Vocab by Owen-11-18


It means to make a loud sharp sound.

The parrot squawked and flew away.

eventually (adv)最后
Eventually, he win the race.
Eventuall, I go A in my test
Eventuall, I go to sleep.

Pay attention to your spelling. E-V-E-N-T-U-A-L-L-Y.
He is the third person singular, so please add an s.
And you’d better use past tense here. He won the race.

eventually (adv)最后
Eventually, he won the race.
Eventually, I got an A in my test.
Eventually, I went to sleep.

I trembled.
After the cold wind blow him, he trembled.
The cold weather make my trembled.

Past tense!

I trembled.
When he felt the cold wind, he trembled.
The cold weather made me tremble.

Make him a quartermaster.