Create sentences for each vocabulary word

snowy (adj) – covered with or full of snow.

  • The snowy mountains(s) look(v) beautiful(sc).
  • The snowy weather(s) greets(v) (欢迎) us(obj) in December.
  • The train(s) rumbles(v) (隆隆 long long 声 shen) against(prep) the snowy backdrop (prep obj).

snow (n) – soft, white flakes of ice that fall from the sky to the earth.

  • I(s) throw(v) [a snowball](obj).
  • [Hei Long Jiang’s soft winter snow](s) covers(v) the city(obj).
  • The snow(s) falls(f) upon(prep) [the muddy road] (prep obj).

provide (v) – to give what is needed; supply.To make available. 提供

  • My mother (s) provides (v 提供) food and love (obj).
  • The rainforest(s) provides (v 提供) food (obj) [for many species] (‘for’ prep phrase as object compl).
  • The computer(s) provides (v 提供) important data (obj).

like (v) – 喜欢

  • I(s) like(v) [to exercise](infinitive as obj).
  • Gorillas(s) like(v) bananas(obj).
  • [Every student](s) likes(v) [to be] (infinitive phrase) recognized (obj compl).

like (preposition) – 像

  • I(s) eat(v) like(prep) a pig(prep obj).
  • They(s) are(v) like(prep) brothers(prep obj).
  • I(s) love(v) books(direct object) [like 1984 and Animal Farm] (prepositional phrase as object complement).