To (preposition)

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A preposition is a word used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show

  • direction
  • time
  • place
  • location
  • spatial relationships
  • or to introduce an object

We can use to as a preposition to indicate a destination or direction:

We’re going to Liverpool next week. (destination)

Does he want to come to the park with us? (destination)

The dog ran to us as soon as we arrived. (direction)

‘To’ as a preposition: receiver of an action

We use to with verbs such as (give money to), (hand the keys to), (send letters to), (write notes to), to indicate the person or thing that receives or experiences the object of the verb:

She’s always writing letters to the local newspaper. (The local newspaper receives the letters (action – She’s writing letters ))

I gave the keys to Jane. (Jane receives the keys (action – I gave) )

‘To’ as a preposition: time

We use to in telling the time, when we refer to the number of minutes before the hour:


Her train arrives at quarter to five.

It’s ten to six. We’d better leave now or we’ll be late.

We can use to to express time from … to …:


It’s just three days to New Year’s Day.

They’re only open from Monday to Friday.

‘To’ as a preposition: approximate numbers

We can use ‘to’ when we refer to an approximate number somewhere between a lower number and a higher number:

There were forty to fifty people at the meeting.

It’ll probably cost you thirty to thirty-five pounds.

Justin 6/22 1400-1600

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这周的新的语法是 present continuous

Present (continuous)

功课是30个例子的 present continuous 怎么用:
– 现在的
– 差不多现在的
– 以后的

verb + ing participle

Alex pays ‘the’ lunch 可是应该 Alex pays ‘for’ lunch.


– attentive
– horizon
– tender
– decompose
– decay
– distress
– maiden

这种都是非常正常的英文词。如果雅思7以上的话,必须熟悉。 所以只能多读,把他不知道的单词要曝出来。

最后,我意见他去淘宝买Roald Dahl的书。Roadl Dahl是一个很出名的author.写了很多非常好的孩子们的小书。都是短故事。
所以我鼓励他一周读好一本。然后我会教他写一个短的essay. 这样,熟悉以后,一看雅思或者学校的读文章/写essay的功课都会觉得好简单。

Present Continuous

– label verb
– label the ‘-ing’ participle
– label subject

10 examples of happening around now
10 examples of happening exactly now.
10 examples of happening in the future.


10 examples of (y) –> (ies) on verbs –>
hurr(y) = hurries

Bake (heat comes from the top)
Broiled Beef ( heat comes from both top and bottom)
Bake (250-300) this turkey
Roast (400-450) this chicken.

Broil this tenderloin.

Mr Alex pays for (NOT ‘the’) lunch.
preposition (for vs the)

(10 examples each)
– attentive
– horizon
– tender
– decompose
– decay
– distress
– maiden
– maiden voyage

* Read synopsis of Event Horizon.

Write down vocabulary words.

tender + ly –> adverb (describes a verb)
the leaves (noun) float tenderly away

verb + adverb

grass (uncountable)
can’t use many


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Show possession

of the
Objects/things that are not alive

Person, group of people, country, animals.


The leg of the chair is broken.
The dog‘s leg is broken.

My father‘s house is really nice.
The house of my father is really nice.

Expressions of quantity

A lot of sugar.
A number of mistakes.
Lots of love.

A great deal of money.
The majority of students are poor.
A couple of reasons.

Both of of my arms are broken.

Making it specific

All students hate math. (students in general)

All of my students hate math.
All of the students hate math.
(Specific group)

June Admin React App Test

Scan QR Code – Register/Login

When the admin register page loads, it will present a QR code.

We can it with our wechat scanner.

1) When scanned, it will open our Wechat mini’s app’s pages/auth/admin page.

In that wechat mini page, the user NEEDS TO PUSH THE AUTHORIZE BUTTON and it will call getUserProfile, which gives response with a one time code. The page will also have a scene string from its onLoad function’s option parameter.

Then we provide the 1 time code and scene to our backend.

The /v1/auth/grant on the server side will receive the wechat user’s openId via an Wechat API call. Then, the server will see whether this use exists or is new. If it exists, it will have the existing user’s data ready for the front end. If it does not, it will have user data that is all null, and only the openId valid. A variable will be switched on so the front end’s request will know if its okay to receive it.

When the QR code renders on the page, we need to poll the server because we’re waiting for the user to push that authorize button in order to get the server hit Wechat’s API.

We are looking at the status of the QR code. The server will return user data.

The user exists if the id and tokenInfo are valid, and we just load it into the stat’e user object.

If they DO NOT exist, then that means its a new user and we only have the openid.

Thus, we then open up a form for the new user to fill in their email, nickname, and phone number.

Create Word

POST on /rickyabc/api/v1/word/add
form data:

wordInfo blob
imageFile imageFile
audioFile audioFile

Get Word

GET on /rickyabc/api/v1/word/get?date=2023-06-18&teacherId=6

Update Word

POST on /rickyabc/api/v1/word/update

form data:
wordInfo blob
imageFile imageFile
audioFile audioFile

Delete Word

POST on /rickyabc/api/v1/word/delete

form data:
id toDeleteID

headers: {
‘Content-Type’: ‘multipart/form-data’,
[tokenName]: tokenValue

Create Example

POST on /rickyabc/api/v1/word/addExample

We need the word id that this example belongs to:

data form:

example blob // contains obj
imageFile imageFile
audioFile audioFile

Update Example

Delete Example

POST /rickyabc/api/v1/word/deleteExample

form data:

id toDeleteID

adding s, es to verbs in present simple

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In English, the -s is only added to regular verbs in the present tense when the subject of the verb is a third person singular subject.

Let’s look at some simple examples:

  • I run
  • (first person)

  • You run
  • (second person)

  • He/she/it runs
  • (third singular)

  • We run
  • (first plural)

  • You run
  • (second singular)

  • They run
  • (third plural)

We add “s” to the end of a verb (run –> runs, sit –> sits, see –> sees, play –> plays)

We add “es” to the end of the verb that has a sibilant sound. i.e ss, ch, x, tch, sh, zz


guess > guesses
watch –> watches
mix -> mixes)
smash –> smashes
buzz –> buzzes

Plural pronoun

This -s is different from the plural -s. Do not confuse the two.
i.e The subject “Lisa and Ronald” is a third person plural subject, so the verb DOES NOT get an -s.

drop singular plural
first person → I drop the ball. We drop the ball.
second person → You drop the ball. You (all) drop the ball.
third person → He/She/It drops the ball They drop the ball.

Notice that the verb is always drop in the present tense, unless the subject is third person singular.
Subjects like “Lisa and Ronald” are third person plural subjects. The names can be replaced by the third person plural pronoun “they” in the sentence, as shown below:

Lisa and Ronald drop the ball. = They drop the ball.

Other rules

generic component in wechat mini

Generic Item View

In our example omponent, we have a item-view custom component that will be applied as a generic component.


In other pages, when we create a generic component and create a tag called selectable. You can name this whatever you want.

For example, in custom component pageView page-view’s index.json and index.wml, we declare custom generic tag called “rickycao” under componentGeneric:


Then use it in the wx html file like this:


In order to use rickycao tag, it is looking for a custom component that serves as generic (as indicated in componentGenerics). So when we use
the tag rickycao, we know which custom component to use.

In order to provide this generic, we must do so like this:

generic:rickytsao, and as a property of using our pageView component.


where item-view is declared in:


Let’s use the custom tag itemview


Then in that wx html file, we use it as a tag and then insert our values into its properties.


We use a custom component, and then say that we are applying our item-view component as a generic component:

triggerEvent (wechat mini)



Notice here we have declared the generic:itemview to take on our item-view component here. item-view was imported in our .json file.


Item View





Stative Verbs

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Stative Verbs

Stative verbs describe states. They do not describe actions.

Stative verbs indicate the following state of a subject:

Mental or Cognitive state: think, believe, doubt, guess, remember, pretend, recognize, recall, guess, forget, agree, disagree, need, prefer, satisfy
Emotional state: love, hate, adore, abhor, like, dislike, appreciate, envy, detest, loathe
Senses: see, hear, feel, seem, taste, smell, sense, sound
Possessional state: have, belong, possess, own, belong, want
Others (condition): weigh, contain, involve, concern, lack, deserve, matter, resemble

For example:

√ I am late.
(Here, “am” is a stative verb. It describes a state.)

X I caught a fish.
(“Caught” is not a stative verb. It describes an action. It is an action verb.)

√ John knows where the treasure is hidden.
(Here, “knows” is a stative verb. “Is” is also a stative verb. They both describe states.)

X John found the treasure.
(“Found” is not a stative verb. It describes an action. It is an action verb.)


Sarah agrees with you.

I believe that karma is real.

Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted. (Author Denis Waitley)
(“Are” in this sentence is also a stative verb.)

Here are another five common stative verbs related to thoughts:

  • imagine
  • know
  • remember
  • think
  • understand


Lee loves pies.
Mark and Craig prefer cakes.
I am prepared for the worst, but hope for the best.
(“Am” in this sentence is also a stative verb.)

Here are another five common stative verbs related to feelings:

  • hate
  • like
  • value
  • want
  • wish


I feel sick.
All seems well.

Here are another five common stative verbs related to senses:

  • appear
  • look
  • see
  • smell
  • taste


That dog belongs to me.
Ask the farmer who owns the field.

Science fiction is a kind of literature that embodies the highest aspirations of the human race. (Author Harlan Ellison)
(“Is” in this sentence is also a stative verb.)

Here are another five common stative verbs related to possession:

  • consist
  • comprise
  • have
  • include
  • possess


This statue weighs a lot.
Your feet reach the end of the bed.
The problem spans two decades.
The marrow measures six inches.

More Importantly

Example 1:

I remembered where I left the keys. correct
I was remembering where I left the keys. wrong

(Stative verbs are not used in the past continuous tense.)

Example 2:

That dog belongs to me. correct
That dog is belonging to me. wrong

(Stative verbs are not used in the present continuous tense.)

Example 3:

All will appear normal. correct
All will be appearing normal. wrong

(Stative verbs are not used in the future continuous tense.)

If a stative verb is used in a continuous tense, native English speakers will treat it as an action verb, not a stative verb.

For example:

I was remembering where I left the keys. correct
(Native English speakers would assume that the speaker was in the act of remembering. In other words, they would treat it as an action verb not a stative one.)

More examples

Ashish loves his parents more than anyone in the world.
Nobody likes to talk to Rohan. He brags too much about his job.
I hated Mathematics for many years.
Do you believe in God?
He pretended to be a cop in front of my friends.
I can’t recall the date.
Every time we doubted him, he proved us wrong.
How can he dislike chocolates?
We appreciate what Max has done for our family.
He needed food very badly.
You seem upset about something.
The food tastes awful.
You smell great.
He sounds quite confident.
All of us have a gaming laptop.
She wanted a cook.
The syrup contains alcohol.
Shami deserves the credit for this win.

How to use calendar

You have a calendar component.
You want to use it in courses, so you set it up like this:




wechat mini – fetch, get user test



