Daniel – Three Little Pigs

My explanation

Three Little Pigs

The three little pig lives in the forest, but

three means plural, we must use pigs, not pig.
since pigs is plural, we use standard form for ‘live’.

The three little pig(s) live in the forest.
subj = three little pigs
verb = live
obj = forest.

their mom kicks them out, so they need to build houses.

Their mom kicks them out, so they need to build their own houses.
Subj = their mom
verb = kick
object = them

subj = they
verb = need
object = to build
object complement = own houses.

The youngest pig builds a house with grasses.

Grass is an uncountable noun, so we just use ‘grass’.

The youngest pig builds a house with grass.

Subj = youngest pig
verb = build
object = house

The middle pig builds a house with sticks.

The oldest pig builds a house with bricks.

The wolf arrives in front of the youngest pig’s house, and sneezes.

We arrive ‘at’ starbucks.
I will meet you ‘at’ the park.

We use ‘at’ to describe meeting or arriving at some place:

The wolf arrives at the youngest pig’s house
Subj = the wolf
verb = arrives
obj = youngest pig’s house

Why did it sneeze? Try to connect the storyline with more details.

The wolf sneezes.

The house collapse, so

Please be more descriptive. Use more adjectives.
Remember 3rd singular, verb + s.

The grass house collapses.

Subj = the grass house
verb = collapses

the pig runs to the middle house.

Remember to capitalize the first letter of every first word in a sentence.
Also, use better vocabulary. runs –> escapes

The youngest pig escapes to the middle pig’s house.

The wolf follows the pig, and
comes to the middle house

The wolf follows the pig to the second house.

This is an example of a direct/indirect object.
subject = wolf
verb = follows
direct object = pig
indirect object = second house

The wolf sneezed, and the house collapses.

Remember to keep it present simple. Be more descriptive with adjectives.

The wolf sneezes, and the stick house collapses.

The wolf follows the pigs again, and
comes to the oldest house.

The wolf follows the pigs again.
They arrive at the brick house

The wolf sneezed, but the house did not collapse.

Everything in present tense please.
Remember to keep it present simple. And be more descriptive about nouns. ex: use ‘brick’ in front of house.

The wolf sneezes, but the brick house does not collapse.

The wolf gives up and leaves.