Mark -11-27-2023-10:17

I cherish my old percle.

{percle}明显spelling mistake, 是要用哪一个单词?

She attends my birthday party.


He has eaten worms for his whole life.

{for his whole life}在语法里, 是可以的,但更常用的方式是将句子里的{for}省略。
无for:句子结构为 subject主语+ predicate verb谓语动词+object宾语 +the whole life (这里它是副词短语作为complement 去modify verb补充说明动作)。
有for:for➕时间段 为介词短语作为时间状语来解释说明句子实现。

He has eaten worms (for) his whole life.

He runs slow, but he jump high.


He runs slow, but he jumps high.

I turn into a pig.

good! 句子含义是如果吧pig换成更棒的就更好了.

We despise cars and airplane.

{airplane} countable noun.

We despise cars and airplanes.

They admire cow.

1. admire还是和昨天的作业一样,它表示一种欣赏,欣赏好的品质,崇拜英雄或者正在欣赏一处风景,欣赏着自己的一台车。
2. {cow} countable noun.

They are admiring a cow.

He runs to the concert.


My cat ate like a cow.

{ate}这里的是想用act like来表达行为举止像 a cow吗?

My cat acts like a cow.

She contempts making food.

本句缺少动词,而{contempt}作为名词 无法充当谓语动词使用。在这里可以使用feel/show contempt for sth.

She shows/feels contempt for making food.