Essay by Owen-11-13

Long ago, there were three pig.

Three little pigs need to use the plural:{ there were three pigs }

Long ago, there were three pigs.

The biggest on biled a house made by straw.

Watch your spelling! Make sure you use to double check your spelling.

The biggest one built a house made by straw.

The second biggest pig made a house by stack.


The smallest pig made a house use by brick.

Delete {use}. It is extra here.

The smallest pig made a house by brick.

One day a wolf came to were the pig’s live.

Watch your spelling! I believe it should be {where three little pigs lived}.

One day a wolf came to where the pigs lived.

The wolf blow the biggest pig’s house.

Use the past tense {blew}.

The wolf blew the biggest pig’s house.

his house fall apart.

The first letter at the beginning of each sentence should be capitalized.
Also use the past tense {fell}.

His house fell apart.

The biggest ran to the second biggest pig’s.

You can use ellipsis like you do, or you can write it completely.

The biggest pig ran to the second biggest pig’s house.

The wolf blow apart the pig’s.

Use the past tense {blew}.
Also make sure you fully express your meaning.

The wolf blew apart the second biggest pig’s house.

The two pig ran to the smallest pig’s house.

Use the plural:{ The two pigs }

The two pigs ran to the smallest pig’s house.

The wolf blow very hard but the house is not apart, so the wolf ran away.

Use the past tense {blew} {was}.

The wolf blew very hard, but the house was not apart, so the wolf ran away.