liao laoshi

At sunset, when the elder brother returned, the carpenter had just finished his job. The elder brother was shocked by what the carpenter made. The carpenter has built a bridge from one side to the other.

“I only wanted you to build me a wall that would prevent my brother from looking in. Why did you build me a bridge instead?” cried the older brother.

“The wooden bridge is a symbol that shows the deep connection between you and your brother” replied the carpenter.

He calmly explained to the elder brother that the conflict with his younger brother is a tragedy. Blood runs thicker than water and this rift should be resolved. The carpenter wanted to build something that symbolized the brothers’ forty years of growth and teamwork, so he built a wooden bridge that connected the two households. Before the elder brother could say another word, the younger brother walked across the bridge and gave him a warm hug.

“You are really kind and tolerant, my brother,” the younger brother said. “I am thankful that you built a bridge to gap our misunderstandings. Please forgive me for my insolent behavior”, the younger brother begged. The older brother was touched by his brother’s resolve and hugged him back. Seeing that the dispute has been resolved, the carpenter lifted his toolbox on his shoulder and got ready to leave.

“Thank for your what you’ve done. We hope that you could stay for a while.”, asked the brothers.
“I would like to. But I have other places to be.”, the carpenter replied. He left the brothers an endearing message that still holds them together to this day: “Remember that kinship will always triumph”.