (5) but (12)

Randi finds a tree to rest under and takes a nap. (12) and (7)

Ted sees Randi fast asleep, but continues to crawl. (5) but (12)

Randi wakes up and sees Ted cross the finish line. (3) and (6)

The animals cheer because Ted is the winner! (1) because (4)

Randi is fast, yet she loses the race. (6) yet (2)

The lesson is that slow and steady wins the race. (4)