Vocab by Mark-11-20

She hates to eats Pizza.

Remember {hate to do sth}.
{Pizza} is a countable noun.
Also, pay attention to whether the letters should be uppercase or lowercase.

She hates to eat pizzas.

We bite off the pieces off the meat.

There is an additional {off}. Delete it.

We bite the pieces off the meat.

They despise him.


My cat runs around In my home.

Pay attention to whether the letters should be uppercase or lowercase.

My cat runs around in my home.

I contempt to read.

{Contempt} is a noun. We can say {show a contempt for sth}.

I show a contempt for reading.

A fish swims In water.

Pay attention to whether the letters should be uppercase or lowercase.

A fish swims in water.

cats cherishs its things.

The first letter of a sentence should be capitalized.
And the third person singular form for {cherish} is to add -es.
But {cats} are plural here, so use the original form of the verb.

Cats cherish their things.
The cat cherishes its things.

I admire dogs.


She likes to jog.


I despise writing.


Vocab by Mark-11-17

He runs to the school.


We squeezed the lemon.


She cuts the pizza.


I despise vegtable.

Watch your spelling! Vegetable! Also use plural form please.

I despise vegetables.

They contempt those work.

{Contempt} is a noun. We always say {show contempt for something}.

They show contempt for those work.

We hate to do the work.


I adore hamberger.

Watch your spelling! Hamburger! Also, {hamburger} is a countable noun.

I adore hamburgers.

A cat hides its things.


We slide down the Park Slide.


He cherishs the food he had.

The third person singular form of {cherish} is to add -es because it is ended with -sh.
Keep the same tense here.

He cherishes the food he has.
He cherished the food he had.

Vocab by Mark-11-15

A duck is swimming on the water.

I believe part of the duck is in the water.

A duck is swimming in the water.

She admire to the chicken.

Admire something.
{She} is the third person singular, so please add -s at the end of {admire}.

She admires the chicken.

The cat is despise to it cat food.

We say {despise something}.
{The cat} is the third person singular, so please add -s at the end of {despise}.
Please distinguish {it} and {its}.

The cat despises its cat food.

Vocab by Mark-11-15

I cherish my new computer.


My crazy cat jump and run in my house.

{My crazy cat} is the third person singular, so please add an s at the end of {jump} and {run}.

My crazy cat jumps and runs in my house.

They throw the eggs to Peop’s window.

You mean people?

They throw the eggs to people’s window.

A chicken cherish its eggs.

{A chicken} is the third person singular, so please add -es at the end of {cherish}.

A chicken cherishes its eggs.

They admire to the airplanes.

Admire something.

They admire the airplanes.

She despise to her old akelele.

What is akelele? Watch your handwriting!
Also, we say {despise something}.
{She} is the third person singular, so please add -s at the end of {despise}.

She despises her old friend.

My dog will shakes when he saw a rat.

{Will} should be followed by the original form of a verb.

My dog will shake when he saw a rat.

She need to had a rest because She bump her head when she jump.

Need to do something!
{She} is the third person singular, so please add -s at the end of {need} {bump} {jump).

She needs to have a rest because She bumps her head when she jumps.

Vocab by Mark-11-15

I cherish my cat.


He despise him even punish him.

{He} is the third person singular, so add an -s to {despise} and an -es to {punish}.
Also please use {and} to connect two verbs.

He despises him.
He punishes him.

My dog is crazy he runs around In home.

Please use {and} to connect two simple sentences. Also, we say {at home}.

My dog is crazy and he runs around at home.

My friend admire jets.

{My friend} is the third person singular, so add an -s to {admire}.

My friend admires jets.

We crawl down the table.

You crawl down a hole.
But for a table, we say:

We crawl (below) the table

She is cherish to her new toy.

{Cherish} is a verb. We always say {cherish sth.}.

She cherishes her new toy.

He feel despise to his new teacher.

{Despise} is a verb. We always say {despise sth./sb.}.

He despises his new teacher.

I giggle because of the stink soup.

Please follow subj-verb-obj sentence structure.
Don’t use any conjunctions.

I giggle at the stinky soup

I had a friend his name is Peace.

Make sure you use {and} to connect two simple sentences.

I had a friend and his name is Peace.

he will shouts when he is angry.

{Will} should be followed by an original form of a verb.
And the first letter of a sentence should be capitalized.

He will shout when he is angry.

Vocab by Alice-11-25

rickety 摇晃的
in bad condition and therefore weak and likely to break.
1.My bed is rickety.
2.My sister get sick, she is a bit rickety.

{My sister} is the third person singular, so we use {gets} here.
Also please use a period or a conjunction to separate two simple sentences.

My sister gets sick. She is a bit rickety.
My sister gets sick, and she is a bit rickety.

3.We can repair the rickety table.


a piece of equipment that buns fuel or uses electricity in order to heat a place.
1.I put my biscuits in to the stove.
2.Stove makes me warm.
3.She is putting sticks in to stove.

{Into} is a word.

I put my biscuits into the stove.
She is putting sticks into stove.

kettle 水壶.
a container for boiling water, that has a lid, handle and spout and is made from plastic or metal.
1.I have a big kettle.
2.I use kettle to boil tea.

3.I should drink a kettle of water


a clear liquid with a strong smell that is made from coal or petroleum, and used as a fuel, especially in heaters and lights
1.I use paraffin to make candles.
2.Use paraffin is a good idea.

The verb-ing form serves as the subject.
Using paraffin is a good idea.

3.Paraffin will melt.


ceiling 大花板.
the in site surface of a room that you can see when you look above you.
1.He can’t reach the high ceiling.
2.She lies down and stares at the ceiling.
3.The ceiling has a big hole.


1.I have danced since 8 years ago.
2.She has run for an hour.
3.He has been to UK 10 years ago.


1.If I’m a bird, I can fly to everywhere I want.
2.If you come to Shenzhen, you can live in my home.
3.If she knows the reason, she won’t be angry.


1.I’m angry because she steals my pencil.
2.She is worry about the test because she weak in english.

Keep in mind: {worry about} {be worried about}.
English is a specialized noun. In any case, the first letter should be capitalized.
Also, {weak} is an adj. We always say {be weak in sth.}. Don’t forget {be}.

She is worried about the test because she is weak in English.
She worries about the test because she is weak in English.

3.I’m so happy because I have not seen you for a long time.

Vocab by owen-11-25

Chemical (adj.) 化学的
That is a chemical change.
There are many chemical thing in the science lab.

Don’t forget to use the plural form for {thing}.

There are many chemical things in the science lab.

We have chemical class.

Chemical is an adjective.

English uses compound noun (chemistry + class) to denote this class teaches chemistry.

We have chemistry class.

Vocab by owen-11-24

They are Ojibway.
I have a Ojibway friend.

Ojibway begins with a vowel sound, so we use {an} as its article.

I have an Ojibway friend.

He is a Ojibway.

The same reason mentioned above.

He is an Ojibway.

He is a native people.

People is a plural noun representing many people or many persons.
If we want to talk about a person, we need to use {person}.

He is a native person.

There are many native people.


They are native people.


Vocab by Mark-11-15

A duck is swimming on the water.

Part of the duck’s body is in the water, so we use {in}.

A duck is swimming in the water.

She admire to the chicken.

The usage of {admire}: admire sth.
{She} is the third person singular, so please add an -s to {admire}.

She admires the chicken.

The cat is despise to its cat food.

{Despise} is a verb. The usage of {despise}: despise sth.
{The cat} is the third person singular, so please add an -s to {despise}.

The cat despises its cat food.

Vocab by Owen-11-23

There are many charities.
They give money to charities
We need to give money to charities.


we urges to him.

The first letter of a sentence should be capitalized.
Also, we always say {urge sb.}.

We urge him.

Teacher urges we to learn.

{Teacher} is a singular countable noun. Please add an article {a/the} before it.
如果你要说 “我们” as (宾语), 呢就必须用 “us”. “We” 是用来在主题的。

Please change {we} into {us}.

The teacher urges us to learn.

He urges me to faster.

faster 是一个人努力的状态。。所以如果我要你个特质, 我们用 (to be)

I need you:

to be [a man]
to be [quiet]
to be [a dog]
to be [silly]

所以 to be 是你要那个成为。


He urges me to be [faster].

He urges me to be faster.

He is a shepherds.

{Shepherd} is singular. {shepherds} are plural.

He is a shepherd.

He want to be a shepherds.

{He} is the Third person singular. Please add an -s at the end of {want}.

He wants to be a shepherd.

There were many shepherds.
