
Present Simple

Write about your hobbies. (Use present simple tense ONLY).

Present Perfect

Write about something that started in the past, but still exists or has ended.

Present Continuous

What are your parents doing right now?

Present Perfect Continuous

Describe something that started in the past but still taking place right now.

Subjects, verbs, and their agreements

  • I (wish/wishes) to join the army.
  • Peter (want/wants) to go home.
  • Ricky and John (study/studies) very hard.
  • They (scurry/scurries) quickly over the rocks.
  • Honey or Red Sugar (work/works) just fine for the recipe.
  • She (eat/eats) meat only.
  • I (have/has) been playing the piano since I was seven.
  • She (have/has) been playing soccer since grade school.
  • Professor Smith (have/has) taught at this school for the last decade
  • I (have/has) been waiting since nine o’clock.
  • We (have/has) never (ate/eaten) bugs before.
  • List First person pronouns.
  • List Second person pronouns.
  • List Third Person pronouns.
  • Describe irregular verbs vs regular verbs.