adverb phrases

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An Adverb Phrase consists of an adverb (The adverb is the head of the phrase) and can appear alone or it can be modified by other words.

Adverb phrases modifies verbs

We use adverb phrases most commonly to modify verbs. In the examples the adverb phrases are in bold. The verbs that they modify are underlined:

I [exercise] very regularly
I [eat] quite healthily
Children [grow] up.

Adverb phrases modifies ‘am/is/are’

We use adverb phrases with be. This is especially typical of adverbs of place:

I [am] upstairs. // upstairs modify ‘am’

It is (linking verb) only(adv)a spider. // only modifies ‘is’

I am (linking verb) too(adv) smart.

She is (linking verb) very (adv) silly.

Adverb phrases modifies adjectives/adverbs

We use adverb phrases (adv) to modify adjectives and other adverbs:

I found it extremely (adv) difficult (adj) to talk to her.

He drives really (adv) carefully (adv).

Adverb phrases modify noun/prepositional phrases

We use adverb phrases (adv) to:

1) modify noun phrases (np)

quite – to the utmost or most absolute extent or degree; absolutely; completely

That is quite (adv) [a tree] (noun phrase). (it’s a tree that is special in some way, e.g. it’s very big)
There is even (adv) [a place for shoes] (noun phrase).
There is hardly/barely (adv) any food. (noun phrase).
I peer over (adv) [the cliff] (noun phrase).
She lean over (adv) [the railing] (noun phrase).

Yes, adverbs can modify prepositional phrases. An adverb can provide additional information about the relationship expressed by the preposition and its object. For example:

She ran quickly up the stairs.
The cat jumped high onto the table.
He spoke softly with the visiting professor.
In these sentences, the adverbs “quickly”, “high”, and “softly” modify the prepositional phrases “up the stairs”, “onto the table”, and “with the visiting professor” respectively, providing more detail about the manner or degree of the action expressed in the prepositional phrase.

2) prepositional phrases:

I (s)
peer (v)
over (adv)
[at the funny old man.] (prepositional phrase)

I (subj)
run (verb)
daily (adv)
[at the park.] (prepositional phrase)

We (subj)
climb (verb)
right (adv)
[over the sofa.] (prepositional phrase)

Our budget (subj)
runs (verb)
well (adv)
[into six digits] (prepositional phrase).

Adverb phrases modify determiners

We use adverb phrases to modify determiners, especially words like:
– all
– some
– half
– many (quantifiers):

Only(adv) half(determiner) of my friends could come to my party.
Only(adv) some(determiner) of the survivors reached the shelter.

Very (adv) few (determiner) people have heard of my city.
[Nearly (adv) all (determiner) of the cookies] = subject
have been (present perfect verb)

lesson 1 story

A monster lives [in] a cave. (3)

subject = A monster (with three eyes) adjective prepositional phrase
verb = lives
preposition = in
adjective phrase = a very comfortable
noun = cave.

subject = The cave
verb = sits
preposition = on
prepositional noun = top
adjective prepositional phrase = of a mountain Used as adjective to describe the noun ‘top’

subject = The [very friendly] monster adjective phrase
verb = loves
object = animals.

One day,

subject = the animals
verb = come
adverb = over
preposition = for
preposition object = dinner

subject = The monster
verb = cooks
object = a big pot
prepositional phrase as adjective to describe ‘big pot’ = of delicious soup

He uses onions, potatoes, and tomatoes.
He uses fresh onions [from Gansu], sturdy potatoes [from Shandong], and juicy tomatoes [from Xinjiang].

subject = The [very hungry] animals adjective phrase
verb = wait
preposition = for
prepositional object = [the hot, delicious soup] adjective phrase is series of adjectives ‘hot, delicious’ to describe prep obj ‘soup’

subject = Each (deter) animal
verb = gets
object = one bowlful (noun – bowl full amount of food).

subject = They
verb = eat
preposition = until
prepositional object = [their stomachs are full] (prep obj).

The prepositional object

“their stomachs are full” is a noun clause.
An object can take noun clauses.

Adjective Prepositional Phrase

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Begins with a preposition and functions as an adjective.

The cat with green eyes is my favorite.

The dishes in the glass cabinet are antique.

The girl with curly hair won the competition.

I love the paintings from the Renaissance period.

The book by the famous author was sold out.

People without tickets were asked to leave.

The building with tall spires is a cathedral.

The dog with a shiny coat is well-groomed.

I prefer the room with a balcony view.

The chocolates from Belgium are delicious.

The man with the top hat is a magician.

Trees with pink blossoms line the street.

The car without a sunroof is cheaper.

The tea from the high mountains tastes fresh.

The woman with red lipstick is a celebrity.

The laptop with higher RAM performs better.

The shoes from the luxury brand are on sale.

The songs from the 80s are nostalgic.

The phone with a larger battery lasts longer.

The park with a lake is peaceful.

The shirt with stripes is in fashion.

The movie by that director won many awards.

The house with the blue door is haunted.

The cake with cherry toppings is sweet.

I bought the plant with fragrant flowers.

The bag from the top shelf is expensive.

The boy with a guitar is a musician.

The museum with ancient artifacts is renowned.

The pizza with extra cheese is popular.

The novel about vampires is a bestseller.

The island with white sandy beaches is a tourist attraction.

The shop on the corner street sells vintage items.

The dish with spicy seasoning was flavorful.

The city with historic monuments attracts tourists.

The garden with colorful butterflies is beautiful.

The necklace with a diamond pendant is exquisite.

The teacher with a PhD is knowledgeable.

The hotel near the airport is convenient.

The bird with bright feathers is exotic.

The coffee from Colombia is strong.

The show by the popular network is trending.

The stadium with larger capacity hosted the finals.

The festival during the summer was fun.

The bicycle with gear system is advanced.

The workshop for beginners was informative.

The forest with dense trees is mysterious.

The cafe by the riverside offers a scenic view.

The story about aliens was intriguing.

The valley with snow-capped peaks is picturesque.

The game for kids is educational.

The meal with vegan ingredients was wholesome.

The castle atop the hill is ancient.

The jacket made of leather is stylish.

The song from the latest album is catchy.

The park with a playground is children’s favorite.

The sculpture of the dancing lady is mesmerizing.

The town near the coastline has a maritime climate.

The dish without any spices is bland.

The festival during winter is a cultural highlight.

The hotel with a swimming pool is in high demand.

The forest full of wildlife is a biodiversity hotspot.

The artist with a unique style held an exhibition.

The team from the southern region won the championship.

The river with crystal-clear water is pristine.

The book about time travel is a page-turner.

The school beside the lake has a tranquil setting.

The bakery with gluten-free options is health-conscious.

The mountain with treacherous trails is a challenge for trekkers.

The shop selling antiques has rare collections.

The movie set in the 1920s is a period drama.

The street lined with maple trees turns golden in autumn.

The car with a sunroof is a premium model.

The bridge over the wide river is an architectural marvel.

The instrument from the classical era is precious.

The painting depicting a sunset is evocative.

The pastry filled with cream is delectable.

The island without any inhabitants is remote.

The building with green architecture is eco-friendly.

The course for advanced learners is intensive.

The bird with a melodious call is sought by birdwatchers.

The market during the festive season is bustling.

The dessert topped with nuts is crunchy.

The region known for its wines is a must-visit for connoisseurs.

The shoes with cushioned soles offer comfort.

The beach with golden sands is serene.

The seminar for entrepreneurs was enlightening.

The journey through dense forests was adventurous.

The computer with high processing speed is efficient.

The concert featuring international artists was grand.

The village with traditional huts preserves its heritage.

The theme park with thrilling rides attracts many visitors.

The tea with aromatic herbs is refreshing.

The bookshelf made of oak wood is sturdy.

The camera with a high-resolution lens captures sharp images.

The gallery showcasing abstract art is avant-garde.

The tree with fragrant blossoms is a spring delight.

The phone with a long battery life is reliable.

The cafe offering organic brews is health-centric.

The game with virtual reality offers immersive experience.

The fabric dyed in natural colors is eco-conscious.

Using verb+’ed’ as tense vs adjective

The dog(s) covered(v) me(obj) with mud. (Tense)
[The dog covered in mud](s) played(v) with me(obj). (Adj)

Surprise + ed
1. Past tense: She(s) surprised(v) me with a gift.
2. adjective: [The surprised dog] (s) ran(v) away.
3. Adjective 作为主语补语:
Subj – linking verb – subj compl (noun/adj):
I(s) am (linking verb “is”) happy (主语补语 adj).
I(s) am (linking verb “is”) surprised (主语补语 adj).


adjective phrase video

framework: subj + has/have/contains + object

Adjective Phrase is a phrase that acts as an adjective by describing the noun.

To describe a noun

She has [extremely evil] eyes.

Adj phrase = extremely evil
adj = evil
Noun = eyes

She has [very expensive] shoes.
She has extremely expensive shoes.

Adjective phrase = very expensive
adj = expensive
Noun = shoes

Using linking verb


Ricky smells [nice to all the bears].
Adjective phrase = nice to all the bears.
Adj = nice
Noun = Ricky.

I am [sad about my tests].
Adj phrase = sad about my tests
Adj = sad
Noun = I

Sarah is [too nice to the boys].
Adjective phrase = too nice to the boys
Adjective = nice
Noun = Sarah

Adjective phrase = better than you
Head adjective = better
Noun = someone

Heart Pose looks very healthy.
Adjective = healthy
Adj phrase = very healthy
Noun = Heart Pose

Fragrant Language sounds particularly nice!
Adj = nice
Adj phrase = particularly nice
Noun = fl

Comparative Adjectives

We experienced the decade’s [stronger] storms.

superlative adjective

They saw only the [brightest] stars.

Adjective Phrases that contains adverbs

It was a move.
It was a sensational move.
It was a [spectacularly] sensational move.

His hair surprised his parents.
His hair, [shockingly pink], surprised his parents.

Adjective Phrases can incorporate prepositions

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Begins with a preposition and functions as an adjective.

My uncle dated the girl with the tattoos.
(The phrase “with the tattoos” is a multi-word adjective describing “The girl,”
but it’s not headed by an adjective.

Headed by the preposition “with,” this is a prepositional phrase. It is best classified as an “adjectival prepositional phrase” as opposed to an “adjective phrase.”)

My grandmother makes the best food.
My grandmother [from Hangzhou] makes the best food.

My dog ate everything.
My dog, [like a pig], ate everything.

That man asked to see you.
That man [in the hat] asked to see you. (adjective phrase in the hat modifies man)

You can admit anyone.
You can admit anyone [with a ticket]. (with a ticket modifies anyone)

The schedule is posted on the board.
The schedule [for next week] is posted on the board. (for next week modifies schedule)

He is angry.
He is angry [about his pay decrease]. (about his pay decrease modifies he)

The design is similar to my bathroom wallpaper.
The design [on your shirt] is similar to my bathroom wallpaper. (on your shirt modifies design)

Taylor wants to stop at the restaurant.
Taylor wants to stop at the restaurant [by the mall]. (by the mall modifies restaurant)

Prepositional phrases as object complements

Here are eight examples of sentences where prepositional phrases function as object complements:

She considers the project in its final stages.
We found the book on the shelf.
They named the team after their hometown.
The committee elected him as their spokesperson.
I always want my coffee with a dash of cinnamon.
The teacher left the students in a state of confusion.
The artist painted the wall with vivid colors.
The coach deemed the players ineligible for the tournament.

In each example, the prepositional phrase provides additional information about the object, further specifying or completing its meaning.

Create sentences for each vocabulary word

snowy (adj) – covered with or full of snow.

  • The snowy mountains(s) look(v) beautiful(sc).
  • The snowy weather(s) greets(v) (欢迎) us(obj) in December.
  • The train(s) rumbles(v) (隆隆 long long 声 shen) against(prep) the snowy backdrop (prep obj).

snow (n) – soft, white flakes of ice that fall from the sky to the earth.

  • I(s) throw(v) [a snowball](obj).
  • [Hei Long Jiang’s soft winter snow](s) covers(v) the city(obj).
  • The snow(s) falls(f) upon(prep) [the muddy road] (prep obj).

provide (v) – to give what is needed; supply.To make available. 提供

  • My mother (s) provides (v 提供) food and love (obj).
  • The rainforest(s) provides (v 提供) food (obj) [for many species] (‘for’ prep phrase as object compl).
  • The computer(s) provides (v 提供) important data (obj).

like (v) – 喜欢

  • I(s) like(v) [to exercise](infinitive as obj).
  • Gorillas(s) like(v) bananas(obj).
  • [Every student](s) likes(v) [to be] (infinitive phrase) recognized (obj compl).

like (preposition) – 像

  • I(s) eat(v) like(prep) a pig(prep obj).
  • They(s) are(v) like(prep) brothers(prep obj).
  • I(s) love(v) books(direct object) [like 1984 and Animal Farm] (prepositional phrase as object complement).

Lesson 1 Vocabs


My name is Andy.

I am a fisherman.

My old eyes glance at the morning sun.

I row my small boat.

The colorful fishes swim in the deep blue sea.

They look beautiful.

I feel the gentle breeze.

It combs my white hair.

The boat returns to the beach.

My toes dig into the soft sand.

I carry the bag of colorful fishes.

They glisten under the afternoon sun.

fanboy video

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1 subj – action verb
2 subj – transitive verb – direct object
3 subj – intransitive verb – preposition – preposition object
4 subj + [is/am/are] + subject complement
5 subj + sense [look/see/taste/smell/hear/feel/become] + subject complement
6 subj + emotion verb [prefer/want/love/like/hope] + to verb (infinitive as object)
7 subj – am/is/are/was/were/have/has/get/find/found/buy/borrow/rent] + (object) + [to verb]
8 subj + [have/has] + past participle

Story 1

A turtle lives in a forest.
His name is Ted.

A turtle lives in a forest, [and] his name is Ted.

Ted is a great swimmer.
He loves to swim in the pond.

Ted is a great swimmer, [so] he loves to swim in the lake.

His head is small and round, [and] a heavy shell sits on his back.
He moves slow, [but] he thinks fast.
He is [intelligent but naive].
His friend the rabbit dislikes him, [for] they always argue.

When not to put commas

Correct: It looks strange but cool.
Correct: It looks strange, but it is cool.

Also, we should not place a comma after “and” if it only joins two words or phrases in a sentence.

Although we may tend to pause out of hesitation when speaking the following sentences, we should not imitate the pause in writing.

Correct: Dylan is talented and handsome.

Here are some examples of how to use coordinating conjunctions:

Joining two independent clauses:
A coordinating conjunction can join two independent clauses (simple sentences) to make a compound sentence. Comma is added in front of the and.

For example, “I am hungry, [and] I do not have any food.”

In this sentence, the coordinating conjunction “and” joins the two independent clauses “I am hungry” and “I do not have any food.”

Joining two words or phrases: A coordinating conjunction can also join two words or phrases of equal importance.

For example, “I want to buy a car or a motorcycle.” In this sentence, the coordinating conjunction “or” joins the two phrases “buy a car” and “buy a motorcycle.”

No comma is needed.

Joining two adjectives:
A coordinating conjunction can join two adjectives that describe the same noun. For example, “The cake is delicious and moist.” In this sentence, the coordinating conjunction “and” joins the two adjectives “delicious” and “moist.”

No comma is needed.

Joining two verbs: A coordinating conjunction can join two verbs that have the same subject. For example, “I like to swim and bike.” In this sentence, the coordinating conjunction “and” joins the two verbs “swim” and “bike.”

No comma is needed.

Story 2

My name is Ricky.
I attend Basis International.
My name is Ricky, [and] I attend Basis International.

It is a good school
It is too competitive.
It is a good school, [but] it is too competitive.

We learn at [two grades above] standard level.
We try to catch up.
We(subj) learn(v) at [a level two grades above the standard], [so] we feel helpless.

I love (my family and friends).
They are my support system.

I love my family and friends [for] they are my support system.

If independent clause is before our ‘for’, and has a negative verb, we need a comma.
I couldn’t join any sports classes, [for] I have no time.

(Neither) [my friends] (nor) [I] have any energy left after school.

We can (either) [continue to work hard] (or) [transfer to a different school].

He said this, yet he did that.
Avoid commas if “yet” is an adverb modifying adjective/verb within sentence.

  • She looks beautiful yet unremarkable.
  • We escaped yet went nowhere.

We enjoy the school’s prestige, yet we can’t keep up.
Our struggle(s) continues (v) [yet] there is no escape.
Its beautiful(adj) [yet] so very tragic.

liao laoshi

At sunset, when the elder brother returned, the carpenter had just finished his job. The elder brother was shocked by what the carpenter made. The carpenter has built a bridge from one side to the other.

“I only wanted you to build me a wall that would prevent my brother from looking in. Why did you build me a bridge instead?” cried the older brother.

“The wooden bridge is a symbol that shows the deep connection between you and your brother” replied the carpenter.

He calmly explained to the elder brother that the conflict with his younger brother is a tragedy. Blood runs thicker than water and this rift should be resolved. The carpenter wanted to build something that symbolized the brothers’ forty years of growth and teamwork, so he built a wooden bridge that connected the two households. Before the elder brother could say another word, the younger brother walked across the bridge and gave him a warm hug.

“You are really kind and tolerant, my brother,” the younger brother said. “I am thankful that you built a bridge to gap our misunderstandings. Please forgive me for my insolent behavior”, the younger brother begged. The older brother was touched by his brother’s resolve and hugged him back. Seeing that the dispute has been resolved, the carpenter lifted his toolbox on his shoulder and got ready to leave.

“Thank for your what you’ve done. We hope that you could stay for a while.”, asked the brothers.
“I would like to. But I have other places to be.”, the carpenter replied. He left the brothers an endearing message that still holds them together to this day: “Remember that kinship will always triumph”.