Someone/Anyone, is, Question form

ref –

The words is and are are forms of the irregular verb be.

Is is the third person singular present tense form.


Someone is (hungry/tired/energetic…etc)!

Subject is Someone and it is a singular third person, so we use ‘is’.

Someone is taking care of her.

Subject is Someone. It is a singular 3rd person, so we use ‘is’.

Are is used with the second person singular

Are you (2nd person singular) ok?
Are you (2nd person singular) dizzy?
Are you (2nd person singular) drunk?

Are is used with the (first/second/third) person plural present tense form

Are we (1st person plural) delusional?
Are you (2nd person plural) drunk?
Are they (3rd person plural) crazy?


“anyone” functions as a subject and takes the 3rd person singular form of the verb.

For example:

Anyone (3rd person singular) + (verb + s)

  • If anyone believe(s) in God, then they are religious.
  • Anyone think(s) that money will make them happy is wrong!
  • If anyone say(s) anything, beat them!
  • If anyone do(es) anything suspicious, kill them!

Subject Verb in Question Form

When you are asking a question, you need to make the verb agree with the subject that comes after it.

For example,

  • Does anyone want a drink? After “does,” we say “want,” not “wants.”
  • Does anyone think we’ll win?
  • Does anyone know if we’ll lose?
  • Does anyone want water?

More example, the verb ‘live’:

“Does she live in that house?” (verb ‘does’ + subject ‘she’ + verb live)

“Yes, she lives there.” (statement, so verb+s)

Does Jan play basketball? [verb ‘does’ + subject ‘Jan’ + verb play]

Do they agree with your decision? [verb ‘do’ + subject ‘they’ + verb agree]