outline for Ms Gu

Lesson 1


  • countable
  • uncountable
  • a vs this

Lesson 2


  • linking verbs (non action)
  • action verbs

Lesson 3


describe nouns

adjective – nouns

  • cute girl
  • fluffy toy
  • white clouds

Lesson 4

verb adjectives

  • jumps high
  • looks funny
  • tastes great

Lesson 5


describe verbs/adjectives

verb adverb

  • waits impatiently
  • shoots sporadically
  • jumps triumphantly

adverb verb

  • eloquently written
  • [sporadically hop] around
  • [triumphantly raised] his fists

adverb adjectives

  • gently quiet
  • quite beautiful

Lesson 6

8 Basic Structures

  1. Subj Verb agreement
  2. Subj – Verb

Lesson 7

  1. Subj – Verb – Obj
  2. Subject – Verb (action) – Object

Lesson 8

  1. Subject + verb (action) + adjectives
  2. Subject + verb (linking) + adjective
  3. Subject + verb (linking – “is/am/are/was/will be/”) + noun

Lesson 9

  1. Subject + verb + adverb
  2. Subject + verb + adverb + adjective

Lesson 10

  1. Subject + helping (aux) verb + main verb + object
  2. Subject + verb + (infinitive) verb + object

Sentence structures

  1. Subject – Verb


    A dog (subj) plays (verb).

    subj – We use ‘A dog’ to refer to a non-specific dog. We use ‘the dog’ to mean a specific dog. This is to clarify the subject reference.
    verb – the verb ‘play’ must have an s, because our subj is 3rd singular.

    The cat (subj) runs (verb).

    subj – We must say ‘A cat’ to refer to any, non-specific cat. We use ‘the cat’ to mean a specific cat.
    verb – the verb ‘run’ stays in base form because our subj IS NOT 3rd singular.

    People play.

    subj – ‘people’ is plural, so we use the word to represent ‘in general’.
    verb – the verb ‘play’ is in base form because subj IS NOT 3rd singular.

    Boys fight.

    subj – ‘Boys’ is plural, so we use the word to represent ‘in general’.
    verb – the verb ‘fight’ is in base form because subj IS NOT 3rd singular.

    The plane flies.
    subj – ‘plane’ is 3rd singular. We use ‘The’ plane to clarify that it is a specific plane.
    verb – the verb ‘fly’ must add ‘ies’, because our subj is 3rd singular.

    The competition begins.

    subj – competition is singular, so we use ‘the/a’ to clarify subject reference as explained above.
    verb – the verb ‘begin’ must add ‘s’ because our subject is 3rd singular.

    China grows.

    subj – China is a specific place with a name, just like a person. So it is singular.
    verb – the verb ‘grow’ must add ‘s’ because our subject is 3rd singular.

  2. Subject – Verb (action) – Object

    Subject – who or what performs the action of the verb.
    Verb – expresses an action.
    Object – whoever or whatever receives that action

    Ricky plays volleyball.

    Subject – Ricky
    Verb – plays (we add ‘s’ because subj is 3rd singular)
    Object – volleyball

    My mom made spaghetti.

    Subject – My mom
    Verb – made (past tense)
    Object – spaghetti

    I eat beef.

    Subject – I
    Verb – eat (present tense: eat is ok in base form)
    Object – beef

    He rides a bike.

    Subject – He
    Verb – rides (present tense: ride + ‘s’ because subj is 3rd singular)
    Object – a bike

    The girl sits on the couch.

    Subject – The girl
    Verb – sits on (present tense: sit + ‘s’ because subj is 3rd singular)
    Object – the couch

  3. Subject + verb (action) + adverbs


    I played terribly
    subj – I, verb – played, adverb – terribly

    He sang beautifully.
    subj – He, verb – sang, adverb – beautifully

    She stood motionlessly.
    subj – She, verb – stood, adverb – motionlessly

    She undressed quickly.
    subj – She, verb – undressed, adverb – quickly

    I performed remarkably.
    subj – I verb – stay adv – remarkably

    The girl shouted excitedly.
    subj – The girl verb – shouted adverb – excitedly

    She dances beautifully.
    subj – She verb – dances adverb – beautifully

    I howled triumphantly.
    subj – I verb – howled adverb – triumphantly

    We drive crazily.
    subj – We verb – drive adverb – crazily

    The soldier dies miserably.
    subj – soldier verb – dies adverb – miserably

    My cat waits impatiently.
    subj – My cat verb – waits adverb – impatiently

  4. Linking verb – used to describe the subject. (non-action)

    • is/am/was/will be (singular), are/were/will be(plural)
    • appear
    • sound
    • feel
    • smell
    • become
    • look (linking and action)
    • seems

    Subject + linking verb (“is/am/are/was/were/will be”) + Subject Complement (noun or adjective)

    Ricky is a teacher.
    Subject – Ricky, linking verb – is, sub complement (noun) – teacher

    You are a monster!
    subject – You, linking verb – are, sub complement (noun) – a monster

    I am pretty.
    subject – I, linking verb – am, sub complement (adj) – pretty

    She was a boy.
    subject – She, linking verb – was, sub complement (noun) – a boy

    She will be a doctor.
    subject – She, linking verb – will be, sub complement (noun) – a doctor

    You are terrible!
    subject – You, linking verb – are, sub complement (adj) – terrible

  5. Subject + linking verb (‘sense’ – look/smell/seem/become) + subj complement (noun/adjective)

    linking verb

    • The family hears a burglar.
    • I smell trouble.
    • The world becomes a desert.
  6. Subject + verb + adverb + adjective

    She snores too loud.
    subj – She, verb – snores, adverb – too, adjective – loud

    I am really tired.
    subj – I, verb – am, adverb – really, adjective – tired

    She is really pretty.
    subj – She, verb – is, adverb – really, adjective – pretty

    Xiao Fei is very tall.
    subj – Xiao Fei, verb – is, adverb – very, adjective – tall

    The show is really exciting.
    subj – The show, verb – is, adverb – really, adjective – exciting

    The lake is quite beautiful.
    subj – lake, verb – is, adverb – quite, adjective – beautiful

    My dog is incredibly happy.
    subj – dog, verb – is, adverb – incredibly, adjective – happy

    We will be slightly late.
    subj – We, verb – will, be adverb – slightly, adjective – late

  7. Subject + helping verb + main verb + object

    helping verb
    main verb

    Present Perfect – Subj + [have/has (helping verb)] + Past Participle (main verb)

    I have eaten squid.
    The turtle has eaten bugs since he was little.
    My friend has bought a new car.
    I have lived in LA for most of my life.

    Present Continuous – Subj + to be [am, is, are] + present participle (main verb)

    helping verb
    main verb

    I am playing video games.
    Ricky is correcting homework.
    My mom is cooking dinner.
    We are fixing the car.

    Can – ability

    I can speak three languages.
    I can play three sports.
    She can juggle.

  8. Subject + listed stative ’emotion’ feelings verb + (infinitive as object) + object complement

    stative feeling verb – hate, like, love, want, hope, prefer, wish, hope, desire, need
    stative thought verb – agree, remember, forget

    Other verbs to use with infinitives:

    agree: She agreed [to give].
    ask*: I asked him [to leave].
    decide: We decided [to go].
    help*: He helped [to clean].
    plan: She plans [to ]
    hope: I hope [to pass].
    learn: They learn how [to sing].
    want*: I want [to come].
    promise: I promise [to go].

    Note most stative ’emotion’ verbs work, but not all:

    I need [to know]. √
    I desire [to win]. √
    I love [to play]. √
    I like [to know]. √
    I hate [to go]. √
    I adore [to …] (X)
    I prefer [to eat]. √
    We care [to …] (X)
    I mind [to …] (X)
    I want [to be]. √
    I appreciate [to…] (X)
    I need [to eat]. √
    I wish [to donate]. √
    I hope [to win]. √
    I value [to…] (X)

    I forgot [to clean].
    subj – I, verb – forgot, object – to clean

    I will remember [to fight]
    subj – I, verb – remember, object – to fight

    Let’s agree [to disagree].
    subj – Let’s, verb – agree, object – to disagree.

    Let’s agree [to work].
    subj – Let’s, verb – agree, object – to work object

    I desire [to win].
    subj – I, verb – desire, object – to win.

    I prefer [to be].
    subj – I, verb – prefer, object – to be

    I want [to play].

    subj – I, verb – want, object – to play

    She wants [to eat].

    subj – She, verb – want, object – to eat

    I hope [to win].

    subj – I, verb – hope, object – to win

    The elders need [to rest].

    subj – elders, verb – need, object – to rest

  9. Subject + helping verb + adjective + (infinitive as object) + object complement

    I am reluctant(adj) [to quit].

    subject – I
    helping verb – am
    adj – reluctant,
    infinitive (acting as object) – to quit

    They are happy (adj) [to live].

    subject – We
    helping verb – are
    adj – happy
    infinitive (acting as object) – to live

    I am unable (adj) [to help].

    subject – I
    helping verb – am
    adj – unable
    infinitive (acting as object) – to help

  10. Subject + [am/have/has/is] + (object) + [infinitive as adjective]

    She is the girl (obj) [to marry].
    subject – She, verb – is, obj – girl,
    infinitive (acting as adjective to describe ‘girl’. ) – to marry

    English 101 is the class (obj) [to take].
    subject – English 101, verb – is, obj – class,
    infinitive (acting as adjective to describe ‘class’. ) – to take

    He has a joke (obj) [to tell].
    subject – He, verb – has, obj – joke,
    infinitive (acting as adjective to describe ‘joke’. ) – to tell

    We have a job (obj) [to do].

    subject – We, verb – have, obj – a job,
    infinitive (acting as adjective to describe ‘job’. ) – to do

    I have a wedding (obj) [to attend].

    subject – I, verb – have, obj – a wedding,
    infinitive (acting as adjective to describe ‘wedding’) – to attend

    That is the team(obj) to beat.
    subject – That, verb – is, obj – team,
    infinitive (acting as adjective to describe ‘team’) – to beat

  11. Subject + (action verb) + object + [infinitive as adverb] + complement

    Do the ‘in order’ test.

    I (earn) money [to live].

    test: I earn money ‘in order’ [to live]. √

    I (bought) a book [to read].

    test: I bought a book ‘in order’ [to read]. √

    I (ordered) a burger [to eat].

    test: I ordered a burger ‘in order’ to eat. √

Linking Verbs

Understanding Linking Verbs (Grammar Rules, List, Examples, and More)


Unlike other verbs, linking verbs do not show an action

Linking verbs simply explain the state of the subject, such as what it is or how it looks.

In other words, a verb is a linking verb if it is used to describe the subject.

  • A linking verb links the subject to its complement (subject complement).
  • It is followed by either a noun or an adjective.
  • So, a linking verb works like a bridge that connects two parts: the subject and the subject complement.

The most common linking verb

…is any form of the verb “to be,” such as am, is, are, was, were, etc. For example,

  • I am a teacher.
  • I was an engineer.
  • We are friends
  • We were friends
  • Sally is a teacher.
  • She was a teacher.
  • They are happy.
  • They were happy.

Other common linking verbs are “sense” verbs

such as seem, appear, become, feel, look, smell, sound, taste.

For example,

  • Dinner smells burnt
  • The cat’s fur feels silky.
  • I feel great!
  • We look stunning!
  • He seems sick.
  • She becomes skeptical.
  • I hear a burglar.

Linking verbs are used to indicate conditions or states of being.

They do not show action.

For example, “The soup tastes delicious” or “She feels happy.”

Linking Verbs are mostly intransitive…

Linking verbs are not considered either transitive or intransitive because they do not show any action. Instead, they connect the subject of the sentence to a complement that describes or renames it. For example, in the sentence “She is a doctor,” the verb “is” is a linking verb that connects the subject “she” to the complement “doctor.”

But some linking verbs can be transitive

However, some linking verbs can be followed by a direct object to form a transitive sentence. These linking verbs include “smell, taste, feel, look, sound, and appear.”

Typical usage: He got sick.
Transitive usage: He got his car fixed.

Typical usage: He smells sweet.
Transitive usage: He smells a thief.

Typical usage: They taste terrible.
Transitive usage: They taste victory.

Typical usage: We feel tired.
Transitive usage: We feel the cashmere.

Typical usage: She looks beautiful.
Transitive usage: She looks the part.

subject + verb + direct object + object complement

ref – https://www.grammarly.com/blog/object-complement/

object complement – An object complement is a word or group of words that describes or renames the direct object of the verb in a way that is essential to complete the meaning of the sentence.

Here are a few more sentences that show the subject + verb + direct object + object complement syntax:

I (subj) find (verb) the food (direct object) [at that restaurant inconsistent in quality].

Paz’s face (subj) turned (verb) the color of a tomato(dir object) [when she realized her mistake].

I(sub) now pronounce(verb) you(direct obj) [married].

The kids (subj) all got(verb) their ears (dir obj) [pierced on the same day].

Adam’s sore ankle(subj) made(verb) his subway commute(dir obj) [an ordeal].

subject + verb + direct object + adverb

Object complements vs. predicate adverbs

The third kind of direct object sentence to look out for follows this pattern: subject + verb + direct object + adverb.

Muaz (subj) composes (verb) his photography (dir obj) beautifully (adverb).
Muaz (subj) develops (verb) his photography (dir obj) [in a darkroom] (adverb phrase).

These sentences are still about Muaz and his photography, but the presence of an adverb or adverb phrase in the predicate (beautifully), in a darkroom — tells us that now we’re talking about how and where Muaz carries out the actions that go into the creation of his photography, rather than how he defines it.

Adverbs modify verbs (beautifully — modifies –> composes)

object complements describe or name direct objects. (‘in a dark room’ — describe –> photography)

Indirect Object – subject + verb + indirect object + direct object

Object complements vs. indirect objects

Another common sentence pattern is subject + verb + indirect object + direct object. Here’s an example:

Muaz (subj) showed (verb) us (indirect obj) his photography (direct obj).

Muaz is the subject,
showed is the verb,
and photography is the direct object.

The indirect object — the recipient of the direct object by way of the action of the verb — is the pronoun us.

Now compare that to this sentence using an object complement:

Muaz (subj) considers (verb) photography (direct obj) [his main art form] (noun phrase).

Here, the subject (Muaz)
and the direct object (photography) haven’t changed,
but the verb considers
and the noun phrase his main art form, clue us in that this is about rounding out our understanding of what Muaz’s photography is rather than describing how he shares it with others.

An indirect object typically receives a direct object, while an object complement describes or names it.

Indirect Object

Indirect objects are a grammatical component in English that typically receive the direct object of a verb. In simpler terms, the indirect object indicates to whom or for whom the action of the verb is performed. It often answers the questions “to whom?” or “for whom?” regarding the direct object.


A sentence with an indirect object generally includes a subject, a verb, a direct object, and the indirect object. The typical order is: Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object.
Key Points:

Not always necessary: Not all verbs require an indirect object.
Positioning: The indirect object can appear between the verb and the direct object, or it can follow a preposition like “to” or “for”.

Directly following the verb:

Example: “She gave her friend a gift.”

Subject: She
Verb: gave
Indirect Object: her friend (to whom she gave the gift)
Direct Object: a gift (what she gave)

Using a preposition:

Example: “She gave a gift to her friend.”
Here, “to her friend” serves as a prepositional phrase indicating the indirect object.
The structure changes since the indirect object now follows the direct object.

Another Example: “I made my brother a sandwich.”

Subject: I
Verb: made
Indirect Object: my brother (to whom I made the sandwich)
Direct Object: a sandwich (what I made)

Using a preposition: “I made a sandwich for my brother.”

The meaning remains the same, with “for my brother” indicating to whom the sandwich was made.

More Examples

“The teacher taught the students a lesson.”

Indirect Object: the students
Direct Object: a lesson
“They sent their grandparents a postcard.”

Indirect Object: their grandparents
Direct Object: a postcard
“He told her a story.”

Indirect Object: her
Direct Object: a story


In summary, indirect objects in English sentences help clarify to whom the action is directed. While they can be positioned immediately after the verb or introduced by prepositions like “to” or “for,” understanding their role can enhance clarity in communication.

Using infinitives with Indirect objects

Infinitives can be used with indirect objects in sentences where the infinitive acts as the main verb, and the indirect object typically receives the action of the verb. Here are three examples:

I want him to help me.

In this sentence, “to help” is the infinitive. The indirect object “him” is the one receiving the action of the helping.
She asked them to join the meeting.

Here, “to join” is the infinitive. The indirect object “them” is the group being asked to join the meeting.
We told her to call us.

In this example, “to call” is the infinitive. The indirect object “her” refers to the person being told to make the call.
In each of these examples, the structure presents an infinitive that involves an indirect object receiving the action implied by the infinitive.

Gerunds + Indirect Objects

Gerunds can function as nouns in sentences and can take direct and indirect objects. When a gerund is used with an indirect object, it usually indicates to whom or for whom the action of the gerund is done.

I gave my friend a chance (to practice singing).

Here, “practicing singing” is a gerund phrase, and “my friend” is the indirect object receiving the “chance.”
She offered her brother a chance (to cook dinner).

Here, “playing games” is a gerund phrase, and “their children” is the indirect object that benefits from the “more time.”
In these examples, the gerunds are functioning as nouns that describe the action given or offered related to the indirect object.

Prepositional Phrase + Indirect objects

Sure! Here are five examples of sentences that contain indirect objects used with prepositional phrases:

She gave the book to her friend.

(Indirect object: her friend; prepositional phrase: to her friend)
The teacher explained the lesson to the students.

(Indirect object: the students; prepositional phrase: to the students)
He sent a letter to his parents.

(Indirect object: his parents; prepositional phrase: to his parents)
They offered help to the neighbors.

(Indirect object: the neighbors; prepositional phrase: to the neighbors)
I made a cake for my sister.

(Indirect object: my sister; prepositional phrase: for my sister)
In each of these examples, the indirect object is receiving the action of the verb, while the prepositional phrase provides additional information about the recipient.

Pagination using React and Mongodb

ref – https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/reveal-on-scroll-in-react-using-the-intersection-observer-api/


We have a HomePage that calls getAllPhotos for the initial data retrieval.
We get the photos and next_cursor, but they are not rendered. Rather, we let a child component PageOne render these data.

notice here getAllPhotos’s parameter is empty.

But first, let us analyze getAllPhotos and how it retrieves data.


The function has a parameter searchParams. The searchParams indicates what next is. Next is the initial element that we are starting at when we grab the next ten elements from mongodb.

On the 1st pass, next is null because in HomePage getAllPhotos was called with empty param.

Which means if next exists do this:

if next is null (which it is here on the 1st pass) then we just use { $exists: true }, which means we match documents that contains the field ‘_id’.

Therefore, on the 1st pass, PhotosoModel model would return ten documents in mongodb.

Then we look at the 9th doc. We get the id for it. This is so that we know the location of where to start grabbing data for the next time around. If next_cursor is null, then we are done.

We return the next_cursor so that child rendering components know how to proceed like so:

So now, let’s take a look at how PageOne rendering comonent processes this:


This is a component that renders data.

First thing’s first. Let’s save the param data to state.

Its basically renders photos like this:

In Inspect window, you will see that we are observing a reference’s current to see if its true or false.

So let me explain why.

Observing when a button appears in our ViewPort

First, we need to create a custom hook. Hooks are reusable functions.

We need to implement a useInView in order to put it in our PageOne and observe if a button appears in our viewport.

In order to do this, we create a reference and point it to the button.

So we first create a custom hook.

As you can see, we use a useRef to persist value of a button between renders. It can be used to store a mutable value that does not cause a re-render when updated.

Specifically, we return the ref from useInView and store a button in it:

We reference this button because we need to observe the ref’s current property. ref’s current is now button.btn_loadmore

Then create an observer and observe ref.current.

We use an IntersectionObserver to observe for if our button has appeared in our viewport. In other words, the Intersection Observer API allows you to configure a callback that is called when a target element intersects either the device’s viewport or a specified element. That specified element is called the root element or root for the purposes of the Intersection Observer API.

So in our case, our useInView custom hook observes to see if the referenced button has appeared on our viewport. If it has, then it update inView state in our custom hook useInView.

This variable (inView) is being monitored by useEffect in PageOne, and when it changes to a ‘true’, we would load more data. (as shown in the image above)

If it changes to a false (when the button is not in viewport), then inView is false, and the evaluation would in PageOne would see that inView is false, we don’t do anything.

So in other words, inView is returned from custom hook useInView. When we have not scrolled down to make button appear in viewport, isIntersecting is ‘false’. So we don’t load more.

When we’ve scrolled so that the button appears in viewport, IntersectionObserver’s entries[0] isIntersecting is true. So we would call this function handleLoadMore().

2nd Pass

Now we have to ask ourselves, so the BUTTON appears and we handleLoadMore. But what is handleLoadMore ?

It stops loading if next becomes null, or is loading. It locks the function from being called multiple times by setLoading to true.
That way, other calls will return.

Then it goes and getAllPost with the marker next (which should be fef)

when getAllPhotos returns, next_cursor has gone down the next 10 items ($lt: next) and put it in photos. next_cursor has been updated to the next 9th element.

But this time around since next !== null, we run:

We’re sorting by sort ‘-_id’ so it comes to $lt: next, which means get less than from the next initial marker.

We keep scrolling down to make the button appear, which will do more loading data, until we come to the end. The end is where when we grab the last few items in our mongdo that is less than 10. At that point next is null, and we don’t load anymore.

Rabbit and Turtle (Alice)


A turtle lives in the forest. His name is Ted.

A rabbit also live in the forest.

rabbit is 3rd singular, verb must use s. live –> lives

A rabbit also lives in the forest
A rabbit named Judy lives in the same forest.

His name is Judy.

Judy is a female name, so we must use pronoun “Her”

Her name is Judy.

Judy thinks he run fast.

Judy thinks she runs fast.
Judy believes she runs really fast.
Judy believes she is the fastest runner in the forest.
Judy is confident that she is the fastest animal around.

He say to ted. Let us run and to see who is the winner.

Remember that say is a verb. He is a 3rd singular, which means our verb ‘say’ must add an ‘s’.
and ‘to’ see – the ‘to infinitive’ is used incorrectly here. Please review ‘to infinitive’.

One day, she challenges Ted to a race.
Judy shouts, “Hey Ted! Let’s race to see who is the fastest!”.

Ted agree with him.

Again, 3rd singular must add ‘s’ to the verb.
Also let’s use adverbs to put more meaning to our sentences.

Ted reluctantly agrees.

At beginning Judy run very fast.

‘At preposition’ is used for places.
If you want to say during when the race begins, you should say “In the beginning”.

In the beginning, Judy runs very fast.
On a sunny day, all the animals gather around the start line and the race begins. Judy zooms off into the distance.

Ted runs slow.

This look an elementary student wrote it.

Unfortunately, Ted moves step by step and is really slow.

Judy back to see Ted .

This is NOT how you use the verb ‘back’. Please review verb ‘back’.

Judy turns her head and notices that Ted is nowhere to be seen.

He is very happy and prond of himself.

Be aware of your spelling.

As a result, she is happy and proud of herself.

He thinks Ted will not catch up him .

Please review “prepositional ‘to'”
Please review “be able to” and its usage.

She thinks Ted will not be able to catch up to him.
There is no way Ted will catch up.

So he slept a while .

Remember, we are using present tense only. No past tense please.

So she decides to take a nap

But Ted still keeps running .

We do not need extra preposition ‘still’.

But Ted keeps running.
Ted persists and keeps moving.
Ted perseveres and inches forward.

Finally Ted catch up Judy .
Finally, Ted catches up to Judy and sees her napping by a tree.

Become the winner .
Run on sentence. Also please do not have any space(s) between the last letter and the period.

Ted crosses the finish line and wins the race.

This story tells us. We can not look down other people.

Please review period (.) It means to end the sentence.

This story teaches us that we cannot overestimate others.
This fable instills humbleness and perseverance.

If we insist on and make the effort .we will be successful

If we insist on hard work and persistence, we will be successful.

(the) preposition

ref – https://blog.prepscholar.com/what-part-of-speech-is-the-word-the

the is classified as an article, which is a word used to define a noun.

When ‘the’ is functioning as an adjective, it comes before a noun in order to clarify/describe whether it’s specific or non-specific.

However, the can also sometimes function as an adverb in certain instances, too.

“the” is an article that functions as both an adjective and an adverb, depending on how it’s being used.
In other words, it’s an article, adjective, and an adverb!

definite articile

The word ‘the’ is considered a definite article because it defines the meaning of a noun as one particular thing.

We went to the rodeo on Saturday. Did you see the cowboy get trampled by the bull?

This sentence has three instances of “the” functioning as a definite article:

the rodeo,
the cowboy,
the bull.

Notice that in each instance, ‘the’ comes directly before the noun. That’s because it’s an article’s job to identify nouns.

In each of these three instances, ‘the’ refers to a specific (or definite) person, place, or thing.

When the speaker says the rodeo, they’re talking about one specific rodeo that happened at a certain place and time.

The same goes for the cowboy and the bull: these are two specific people/animals that had one kinda terrible thing happen to them!

indefinite article

It can be a bit easier to see how definite articles work if you see them in the same sentence as an indefinite article (a or an).
This sentence makes the difference a lot more clear:

A bat flew into the restaurant and made people panic.

Okay. This sentence has two articles in it: a and the. So what’s the difference?

Well, you use ‘a’ when you’re referring to a general, non-specific person, place, or thing because its an indefinite article. So in this case, using ‘a’ tells us this isn’t a specific bat. It’s just a random bat from the wild that decided to go on an adventure.

Notice that in the example, the writer uses ‘the’ to refer to the restaurant. That’s because the event happened at a specific place.

A bat flew into one particular restaurant to cause havoc, which is why it’s referred to as the restaurant in the sentence.

‘The’ as an Adverb

Finally, we mentioned that ‘the’ can also be used as an adverb, which is one of the eight main parts of speech. Adverbs modify or describe verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, but never modify nouns.

Sometimes, ‘the’ can be used to modify adverbs or adjectives that occur in the comparative degree. Adverbs or adjectives that compare the amounts or intensity of a feeling, state of being, or action characterizing two or more things are in the comparative degree. Sometimes ‘the’ appears before these adverbs or adjectives to help convey the comparison!

Here’s an example where ‘the’ functions as an adverb instead of an article/adjective:

Lainey believes the most outrageous things.

Okay. We know that when ‘the’ is functioning as an adjective, it comes before a noun in order to clarify whether it’s specific or non-specific.

In this case, however, ‘the’ precedes the word most, which isn’t a noun, it’s an adjective.

And since an adverb modifies an adjective, adverb, or verb, that means ‘the’ functions as an adverb in this sentence.

Giovanni’s is the best pizza place in Montana.

The trick to figuring out whether the article ‘the’ is functioning as an adjective or an adverb is pretty simple:

just look at the word directly after ‘the’ and figure out its part of speech.

If that word is a noun, then the is functioning as an adjective.

If that word isn’t a noun, then the is functioning like an adverb.


Remember how we explained that ‘the’ can be combined with adverbs that are making a comparison of levels or amounts of something between two entities? The example above shows how the can be combined with an adverb in such a situation. The is combined with more and likely to form an adverbial phrase.

So how do you figure this out? Well, if the words immediately after the are adverbs, then the is functioning as an adverb, too!

Here’s another example of how the can be used as an adverb:

I had the worst day ever.

In this case, ‘the’ is being combined with the adverb worst to compare the speaker’s day to the other days. Compared to all the other days ever, this person’s was the worst…period. Some other examples of adverbs that you might see the combined with include all the better, the best, the bigger, the shorter, and all the sooner.

You are the best!

He’s the worst player I have ever seen.