The Three Little Pigs

Three Little Pigs

1) conjunctions (fanboy)
2) more adjectives
3) All description. No dialogue. No telling.

There were three toddle pigs live happily on a broad plain. After they were old enough, they decided to build their own house in this temperate spring.

The eldest brother casually saw some straws lying on the ground. He was very
lazy. Building his house was extremely hard for him. He has never finished anything in his life, but he was the master of sleeping. He slowly dragged the straws together, and comfortablely lied down on the straw under the glorious sun.

The two brothers went forward together, and as they walked, they saw a pile of wood in front of them. The yougher brother loved collecting woods. They are strong and beautiful, and their smell is refreshing. He used those wood to build his dream house.

The third pig was hardworking. He relocated the heavy bricks. The tenacious pig stacked them up together. They become a sturdy fortress,withstanding the blowing wind.

A starving wolf came. He is a skeleton. He hasn’t eaten anything for three days.
He saw a plump pig lied deliciously on the straws. His eyes glow golden. When the wolf was going to succeed, the lazy pig unexpectedly woke up. He froze when he saw the wolf. Then, he ran insanely for once in his entire life.

He rushed in his brother’s beautiful wood house. The wolf demanded them to open the door. They did not do the thing that only the idiot does, so the wolf inhales the air extremely hard and blow at the house. The wooden masterpiece disappears.

They ran into the strong fortress they brther made. The wolf tried to blow the brick house, but the brick house was as hard as a diamond. The wolf did not give up. He went into the chimney. Sadly, the fire was on, so the wolf died painfully.

Mark -12-19-2023-10:36

I am a teacher!

good! but no need to use “!” at the end of this sentense.

She tasts nicely.

{tasts} 拼写错误
taste: 作为动词,是及物动词,后面要直接接object。
nicely 作为副词是修饰动词或者句子的,品尝的动作不是“nicely”,而味道应该是“nice”的。

She tastes it and it feels nice.

They became teachers.


He is a doctor.


We is pilots.

we(a first person plural pronoun. ) +are

We are pilots.

I feel fluffy fur.

good 但译为“触摸”的时候最好用touch
例句: feel the bump on my head
feel how rough this is.

She is a drawer.



They is planter.

they( a third person plural pronoun. ) +are+ object(plural form)

They are planters.

He listens carefully.


I am a boss.


Vocab by owen-12-18

Cats loves to hide in the trees.

Whe I saw a cat that had no fur, I was speechless.
Watch your spelling! You mean {when}?
When I saw a cat that had no fur, I was speechless.

Liger is bigger than a cat.
{Liger} is a countable noun. Add an article here.
A liger is bigger than a cat.

Cats like to chase bird wher the birds are sound.
{Bird} should be in a plural form. Also watch your spelling.
{Sound} is a noun or a linking verb.
Cats like to chase birds when the birds are making sound.

hobby (n) 爱好
I have many hobby.

{Hobby} is a countable noun. Use plural form here.
I have many hobbies.

They have many hobby.
The same problem mentioned above.
They have many hobbies.

Everyone have hobby.
{Everyone} is the third person singular, so we use {has} here.
Everyone has hobbies.

conversation (n) 交谈
I am in a conversation.
I hate to be in a conversation.


Vocab by owen-12-18


They love to be in conversation.

{In conversation} is always used as an ongoing state.
You can say {have a conversation} or {sb. be in conversation}.

They love to have a conversation.
They are in conversation.

Mark -12-18-2023-12:57

I run fast.


She jumps high.


We swim fast.


I walk slow.


He reads fast.


A cat eat fast.

{A cat} is the third person singular, so please add -s at the end of {eat}.

A cat eats fast.

she hop high.

{she} is the third person singular, so please add -s at the end of {hop}.

she hops high.

They draw fast.


I write slow.


He shake fast.

{he} is the third person singular, so please add -s at the end of {shake}.

He shakes fast.

Lucas 20231215


I(s) drink(v).


Daniel (s) jumps(v).


Mom(s) digs(v).


Babys(s) crawl(v).


Liam(s) dances(v).


The magic key(s) glowed(v).


We(s) had(v) a great time(o).


I(s) saw(v) Daniel(o) in the school.


I(s) ate(v) a carrot(o) yesterday.


Mark -12-16-2023-09:32

She is from Objibway.
He lives in Objibway.
I love Objibway.

good 虽然我不太知道Objibway在哪,但不妨碍你的句子的使用!

She pollutions water.
I will pollution the food.
We pollution earth.

1. pollution: uncountable noun.
air/water pollution 空气/水污染
The level of pollution in the river was falling.这条河中的污染物水平在下降。
它的动词形式: pollute
~ sth (by/with sth)(用某物)污染…
The river has been polluted with toxic waste from local factories.
the polluted river.被污染的河流


She pollutes water.
I will pollute the food.
We pollute earth.

I have tears in my eyes.


His tears falls into a spoon.
Her tears falls out her eyes.

tears 本身就是复数形式 后面的动词无需改变-fall
fall out of… 从…掉下来

His tears fall into a spoon.
Her tears fall out of her eyes.

Chemical is danjuer.

chemical: countable noun
danjuer spelling mistake!
danger 是个名词,它的形容词:dangerous

Chemicals are dangerous.

I make chemicals.


He uses chemicals things.

chemical: 既可以是形容词也可以是可数名词。

He uses chemicals.名词
He uses chemical things.形容词

We have fire senses.
She only has 3 senses.
He breaks his 2 senses.

1. fire senses 这里指的是什么呢?
2. break 2 senses 也不会这么用, 如果我的某一个感官失灵,常用 lost my sense of …
例如:I completely lost my sense of taste and smell.

sense:作名词讲, 它是个很灵活的单词,有很多含义。可译为“感官,意识,判断力, 意义”等等,但是要注意习惯搭配。
Dogs have a strong sense of smell. 狗的嗅觉很灵敏。
He felt a sense of loss.他感到失落。
a strong sense of duty 很强的责任感
He has a very good sense of direction.他的方向感很强。
There’s a lot of sense in what Mary says.玛丽说得很在理。
There’s no sense in worrying about it now.现在大可不必为那件事忧虑。
In a sense, it doesn’t matter any more.从某种意义上说,这事已无关紧要了。
This sentence doesn’t make sense.这个句子不通。


Essay by nina-12-15

Animals in the park


When Grandpa(s) come(v)to visit(o)(noun), we (s)like(v)to go(o)for walk.
{Grandpa} is the third person singular, so add an -s at the end of {come}.
And we say {go for a walk}.
When Grandpa(s) comes(v)to visit(o), we (s)like(v)to go(o)for a walk.

First, we(s)go(v)to the store(o).

Grandpa (s)buys(v)some seeds and nuts(o).

Then we(s)go(v)to the park(o).

Grandpa(s)shows(v)me(o/noun) how to feed the birds and squirrels.

We(subject) give(verb) them seeds and nuts to eat. (noun) (to) (verb)

这句不太明白→Soon all the small animals come to me.
Soon(adv) all the small animals(s) come(v) to me.(o)

I (s)enjoy feeding them.→(noun)

Doing is used as an object here.
I (s)enjoy(v) feeding them(o).

I(s)think(v)they(o/n)like seeds and nuts, and they (s)like(v)us(o/n)too.
There is a clause here.
I(s)think(v)(they like seeds and nuts)(clause of objective), and they (s)like(v)us(o/n)too.

Vocab by owen-12-14

Hastily (adv) 匆忙地
I hastily go to school.
I hastily finish my homework.
I hastily run to the station.


bin (n)
I hide in the bin.
The bin was big.
There were a big bin.

{A big bin} is singular, so we use {was} here.
There was a big bin.