Essay Types

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For and against

A for-and-against essay is an argumentative essay that requires writers to formulate arguments for and against the main topic. After presenting both arguments, the author will then choose a side and explain the reason for their decision.

Should fast food companies be allowed to aim their marketing at children?

Introduction paragraph – Paraphrase and thesis
[For companies be allowed to market to children] Body Paragraph
[Against companies be allowed to market to children] Body Paragraph
[Writer’s Opinion] Body Paragraph
Conclusion Paragraph

Whenever you see a ‘should’. It means you are to write for and against. Analyze both sides.


A problem is outlined, and one or more solutions are described. The author justifies why one particular solution is the most appropriate.

Outline the arguments given by supporters and critics of genetically modified food. Give your opinion on the issue.

Introduction paragraph – Paraphrase and thesis
[Supporters of genetically modified food] Body Paragraph
[Critics of genetically modified food] Body Paragraph
[Writer’s Opinion] Body Paragraph
Conclusion Paragraph

Childhood obesity is a growing problem in many parts of the world. How can this be most effectively dealt with?

Introduction paragraph – Paraphrase and thesis
[Supporters of ‘your solution to childhood obesity’] Body Paragraph
[Critics of ‘your solution to childhood obesity’] Body Paragraph
[Writer’s Opinion] Body Paragraph
Conclusion Paragraph

Cause and Effect

You may be asked to describe a situation and suggest what caused it. Alternatively, you may have to write about the effects something has had.

In many countries, there has been a sharp rise in the amount of convenience food consumed. Why do you think this it?

Introduction paragraph – Paraphrase and thesis
[Supporters of ‘Why you think it is’] Body Paragraph
[Critics of ‘Why you think it is’] Body Paragraph
[Writer’s Opinion] Body Paragraph
Conclusion Paragraph

Essay Structure

Although there are different types of academic essay, the overall structure and principles tend to be the same.


The first paragraph presents a general overview of what the piece of writing is going to be about and provides important background information. Paraphrase + Thesis

Body paragraphs

These develop the main ideas outlined in the introduction and include relevant evidence and supporting information of the prompt.


The last paragraph presents a short summary of the essay topic and the conclusions or recommendations of the writer.