
Red brings food to visit her grandmother

You can’t say you bring food [to visit]. The food is NOT for the verb visit.
The food is FOR her grandmother.

Red brings food to her grandmother.
Red brings food and visits her grandmother.

A hungry wolf comes.


A hungry wolf arrives
A starving wolf arrives ominously.

His saliva is a long river. haha is ok

He decides to wait at her grandmother’s house.

Remember to describe. Answer why. Stretch situation out into small details, and use conjunctions to connect them.

He (subj) decides (verb) [to set] a trap for Red

to set is an infinitive that turns ‘to set’ into a noun.
“a trap for Red” is a object complement.

conjunction ‘and’
[He] waits at her grandmother’s house.

Since we use and, we can carry over the subject.

He decides to set a trap for Red and waits at her grandmother’s house.

He arrives

Try to use more adverbs to describe your verbs.

He meticulously arrives

He sees an old woman lying on the bed. Good!

He eats the “appetizer”.

Let’s describe more and try to connect it.

The wolf sees the old woman as an appetizer.
The wolf devours her in one gulp
use ‘and’ conjunction.

The wolf sees the old woman as an appetizer, and devours her in one gulp.

When Red arrives, she sees her “grandmother” lying on the bed.

Let’s try to be more descriptive. Don’t use quotes to have the audience guess what you are meaning.

When Red arrives, she sees a big hulking figure lying on the bed.

It does not look like her grandmother at all!

It is the wolf actually.

Let’s not use actually. That word is used too much among Chinese students.

In fact, is it the wolf in disguise.

The wolf eats his “main course”

Jump, spring, hop, leap…各种各样的jump synonym 都可以用。

He leaps into the air.
In a gruesome scene, Red becomes his main course.


He leaps into the air, and in a gruesome scene, Red becomes his main course.

Vocab by Mark-11-18

He contempts the work.

Contempt is a noun. We can say {show a contempt for sth.}

He shows contempt for the work.

I jump on the table.


They despise to eat hamburger.

despise 套现/很不喜欢 (动词)

They despise hamburgers.

I run around in my house.


A dog barks at me.


We cook some cookies.

We always say {make some cookies}.

We make some cookies.

A chicken runs to farmer.
{Farmer} is a countable noun. You should say {a/the farmer}.

A chicken runs to a farmer.

We admire cars.

She cherish her cat.

{She} is the third person singular, so please add {-es}.

She cherishes her cat.

We jog to our home.


Vocab by Owen-11-18


It means to make a loud sharp sound.

The parrot squawked and flew away.

eventually (adv)最后
Eventually, he win the race.
Eventuall, I go A in my test
Eventuall, I go to sleep.

Pay attention to your spelling. E-V-E-N-T-U-A-L-L-Y.
He is the third person singular, so please add an s.
And you’d better use past tense here. He won the race.

eventually (adv)最后
Eventually, he won the race.
Eventually, I got an A in my test.
Eventually, I went to sleep.

I trembled.
After the cold wind blow him, he trembled.
The cold weather make my trembled.

Past tense!

I trembled.
When he felt the cold wind, he trembled.
The cold weather made me tremble.

Make him a quartermaster.


I like apples because they are delicious.

sentence 1: I (subj) like (action verb) apples (object: plural noun).

Conjunction: because

sentence 2: They (subj) are (linking verb) delicious (adjective).


subj-verb agreement rules:

1) She like(s) apples.
2) [She and her dad] like (no s) apples.
3) We like (no s) apples.
4) They are (plural) delicious.


  • student’s sentence
  • Teacher’s suggestions
  • Correction

He likes to runs.
He (subj) likes (verb) [to run] (object)。 To + verb = noun (Infinitive,即动词不定式,通过在动词原形前加to,创造一个具有名词性特质的短语)
第三人称单数作主语,其后动词加s(likes),但like的对象用「to do」动词不定式结构表示,这里的动词run是不需要加s的。
He likes to run.

She contempts to feeds the cat.
contempt?or{attempt}?. Again,{to do}动词不定式结构的动词feed不可以加s.
She attempts to feed the cat.

My dog catchs a stick.
My dog catches a stick.

We admire animals.
We adore animals.

He eats apple.
{apple} is a countable noun.You should use {an apple} or {apples} here instead.
He eats an apple.

She cooks pizza.
She bakes pizza.

Cats loves to eats fish.
Cats是复数名词,不需要在它的动词后加s.Again,{to do}动词不定式结构的动词eat不可以加s.
Cats love to eat fish.

Andy Yersinia Pestis

  • The Plague is caused by Yersinia pestis bacteria.
  • Yersinia Pestis a kind of bacillus. Bacillus (a rod-shaped bacterium) travels from person to person through the air, as well as through the bite of infected fleas and rodents.
  • Yersinia pestis bacteria is transmitted between rodents.
  • The French biologist Alexandre Yersin discovered Yesinia Pestis at the end of the 19th century
  • Yersinia pestis is a gram-negative, non-motile, rod-shaped, bacterium, without spores.
  • Several species of rodents serve as the main reservoir for Y. pestis in the environment.
  • The transmission of Y. pestis also occurs by fleas.
  • The bacterial has the ability to suppress and avoid normal immune system responses.
  • It affects the host cell’s ability to communicate with the immune system, hindering the body bringing phagocytic cells to the area of infection.
  • It is a facultative anaerobic organism that can infect humans via the Oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis).
  • It causes the disease plague, which takes three main forms: pneumonic (infects people by pneumonia), septicemic (poisons the blood), and bubonic (swollen inflamed lymph nodes in the armpit or groin).
  • Plague has caused several major epidemics in Europe and Asia over the last 2,000 years.


feudal system (n) – the social and land-owning system of western Europe in the Middle Ages. Feudalism was a social system in which ownership of land was granted by a lord to an individual in exchange for his military service. The unit of land given in the agreement was called a fief.

For example:
The medieval European system of fiefs, homage, and service to the king.

The Byzantine system of pronoia, where land grants were given in exchange for military and administrative duties.

The Russian system of boyars, who held lands from the tsar and owed him loyalty and service.

The Japanese system of shogunate, where daimyo controlled lands and samurai served them as warriors.

Sentence: If I lived in a feudal system, I would be homeless.

rhyming couplet (n) – A rhyming couplet is a pair of successive lines that rhyme. It’s usually the last words at the end of each line that rhyme.


I’m Andy, and I taste like candy.
That’s how I got Sandy and Mandy.

I give them some rhyming couplets.
And out pop some tuplets.

Which one belongs to which?
I don’t care cuz all I need is a big dandy sandwich.

vow (noun) – a solemn promise

Sentence: I vow to conquer the world!

visor (n) – A visor is a movable part of a helmet that can be pulled down to cover the face.

sentence: I got on my bike and lowered my visor.

bishop (n) – a senior member of the Christian clergy, usually in charge of a diocese and empowered to confer holy orders.

Sentence: The bishop life may be too boring for me.

chivalry (n) – courteous behavior. Combination of qualities that encompasses courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak.

We should all strive cultivate Chinese chivalry.

Honor (n) – Something with a lot of respect. A privilege.

Sentence: I wear it with honor.

Honor (v) – To regard with high respect.

Sentence: Honor your parents!

Medieval Ages (n) – Middle Ages, the period in European history from the end of Roman civilization in the 5th century to the period of the Renaissance.

Sentence: I feel sorry for those who lived in the Medieval Ages.

Knights (n) – During the middle age, a man who served his sovereign or lord as a mounted soldier in armor.

Sentence: The death rate of knights is close to ninety percent.

personality (n) – a combination of qualities that forms an individual’s character.

Sentence: I may not be rich, but I have a great personality!

Mark -11-15-2023-09:21

  • student’s sentence
  • Teacher’s suggestions
  • Correction

We cherish our ukulele.

We – plural
our – plural

So the ukulele that belongs to ‘us’ are plural.

We cherish our ukuleles.

My cat loves to scrages the sofa.

scratch. Please watch spelling!

My cat loves to scratch the sofa.

A hores would like to runs.

Please follow my framework

subj – verb – obj

subj is a horse. Because its a 3rd singular, we add ‘s’ to the verb like.
infinitive is when you add a to to the verb to make it general.

In our case, we have verb and verb. We add a to in the middle.

We add to in the middle to make [to run] into a noun.
This satisfies object receiving a noun.

A horse (subj) likes (verb) [to run] (noun)

I despise the stinky sock.

I despise stinky socks.








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他们都是父母 他们都为获得公平而努力。他们都支持自己的孩子。



Sylvia’s grandfather and Mr Mendez showed their paternal love through education, fairness, and hard work.



The two men face each other like wild beasts.




Two people stand in two direction.

如果两个人站这互相对面的话,最好用 opposite。
然后如果用 opposite,呢就是两个 direction。。我们用复数 direction(s)

Two people stand in opposite directions

Grandpa and Mr Mendez stand diametrically opposed when it comes to education and human rights。


语法意见 第二段

There are many similarities between Grandpa and Mr.Mendez.
When it comes to education and human rights, Grandpa and Mr Mendez share similarities.

First,they are all parents.
First and foremost, they are fathers.

They care about their children’s education.
For example,“your children have to go to a Mexican school,said Mr. Harris.But why?”This shows that Mr.Mendez really cares for his children (p.12)”

Mr Mendez shows his dedication to his children when Mr Harris wants him to send his children to a Mexican school, instead of a better all white school. “Your children have to go a Mexican school, said Mr Harris.” “But why?” rebuts Mr Mendez.

“what does a scholarship jacket mean” This proves that Grandpa wants to help Martha as well.


They all care about fairness the others treated Mexican Americans.


They care about fairness and how Mexican Americans are treated.

As evidence,”Then if you pay for it, Martha, it’s not a scholarship jacket, is it?”

As 用错了。这是应为学神先用中文去想一个句子,然后就翻译到英文。100%不要这样。你可以先先内容。可是写内容的时候,英文管英文,中文管中文。

请看一下As 英文怎么用的:

As (preposition) – the role of

ex: My daughter dressed up [as a monster]. Baking soda can be used [as a detergent]. I work for Penguin Education [as an English Teacher].

As (Adverb)

I am not (as) fast as you.
This burger is not (as) good.
Come here (as) soon as possible.
This pie is not [as good] [as my mother’s].

clause + as + clause
It started to snow [as] we slept.

as + clause, clause
[As] we slept, it started to snow.


They both showed their staunch belief in fairness when Grandpa explained to Martha that using money to buy a prize is not fair. He wanted Martha to achieve through effort and fairness. We can see this clearly when he said ”Then if you pay for it, Martha, it’s not a scholarship jacket, is it?”

This shows that Grandpa wants Martha to have fairness when there is something she is worried about.


The next quote proves this as well”over the next few months


Mr. Mendez and Mr.Marcus traveled all over orange country

“This proves that Mr.Mendez want fairness when it’s about
his children’s education.“


compare and contrast thesis

ref – https://www.grammarly.com/blog/thesis-statement/

A Thesis requires:

  • decisive language
  • specific details
  • subtopics

How to structure a compare-and-contrast essay

The hardest part of structuring a compare-and-contrast essay is knowing when to talk about which subject. Essentially, you have three options:

block method (subject by subject): You discuss one subject in full and then move on to the next subject.

example – http://www.essaybyexample.com/free-essay-samples/essay-melville-moby-dick-poe-the-raven-comparative.php

The block method is usually divided into paragraphs:

a paragraph about one subject and then a new paragraph about another subject.

Take the compare-and-contrast essay example When Nothing Lies Beyond the Mask: Comparing Moby Dick and The Raven. In the first paragraph after the introduction, the author talks only about Ahab from Moby Dick, but in the next paragraph talks only about the narrator from The Raven. Each subject gets its own paragraph.

Using the block method, you can go back and forth like this for pages, covering as many topics as you need.
This approach is best for giving each subject its own attention

but tends to slightly weaken the connection between the two.

alternating method (point by point):

example – http://www.essaybyexample.com/free-essay-samples/essay-comparative-scifi-novels-movies.php

You discuss one subject’s take on a certain aspect and then another subject’s take immediately afterward, followed by a new aspect.

As another option, you can break paragraphs up by a specific topic and issue, and in each paragraph discuss both or all subjects. Let’s look at another compare-and-contrast essay example, The Reality of Science Fiction: Comparing Clarke to Cruise. Here, both subjects are discussed in the same paragraph, one right after another.

This approach works best when you want to emphasize the connection between your subjects, or lack thereof. In our example above, the author wishes to highlight just how different the aliens of Arthur Clarke are from those of other authors, particularly H. G. Wells. To emphasize this, the essay author juxtaposes the two points right next to each other in the same paragraph.

similarities and differences

ref – http://www.essaybyexample.com/free-essay-samples/essay-orwell-1984-zamyatin-we-comparative.php

You discuss all the similarities between your subjects and then all the differences, or vice versa (differences first and then similarities).

The third option is quite similar to the alternating approach, with each subject being discussed side by side in the same paragraph. However, the paragraphs aren’t divided by different topics, but instead by what the subjects have in common and what they don’t.

Take a look at the compare-and-contrast essay example Government by the People, for the People has Perished from the Earth, which compares the dystopias of George Orwell’s 1984 and Yevgeny Zamyatin’s We. The first paragraph after the introduction discusses what the governments in the two books have in common, but the next paragraph explains how they differ.

This method works best if you want to focus on a particular similarity or difference between your subjects, or if you want to build up to a powerful conclusion or reveal at the end.

Vocab by owen-11-08

I drew picture.
I played video games.
I had played video games before I drawn picture.

Please add an article before a singular countable noun.
The article refers to a or an or the.
You should say ‘I drew a picture’ here.
Also pay attention:
Past tense form of the word ‘draw’ is ‘drew‘.
Past participle form of ‘draw’ is ‘written‘.
Please review the past tense and past participle of irregular verbs.

I drew a picture.
I played video games.
I had played video games before I drew a picture.

I played basketball.
I did test.
I had played basketball before I done test.

You should say ‘I took a test.’ here.
We ‘do’ homework. We ‘take’ tests.

Past tense form of the word ‘take’ is ‘took’.
Past participle form of ‘take’ is ‘taken‘.

I played basketball.
I took a test.
I had played basketball before I took a test.

I blew ballon.
I broke ballon.
I had broke ballon after I blown balloon.

Pay attention to the spelling. Balloon!
Use ‘popped’ a balloon. We can’t break balloons, we can only pop them.

I blew a balloon.
I popped a balloon.
I had popped a balloon before I blew it.