8 parts of speech in the English Language

There are eight parts of speech in the English language:

  • nouns
  • pronouns
  • verbs
  • adverbs
  • adjectives
  • prepositions
  • conjunctions
  • interjections

The thing about these eight parts of speech in English is that they contain smaller categories of types of words and phrases in the English language. Articles are considered a type of determiner, which is a type of adjective.

Subordinate Conjunctions

ref – https://www.grammarly.com/blog/subordinating-conjunctions/

A subordinating conjunction is a word or phrase that links a dependent clause to an independent clause. This word or phrase indicates that a clause has informative value to add to the sentence’s main idea, signaling a cause-and-effect relationship or a shift in time and place between the two clauses.

For example, ‘because’.

Because is a conjunction with just one purpose: to show a cause-and-effect relationship between a subordinate clause and a main clause. On its own, a clause beginning with because is incomplete.

Because he wouldn’t wear a seat belt.

We have the sense that there is something missing here. Let’s add an independent clause so this statement has something to lean on.

Independent clause:

Robin wasn’t allowed in the Batmobile any longer.

Now we will combine the two in a complex sentence.

Robin wasn’t allowed in the Batmobile any longer.
He wouldn’t wear a seat belt

[Robin wasn’t allowed in the Batmobile any longer] because [he wouldn’t wear a seat belt].

because links them together. The first clause explains the effect. The 2nd clause, the ’cause’.

Other subordinate conjunctions include:

for, as, since, though, due to, provided that, because of, unless, and so/so that.


subordinate conjunction: hence

ind clause – Batman required strict compliance with seat belt rules
ind clause – Robin was not allowed to ride in the Batmobile

[Batman required strict compliance with seat belt rules], hence [Robin was not allowed to ride in the Batmobile].


sub onjunction – Since
ind clause – Robin refused to wear his seat belt
ind clause – Batman has banned him from the Batmobile

Since Robin refused to wear his seat belt, Batman has banned him from the Batmobile.

Subordinating conjunctions signaling relationships of time or place

Another function of subordinating conjunctions is to show a relationship between two clauses involving a transition of time or place. Some examples of such subordinating conjunctions are once, while, when, whenever, where, wherever, before, and after.

sub conj – Once
ind clause – Batman learned that Robin had not been wearing his seat belt
ind clause – he took away his keys to the Batmobile

Once Batman learned that Robin had not been wearing his seat belt, he took away his keys to the Batmobile.

subj conjunction – whenever
ind clause – Robin looked regretfully at the Batmobile
ind clause – he passed it in the Batcave.

Robin looked regretfully at the Batmobile whenever he passed it in the Batcave.

subj conjunction – After
ind clause – Batman was done working for the night
ind clause – Robin took a secret ride in the Batmobile

After Batman was done working for the night, Robin took a secret ride in the Batmobile.

subj conjunction – Before
ind clause – he must promise to stop playing with the Batmobile
ind clause – Robin gets his job in the Batcave back
Before Robin gets his job in the Batcave back, he must promise to stop playing with the Batmobile.

Comma placement and subordinating conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions that fall in the middle of a sentence are generally not preceded by a comma.

Here, we have subordinate conjunction ( whenever ) falls in the middle of the sentence:

[Robin drove the Batmobile] whenever [Batman was away].

However, when a subordinate clause begins a sentence, the whole clause (but not the subordinating conjunction itself) is followed by a comma.

Whenever Batman was away, Robin drove the Batmobile.

as if
as long as
as much as
as soon as
as though
by the time
even if
even though
in case
in order that
in the event that
now that
only if
provided that
whether or not

How to debug Next JS apps

ref – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzTWKenM5P0

In your root directory of your project, Click on the debug button in the navigation bar.

Click create a .vscode/launch.json file

Remove what’s currently in the file.

Go to Next JS’s docs, and copy the launch.js file contents from it.


Now, in your root directory it should looks like this:


Make sure you click on the debug icon and then select “debug full stack”, which is the 3rd option you put in your launch.json

Running the Project

For CLIENT SIDE, Keep in mind that your package.json stays the same:

Client side debugging

Server Side

Make sure you click the debug icon on the side bar, then click the play button:

Specifically, like this:

You can use debugger keyword for a breakpoint.

Or you can put standard breakpoints.

news 9/19


Object Complement

ref – https://www.grammar-monster.com/glossary/object_complement.htm

They come right after the direct object, and is a noun/pronoun/adjective.

Here are some more examples of object complements:

I found the guard sleeping.

direct object – guard
object complement – sleeping

We all consider her unworthy.

direct object – her
object complement – unworthy

I declare this centre open.

direct object – this centre
object complement – open

We consider fish spoiled once it smells like what it is.

direct object – fish
object complement – spoiled

To obtain a man’s opinion of you, make him mad. (Physician and poet Oliver Wendell Holmes)

direct object – him
object complement – mad

An object complement is not always one word. It could be a phrase.

For example:

I found the guard sleeping in the barn.
direct object – the guard
object complement – sleeping in the barn

We all consider her unworthy of the position.

direct object – her
object complement – unworthy of the position

They (subj) named (verb) Jeremy Line (direct object) their favorite player (obj complement).

Headless WordPress with Next JS as front end

ref – https://torquemag.io/2021/05/next-js-headless-cms/

Step 1: Installing WPGraphQL to query WordPress with GraphQL

To start, we’ll need to install the WPGraphQL plugin, which will allow us to query our WordPress data with GraphQL.

You can easily install WPGraphQL by heading to the Plugins section of your WordPress admin dashboard, searching for WPGraphQL, installing the plugin, and activating it.

But once you’re ready, you should be able to visit the /graphql page in your browser for your WordPress site, where you should see a GraphQL-related error, meaning we’re ready to use GraphQL.

Step 2: Creating a new Next.js WordPress blog with Next.js WordPress Starter
If you’ve created a new Next.js website before, such as using Create Next App, this part should be pretty familiar to you!

To create our new website, head to your terminal, and run the following command:

npx create-next-app -e https://github.com/colbyfayock/next-wordpress-starter penguin-app-blog

Running this command will use the Next.js Create Next App command line tool to:

– grab a copy of the Next.js WordPress Starter template,
– clone it to a local directory
– install all of the dependencies

so that we can get quickly moving with our project.

Now, before we actually start our new project, we have to do one more thing.

Inside of your new project, we need to create a new file called .env.local, where we’ll store our WordPress API endpoint to let our code know where to pull the content from.

After creating .env.local inside of your project, add the following:

so in my case:

Japanese Nuclear Waste water

Japanese nuclear waterwaste

– Let’s use the word wastewater

– Capitalize all words except prepositions.

Japanese Nuclear Wastewater

Everybody knows that the Japanese had being setting the nuclear waterwaste in the sea, and it is causing a lot of problems.

1) be-ing (to be) – we use to describe ‘to be’. You are being too nice. He is being such a smartass!
been – past participle of ‘be’. For example, present tense may be ‘be at that place’. But past tense is ‘been at that place.’

Everyone and everybody are interchangeable and mean the same thing. HOWEVER, everyone is more formal than everybody and is used more in writing, while everybody is more common in spoken English. There is no difference in meaning between the two words.

Please use the “Past Perfect Continuous” correctly:

subj + [had] + [been] + verb’ing’

Everyone knows that the Japanese had been dumping nuclear wastewater into the sea.

“It is causing a lot of problems” is fine.

But to be even more concise, we can also use “Present Perfect Continuous”: subj + [have/has] + [been] + verb’ing’

It has been causing a lot of problems.

In 2023, July, 22th, the japanese starts to dischargig nuclear water.

in preposition is used for time.
ex: I’ll be there in 5 minutes, I’ll wash the dishes in thirty minutes, I’ll do my homework in an hour.

When we’re talking about dates, use ‘on’.
I was born on June 8th, 1920.

When you refer to a past date, we youse simple past.

On July 22nd, 2023, the Japanese started to discharge nuclear wastewater.

By doing this it could cause many problems, for example lead to animal distinguish, and it could pollute the whole pacific Ocean.

We need to continue the past tense. Also, try not to put so much information in one sentence. Keep it simple.

By doing this, it caused many problems.

When we’re talking about potential situations, use simple present.

For example, it can kill off marine life, and pollute the Pacific Ocean forever.

Animals and huams could be highly effected by this.

adverb usage incorrectly. We say highly effective. But affected, like affection, should be used with ‘deeply’.

Animals and humans could be deeply affected by this.

In July 24th the amount of nuclear water being sent in ocean is four-hundred and sixty tons, to this amount the japanese will keep sending it in ocean for thirty years.

Use present perfect.

On July 24th, the amount of wastewater dumped into the ocean has already reached four hundred and sixty tons.

The Japanese will keep dumping for the next thirty years

So why did japaneses chose to distinguish it in the ocean?

Let’s plan to go over the preposition ‘into’ for a future lesson.

So why did the Japanese choose to dump it into the ocean?

At first the japanese had a soultion of this nuclear waterwaste problem and their solution is by building many water storage tanks.

Break apart your idea into simpler ideas. Use Antecedants to preference subject or objects. (i.e It –> solution)

Make sure your sentence explains itself. (i.e “to store the watewater”)

First, the Japanese had a solution. It was to build numerous water storage tanks to store the wastewater.

But by time goes the japanese are still providing waterwaste, so the amount of storage tank is fulled(1068 water tanks), and the total amount of the nuclear water is over one-hundred and thirty three million tons!

Again, way too much information in one sentence. Let’s break it down.

Use past tense because we’re talking about something that the Japanese have already done.

As time went on, the wastewater kept coming, and the number of storage tanks increased to 1068. The total amount of nuclear wastewater stored in these tanks reached one hundred and thirty three million tons!

The japanese government had different solutions to this problem, but the technical content and the cost is too high so the Japanese government chosed the simplest way and the lowest cost way to solve the problem and it is putting all the nuclear water in the ocean.

Too much info. Please simply your ideas into smaller shorter sentences.
Try to use synonyms that can shorten your sentences.
Also, make sure you explain what that solution is. As a reader, I do not see it.

The next time around, the Japanese government had another solution. However, the costs were astronomical. The Japanese government decided to choose the most inexpensive solution, and that is to dump it into the ocean.

In conclusion the way of the Japanese governmeent solving this problem is very unresponsible, becuase if this large amount of nuclear waterwaste bein sent into the ocean then it could cause a huge amount of problems to us and to Earth.

In conclusion, the way how the Japanese government dealt with the problem was very irresponsible.
If this much nuclear wastewater is being dumped into the ocean, it will create a great deal of environmental problems for Earth’s future generations.

Summary an Essay

ref –

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhtz7RSaKlc
  • https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YZ_R5BhplfoRsJ_Mliw3tJ4JH6P0YfTy1jK3mmxhEqs/edit


  • First of all,
  • Next,
  • After that,
  • Then,
  • Finally

Opening Sentences

Article/book title
Writer’s name
Main idea/claim

List ideas in paragraph form, in the same order they appeared in the original article.

Never include your opinion

Just report what was originally read.



Analyze and extract get the thesis from the article:

“I have three guiding principles that anchor my life”

Therefore, we’re looking for those three guiding principles in detail.

1) Unquenchable thirst for knowledge – I consider myself a perpetual student. Because of this, I rarely get bored.

Reason – knowledge is connected to the truth.

2) Strive for excellence. Being a perfectionist and constantly trying to improve himself. He’s a perfectionist. It has made him a better physician and scientist.

He has accepted that he will never know or understand as much as he wants.

3) Serve humankind.


1) – research, care of patients, public healthy policy of AID/HIV
I am committed to confronting the enormity of this global public health catastrophe and its potential for greater devastation.

Writing it

Main idea – three guiding principles that anchor my life

1) Never ending search for knowledge
2) Because knowledge is connected to truth

In the article “A Goal of Service to Humankind”, Dr Anthony Fauci discusses the most important principles that guide his life.

The first guiding principle is a never ending search for knowledge.
(what does that mean?)
He considers himself to be a perpetual learner. As a result, he’s never bored.

The second principle is aiming for excellence. He is a perfectionist and is constantly trying to do his best, which has made him a better physician.

The last principle is his goal to serve other humans. He has spent all his professional life in service to others. In the 1980s, when AIDS became a global health health crisis, he committed himself to solving this problem, and he is still committed to ensuring that this disease does not produce even greater devastation.


How to Write a Summary in English

Summary Checklist:
The first sentence tells the article title in quotation marks.

The first sentence uses a verb in simple present (discusses, explains, or describes)

The first sentence includes the writer/author and the main idea/claim/topic.

Example first sentence:

In the article “A Goal of Service to Humankind,” Doctor Anthony Fauci discusses the three principles that guide his life as a physician.

The summary clearly shows the main points of the article with transitions like “first of all” and “next.”

The summary tells the main points in the same order that they appeared in the article

The summary uses the student’s own words and does not copy from the article.

The ideas of the article are clear in the summary. (1-2 sentences of supporting details can be added if the idea is not clear.)

The summary does not include unnecessary details.

The summary is objective; it does not include the student’s opinion.

Optional: the summary concludes with a sentence to summarize the main points.

The grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure are good.

Steps to Write a Summary:

Read and understand the article. You need to read more than once.

Read critically: use 2 highlighters to identify main ideas and supporting details. Draw lines to separate the article into sections. If the article is hard or long, you can also do these two optional things: make margin notes and cross out ideas that are not important.

Make a list of the important ideas in your own words. This outline is a great way to make your summary easy and to avoid copying from the article.

Use your outline to write your summary.

Remember the characteristics of a good summary:
Clearly organized with transitions
Short but not too short
Ideas are clear. A little detail can be added, but not too much.
Do not add your opinion!

Subject Complement and linking verbs

ref –

  • https://www.grammar-monster.com/glossary/subject_complement.htm
  • https://www.grammar-monster.com/glossary/predicate_nominative.htm

What is a subject complement?

A subject complement is a word or phrase that appears after a linking verb in a sentence and is closely related to the sentence’s subject—identifying, defining, or describing it. A subject complement’s job, along with a linking verb, is to clarify the subject of a sentence. Subject complements never appear without linking verbs, and linking verbs never appear without them.

Note that a linking verb links the subject to its complement (subject complement). It is followed by either a noun or an adjective. So, a linking verb works like a bridge that connects two parts: the subject and the subject complement.

Easy Examples of Subject Complements

In the examples below, the linking verbs are in bold and the subject complements are shaded:

Ben is a policeman.

(The linking verb is “is” (i.e., the verb “to be”). The subject complement identifies the subject “Ben.” It is a noun.)

He will be fine.

(The linking verb is “will be” (i.e., the verb “to be”). The subject complement describes the subject “He.” It is an adjective.)

I am he.

(The linking verb is “am” (i.e., the verb “to be”). The subject complement identifies the subject “I.” It is a pronoun.)

Types of Subject Complement

Predicative Nominative

Subject complements that are headed by nouns or pronouns are called predicate nominatives.

A predicate nominative is always a noun or a pronoun.

In other words, a predicate nominative follows a linking verb, which is a verb that connects the subject with another word that describes or modifies it.

For example:

I am a ghost

(In this example, “ghost” is a noun. It heads the noun phrase “a ghost.” Therefore, “a ghost” is a predicate nominative.)

Reece was a politician.

‘politician’ is a noun. It describes Reece’s occupation.

A dog is man’s best friend.

Subject – A dog
linking verb – is
predicate nominatives – man’s best friend. (noun phrase)
(In this case, our predicate nominative is a noun phrase, i.e., a noun made up of more than one word.)

She will be the fairy.

Subject – She
linking verb – will be
predicate nominative – the fairy.

I could have been a contender.

Subject – I
linking verb – could have been
predicate nominative – a contender.

The best chair is the red one.

Subject – best chair
linking verb – is
predicate nominative – the red one

Remember that a predicate nominative, as shown in our examples above, is a noun (or a pronoun) that renames the subject.

What Is a Compound Predicate Nominative?

A predicate nominative can be made up of more than one noun. In other words, it can be a compound.

For example:
The new law is an opportunity and a risk.
(An opportunity and a risk is a compound predicate nominative.)

I will be your employer, your friend, and your uncle.

(Your employer, your friend, and your uncle is a compound predicate nominative.)

Subject complements that are headed by adjectives are called predicate adjectives.

framework: subject + linking verb + predicative adjective

For example:
I am extremely happy.

(In this example, “happy” is an adjective. It heads the adjective phrase “extremely happy.” Therefore, “extremely happy” is a predicate adjective.)

My hair looks funny.

subject – My hair
linking verb – looks
adjective – funny

That duck sounds loud.

Subject – That duck
linking verb – sounds
adjective – loud

Maria feels annoyed.

Subject – Maria
linking verb – feels
adjective – annoyed

John is brilliant.

(The adjective ‘brilliant’ is a predicate adjective, not a predicate nominative. Of note, predicate adjectives and predicate nominatives are classified as subject complements, but they are not the same.)

It feels great.

(The adjective great is a predicate adjective not a predicate nominative.)

Now compare these two examples:

The sea is dangerous.

(The adjective dangerous is a predicate adjective, not a predicate nominative.)

The sea is a danger.

(The noun a danger is a predicate nominative.)

Tips and Tricks – Identifying Predicate Adjectives

The trick to identifying predicate adjectives is spotting linking verbs. The linking verbs include the following:

The verb to be (in its various forms, e.g., am, are, is, was, were, will be, has been, have been).

The sense verbs (e.g., to feel, to look, to smell, to taste, to sound).

The status verbs (e.g., to appear, to become, to continue, to grow, to seem, to turn).