Essay by owen-12-1

I hate mosquito.
{Mosquito} is a countable noun. You can say {a mosquito} or {mosquitos}.
I hate mosquitos.

There are mosquito at swamp.
The same problem mentioned above. Use {mosquitos} here.
And we always say {in swamp}.
There are mosquitos in swamp.

We riddance the mosquito away.
{Riddance} is a noun. You should use a verb here.
We drive the mosquito away.

protest (as a verb) is commonly used with preoposition ‘against’.
I protest against violence.
I protest against child abuse.

I protested I hate mosquito.
What you mean to say here is probably to complain:

I complain about mosquitoes.
I protest against mosquitoes

{Mosquito} is a countable noun. You can say {a mosquito} or {mosquitos}.
Also please keep the tense the same.
I protested that I hated mosquitos.

Mosquito drink blood.
The same problem mentioned before.
Mosquitos drink blood.

Mark -12-14-2023-11:13

I am panic.
He was panic.
My cat is panic.
They make panic.


We was panic.

we是我们,本身就是复数含义。 we +are/were…

We were panic.

Greek is a country.
He lives In Greek.
I live In Greek.

Greek:n.希腊人;希腊语 adj. 希腊的希腊人的
注意In 在句中 无需首字母大写!

Greece is a country.
He lives in Greece.
I live in Greece.

This house is ancient.
This knife is ancient.


Fight happen even in ancient.

fight 指战争战斗的时候 可数名词
ancient: 大多数是形容词, 作为名词是指古代人。 在古时候的词组:in ancient time

Fights happen even in ancient time.

He is a shepherd.
I am a shepherd.
They are shepherds.


I like flute.
He plays flute.
She bracks the flute.

flute: 可数名词
演奏长笛:play the flute. 乐器前一般都要有定冠词the, like: play the guitar/play the piano
bracks: spelling mistake

I like the flute.
He plays the flute.
She breaks the flute.

He has cool appearance.
I have cool appearance.
lion has cool appearance.

lion 可数名词
位于句首的单词 首字母大写!

He has a cool appearance.
I have a cool appearance.
The lion has a cool appearance.

It was fearful.


I saw a fearful things.
It is fearfully.

1. fearful: be fearful of sth/that+clause./to do 因…而担忧害怕
Bankers were fearful of a world banking crisis。
Parents are ever fearful for their children.
We made a fearful mess of the room.
a fearful glance
2. a 不可与名词复数连用。
3. 它的副词: fearfully 副词不可直接位于be动词后。

I saw a fearful thing.
It is fearful.

This is the origin.


This are the waters origin.

1. This is…
These are…
2. 水的起源:the origin of water 一般无生命的物体要表示“…的”不接’s作为所有格,可以用… of…

This is the origin of water.

people origin here.

origin: n. 它的动词形式:originate

people originated here.

He is foolish.
My cat is foolish.
I’m foolish.


Vocab by owen-12-11

anxious (adj) 焦虑的
He is anxious.
After the test, I was anxious.
They are anxious.


strays (v) 偏离的
The original form of the word is {stray}.

Every time he write essay, He strays the topic.
{He} is the third person singular, so we add an -s at the end of {write}.
{Essay} is a countable noun, so please use an article here.
And the letter {H} should be capitalized here.
Every time he writes an essay, he strays the topic.

I strays the destination.
{I} is the first person singular, so the verb should be in the original form.
I stray the destination.

They strays where they are ???
{They} is the third person plural, so the verb should be in the original form.
And watch your handwriting.
They stray where they are.

Essay by owen-12-09

The wolf tore the beef into half.

The wolf ranted to me.

The wolf scowled at me.

The wolf riddance me away.
{Riddance} is a noun. You can use {expel} here.
The wolf expelled me away.

The wolf like to eat lambs.
{The wolf} is the third person singular, so you need to add an -s at the end of the verb.
The wolf like to eat lambs.

Mark -12-13-2023-09:53

I have average foods.
We don’t get average homeworks.
Teacher give average book to us.

1. 总体来说,用法都比较奇怪。
average 虽然也有ordinary; not special的意思,但习惯用法搭配如下,like:
I was just an average sort of student 我就是个一般的学生
I am average. 我很一般
I scored very average on my math test.成绩一般
The average price is two rmbs 平均价格
The food is average. 食物很一般。
The book is just average.这本书很一般。
an average rate/cost/price 平均费率 / 成本 / 价格
The average adult man 普通成年男子

2. homework: uncountable noun
teacher 第三人称单数 ,动词加s
average book:【经】(银行的)帐面平均存款余额
book: 可数名词

I have average foods.
We don’t get standard/typical homework
The teacher gives ordinary/unexceptional books to us.

I have a pair of shoes.
I have a pair sock.
I got a pair of colored shirt.

1. pair: 可数名词
常用固定词组 a pair of…
a pair of gloves/shoes/earrings
a pair of trousers/pants/jeans

2. shooce 拼写错误
一样的颜色的shirt 一对相同颜色的衬衫也就是两件一样颜色的衬衫,一般衬衫不论“对儿”。
shoe, sock, shirt都是可数名词

I have a pair of shoes.
I have a pair of socks.
I got two shirts in the same color.

He is donations.
People donations to pore people.
Donations’ a good things.

1. donation: n 赠送;捐赠物 它为名词哦! 它的动词是: donate
2. pore拼写错误
donations 后面的系动词要用are

He makes large donations.
People donate to poor people.
Donations are good things.


She considered her options.
We’re considering buying a new car.
This award is considered (to be) a great honour.这项奖被视为极大的荣誉。
You should consider other people before you act.你在行动之前应当考虑到别人。
He stood there, considering the painting.他站在那里,凝视着那幅画。

I consider things.


People need consider every time.

need to do sth.

People need to consider it every time.

We are consider now.

be+Ving 表示正在进行的动作 are considering 正在思考; be watching TV 正在看电视

We are considering it now.

receive: verb!
receive sth 得到某物
receive sth.from sb. 从某人某处得到某物
receive a letter/present/phone call收到信 / 礼物;接到电话
receive information/payment/thanks接收信息 / 付款;受到感谢
We received a warm welcome from our hosts.

I received my toy.


My cat received her food.


He receiveds his shoes.


He receiveds his shoes.

Mark -12-13-2023-09:54

I know the basic word.


He knows the basic work.


We know all the basic actions.


We had charity shop.

charity shop: countable noun

We had charity shops.

I give money to charity school.

charity school: countable noun

I give money to charity schools.

No body charity to the pure city.

no body:主语 nobody连在一起的 nobody=no one 后面接动词是用第三人称单数形式
charity: n
to the pure city: 不定式表目的地
这个句子里没有动词,所以缺少谓语动词成分。 可以用donate money 捐款。
poor city 拼写错误

Nobody donates money to the poor city.

Mark -12-12-2023-10:04

lungs help us breath.

breath: n
breathe: v

Lungs help us breathe.

lungs can outo-breath

breath: n
breathe: v
自动的前缀是:auto 而肺部自主呼吸自动呼吸有常用组合:spontaneously breathe

Lungs can auto-breathe/spontaneously breathe.

People must has lungs


I use sack to clean the table.


I bye a sack today.


He lost his sack.


Mark -12-12-2023-10:03

Cat are Independence animal.

1.Independence: noun. 如果要修饰名词animal,要变成他的形容词形式:independent
2.句子结构:主语+系动词+表语 句中单词无特殊情况无需大写开头字母。

Cats are independent animals.

We are Independence.

1.Independence: noun.
2.句子结构:主语+系动词+表语 这里表语要用形容词性 independent

We are independent.

He is Independence.


He is independent.

The lions are violence.

1.violence: noun. violent behaviour that is intended to hurt or kill sb
violent: adj.
2.lion是可数名词,作为主语可以用复数形式表泛指一个种类。 名词作为主语情况一般是:名词复数形式/the➕名词单数/A➕名词单数

The lions are violent.

He is violence.

1.violence: noun. violent behaviour that is intended to hurt or kill sb
violent: adj.

He is violent.

I am violence.

same as above

I am violent.

I am been educated.

am 和 been 不可同时使用,am 为一般现在时使用,been 通常是 have/had been 这样使用,用于完成时。

I am educated.
I have been educated.

He isn’t educated.


She isn’t educated before.


She wasn’t educated before.

He is a lawyer.


I am a lawyer.


She is a lawyer.


This boss don’t gives any salary.

don’t+动词原型 gives去掉s
give sb.sth/ give sth. to sb.

This boss don’t give us any salary.

every month boss will give salary.

every 位于句首要大写首字母
every month指每个月,通常用于一般现在时
boss 可数名词 要加冠词或者所有格 the boss/ my boss
give sb.sth/ give sth. to sb.
salary 可数名词 a salary指每月的工资

Every month, my boss gives me a salary.

He uses the salary too fast.


People throw rag to ocean.

rag: countable noun

People throw rags to ocean.

rag bag can be reciacle.

rag bag 可数名词
reciacle 拼写错误, recycle: v. 这里可用它的形容词 recycled 可循环利用的

The rag bag can be recycled.

I love to use rag bag.

rag bag 可数名词 所以要变成复数形式

I love to use rag bags.

She loves olive color.

good,再不特殊强调,且没有误会的情景下,直接说 She loves olive 就可

Olive is a good color.


I have one olive color shirt.

这里olive作为形容词可以直接修饰shirt, 表示橄榄色的

I have one olive shirt.

This food is native.


I bring native plant to Franch.

plant is a countable noun, please add -s.
France 是名词法国。

I bring native plants to France.

I plant some native plant.

plant is a countable noun, please add -s.

I plant some native plants.

I learned Irish accent.

accent 作为口音来讲 一般是countable noun, 所以Irish accent前要加冠词,表特指强调。

I learned the Irish accent.

I go to the Irish.

Ireland n. 爱尔兰
Irish adj. 爱尔兰人的 爱尔兰语的

>I go to Ireland.

Some people think Irish are a good country.

Ireland n. 爱尔兰
Irish adj. 爱尔兰人的 爱尔兰语的

Some people think Ireland is a good country.

I’m surely of the topic.

off the topic 离题

I’m surely off the topic.

She is surely its safe.

adv.当然;无疑;必定 副词修饰形容词,动词,句子,但不可作为主句成分。
句子结构上 主语+be动词+表语,主句she is its safe肯定不对,可以改成 she is safe.

She is surely safe.

We all surely we finshed our work

adv.当然;无疑;必定 副词修饰形容词,动词,句子,但不可作为主句成分。
这个句子是一个从句结构,但也逃不开句子结构:sub+verb+object clause, we主语,宾语从句we finished our work,副词surely肯定不是verb, 所以句子缺少动词成分。句意为我们保证完成了我们的任务,动词可以选择guarantee, 前面是一般现在时,后面也通常保持时态一致的现在时,而已经完成了的动作,我们用现在完成时。

We guarantee we have finished our work

Mark -12-08-2023-11:38

I throw a apple at him.

apple 以元音音素开头的可数名词,前面要用an

I throw an apple at him.

We buy a lot of supply.

supply作为不可数名词指the act of supplying sth
在你的句子中supply是表达the things such as food, medicines, fuel, etc. that are needed by a group of people, for example an army or expedition,是他的可数名词用法

We buy a lot of supplies.

She sees her’s cat at school.

her’s 明显错误,her就是所有格

She sees her cat at school.

They had a good news.

news-uncountable noun

They had good news.

He attends my birthday party.


My cat jumps on my sofa.


He ates lot but he did’t get fat.

eat:过去式 ate
单三 eats
a lot 固定词组作为副词修饰动词表示「很多,非常」

He ate a lot but he did’t get fat.

I walk to my big, white school.


They eat small, meat pizza.

pizza在这里是可数名词 一整张披萨

They eat a small, meat pizza.

She sees a orange, big orange.


She sees a big, orange orange.

Mark -12-09-2023-07:40

I throw my blue, small pencil at him.

blue,small 都是coordinate adjectives, 当adj. 修饰名词的时候,一般顺序为:大小+颜色+n

I throw my small, blue pencil at him.

We turn into 3 monstors.


They cook cookies for the party.


She walks down the stier.

stair 注意拼写, 同时它是个可数名词。


I attend my friend’s birthday party.


He works slow, but he’s work is bad.

but 表示转折,slow和bad都是形容不好的事物,不需要转折,用and即可

He works slow, and his work is bad.

Farmer’s chicken runs out the farm.

run out 表示耗尽用尽 为不及物动词词组
run out of 为及物动词 +地点 表示跑出哪里

Farmer’s chicken runs out of the farm.

My cat chiesses me at living room.

spelling mistake
living room is a countable noun, please add {the} before it.

My cat chases me at the living room.

We play soccer together.


I finsh my long, big, boring homework.

finsh:spelling mistake
long, big, boring homework:修饰作业,一般不用long and big, 一般用heavy

I finish my boring, heavy homework.