Vocab by owen-11-03

Latitude is uncountable.
Everywhere can’t be a subject. It is often used as an object or an adverb.
Air is everywhere.
I can feel the kindness everywhere.

latitude (n) 纬度
Our house’s latitude is high.
Latitude is about geography.
Everything has its own latitude. Subj+verb(action)+object

commanded (v) 命令
I commanded you to eat.



noble (adj) 崇高的
I am noble. Subject+verb(linking)+adverb
They are noble. Subject+verb(linking)+adverb
The food is for noble people.

Noble is an adjective!

noble (adj) 崇高的
I am noble. Subject+verb(linking)+adject
They are noble. Subject+verb(linking)+adject
The food is for noble people. Subject+verb(linking)+adverb

devoured (v) 吞噬
The wate devoured the boat. Subj+verb(linking)+obj.

Be careful about your spelling. Water!

devour (v) 吞噬
The water devoured the boat. Subj+verb(linking)+obj.


The enmy is scoundrels. Subj+verb(linking)+noun
They are scoundrels. Subj+verb(linking)+noun

Watch spelling.
Scoundrel is countable, use a/an/the.

The enemy is a scoundrel. Subj+verb(linking)+noun
They are scoundrels. Subj+verb(linking)+noun

vocab 11-1

Pursuit (n) 追求
That is my pursuit. Subj+verb(linking)+noun
His has a money pursuit.
Everyone has pursuit. Subj+verb(linking)+noun

We always say ‘the pursuit of something’.
Pursuit is a countable noun.
Please add an article before a singular countable noun.
For example, we should say‘a pursuit’.
The article refers to a or an or the.

Pursuit (n) 追求
That is my pursuit. Subj+verb(linking)+noun
He has the pursuit of money.
Everyone has a pursuit. Subj+verb(linking)+noun

Scoundrels (n) 无赖
He is a Scoundrels. Subj+verb(linking)+noun

Scoundrel is singular. Scoundrels are plural.
He is a Scoundrel. They are Scoundrels.

Scoundrel (n) 无赖
He is a Scoundrel. Subj+verb(linking)+noun

Jayden’s 3 litte pigs essay

Three pigs need to build their own house(1).

Subject- Three pigs
Object- to build (infinitive as object)
Object Compl – their own house

Three pigs need to build their own house.

They build the house to survive.

Subject- They
Verb- build
Object- the house
Adj- to survive (to-infinitive as adj)

They build the house to survive.

The first pig is very lazy.

Subject-The first pig

(7) The first pig is very lazy.

He uses grass to build his house(3).

He uses grass to build his house.
Adverb-to build his house(infinitive as adverb)

(3)He uses grass to build his house.

The second pig is smarter than the first one.

更好的动词是smarter 或者 more cunning。
最好说than his brother. 应为 first one 我们不太清楚。更仔细的 his brother。

The second pig is more cunning than his brother.

He uses wood to build his house(3).

Object-wood (noun)
Adjective – to build his house(infinitive as adjective)

He uses wood to build his house.

The third pig is very hard-working.

Subject-The third pig
Adjective- hard-working

The third pig is very hard-working(3).

He uses brick to build his house(3).

他用很多砖 你要放个s (复数)

Object- bricks (noun)
Adverb-to build his house(infinitive as adjective)

He uses bricks to build his house.

A hungry wolf comes.

Subject-A hungry wolf

Let’s use ‘arrives’. Comes is so 1st grader!

A hungry wolf arrives.

He is a skeleton.

Noun – a skeleton

He is a skeleton.

Three pigs see the wolf.

If you use ‘Three pigs’, you’re introducing another set of three of pigs.

Please use ‘The three pigs’ to reference the three pigs you introduced at the beginning of the story.

Subject- The three pigs
Object-the wolf

The three pigs see the wolf(2).

They hide inside their house.

obj – house

They hide inside their house.

The wolf lets the lazy pig open the door, but he does not.

Subj – wolf
verb – demands
obj – to open (to-infinitive as adverb, answers ‘why’ for verb)
obj compl – door

The wolf demands the lazy pig to open the door.

He inhales the air to blow the house(3).

Air is uncountable. Don’t need a/an/the

He inhales the air to blow the house.
Subject – He
Verb – inhales
Object – air (noun)
Adjective – to blow(to-infinitive as adjective)

He inhales air to blow the house down.

The grass house disappear.

Subject-The grass

The grass house disappears(1).

The pig runs to his brother’s house.

Note that we use to as preposition here. Not infinitive.

Subject – The pig
Verb – runs
Obj – brother’s house(noun)

The pig runs to his brother’s house.

The wolf inhales again to blow the house(3).

Subject- The wolf
Verb- inhales
Adverb- to blow (infinitive as adverb, describes verb )

Remember to use at:

Blow at the house (at is used for direction)
Blow at them.
Blow at you. Blow at me.

use on if you’re on top:

Blow on the candles.
Blow on
The wolf inhales again to blow at the house.

The wooden house disappear.

Remember subj verb agreement

The wooden house disappears.

They run to the brick house.(3) ok

The wolf tries to blow the brick house(3),

The wolf tries to blow down the brick house,

but the brick house is as hard as diamond.

but the brick house is as hard as a diamond. good

The wolf does not give up.good

He goes in the chimney.

Please use better verbs (climbs)

He climbs onto the chimney, and jumps in.

The fire is on, so the wolf die.

Remember that wolf is 3rd singular, use die+s.

There is a fire in the chimney, so the wolf dies.

Supplemental info for curriculum

What textbooks are used? Or what textbooks need to be used?

1) I have a list of self-made tutorials, about 26 as of now.

  • https://chineseruleof8.com/2022/12/19/has-vs-have/
  • https://chineseruleof8.com/2023/07/26/past-participle/
  • https://chineseruleof8.com/2023/10/21/helping-verb/
  • https://chineseruleof8.com/2023/10/30/conjunction-and/
  • https://chineseruleof8.com/2023/04/11/past-continuous
  • https://chineseruleof8.com/2023/09/03/subject-complement
  • https://chineseruleof8.com/2023/09/08/object-complement/
  • https://chineseruleof8.com/2023/09/20/subordinate-conjunctions/
  • https://chineseruleof8.com/2023/09/22/the-preposition/
  • https://chineseruleof8.com/2023/06/02/adding-s-es-to-v…n-present-simple/

2) Book to read for practicing how to search for and learn vocabulary

  • The Roald Dahl Collection
  • Treasure Island

  • Island of the Blue Dolphins, Scott O’Dell

  • Charlotte’s Web, by EB White

  • Sideway stories from Wayside School, by Louis Sachar

  • The Red Badge of Courage, Stephen Crane

  • The Golden Fleece, Padraic Colum

  • The Call of the Wild, Jack London

How do we teach our children according to the course syllabus?

First part of the Course syllabus is as follows:

outline for Ms Gu

Sentence structures

  • 每一天吧理论表达清楚。学神懂了以后练习写。
  • 每一课他们养成习惯写标准的英文句子。
  • 不单单要看单词,可是要看英文的名词,动词,形容词,副词,句子连词,句子结构,等等
  • 用技术棒他们找单词定义

How does the child go about practicing after the lesson?

  • 每天读几页的书,单词写下来,用网络找定义,字的类型,然后自己三条句子。
  • 每周写两批文章。看老师的修改,然后从新写到对。
  • 学生写好作业提交到我们的功课网络。功课,修改,记录到准在。

What are the goals that the course ultimately achieves?

Gu 老师发我图片里面那句说了最好。


whom (pron) 谁

The Rule: Who functions as a subject,
whom functions as an object.

Use who when the word is performing the action:
Kim is an athlete [who] enjoys distance running.

In this case, Kim is the subject, thus when we use who/whom to refer to Kim, we choose who because Kim is performing the action.

Use whom when it is receiving the action:
Asher wrote a letter to a pen pal [whom] he had never met.

In this case, we’re trying to refer to the pen pal. The pen pal is receiving the action. Pen pal is the object, so we use whom

This is the girl whom I visit every weekend.

We’re trying to refer to the girl, which is the object.
This (subj) is (linking verb) the girl (obj).

Thus, we use whom to refer to her.

vile (adj) 卑鄙的
He is vile. Subj+verb(linking)+adj
They are very vile.
In the game, he was vile.


I ate lunch.
I played four-square.
I had eaten lunch before I played four-square.

‘four-square’ is an adj.
You can write Foursquare referring to the computer game.
When referring to a proper noun, the first letter should be capitalized.

I ate lunch.
I played Foursquare.
I had eaten lunch before I played Foursquare.

I read book.
I wrote homework.
I had written homework before I read book.

The same problem!
Please add an article before a singular countable noun.
The article refers to a or an or the.
You should say ‘I read a book’ here.

And we always say ‘I write my homework’.
You should make it clear that whose homework it is.

I read a book.
I wrote my homework.
I had written my homework before I read a book.


whom (pron) 谁

‘whom’ is used to connect the main clause with the attributive clause and serves as the object in an attributive clause.

He is the teacher whom I met yesterday.
This is the girl whom I visit every weekend.

vile (adj) 卑鄙的
He is vile. Subj+verb(linking)+adj
They are very vile.
In the game, he was vile.


I ate lunch.
I played four-square.
I had eaten lunch before I played four-square.

‘four-square’ is an adj.
You can write Foursquare referring to the computer game.
When referring to a proper noun, the first letter should be capitalized.

I read book.
I wrote homework.
I had written homework before I read book.

The same problem!
Please add an article before a singular countable noun.
The article refers to a or an or the.
You should say ‘I read a book’ here.

And we always say ‘I write my homework’.
You should make it clear that whose homework it is.

I read a book.
I wrote my homework.
I had written my homework before I read a book.


I ate a banana.
I drank water.
I had eaten a banana before I drank water.


I played video games.
I writed homework.
I had writed homework before I played video games.

Past tense form of the word ‘write’ is ‘wrote’.
Past participle form of ‘write’ is ‘written’.
Please review the past tense and past participle of irregular verbs.

And we always say that we write our homework.
You should make it clear that whose homework it is.

I played video games.
I wrote my homework.
I had written my homework before I played video games.