If relationships are about benefits, does love exist?

Let’s define what relationships are.

The way in which two or more people are connected.

  • (blood) Family?
  • Attraction/intimacy?
  • Work?
  • Friends?
  • Business?

How do they benefit?

(blood) Family? Lineage, power, money, self preservation.


I’m attracted to femininity.
She’s attracted to my masculinity.


I give them my years of experience and expertise. Certain value.

In return, they give me money dictated by the market. They then try to convert this value magnitudes of they paid me.


I earn money, you earn money.

What is love?

Intense feeling of deep affection (a feeling of liking and caring for someone/something).

Family – Reciprocal

Parents want to see their offspring be the best. Children (offspring) are the extension of their parents. Due to self interest (ego, vanity (vain – excessive pride of self..usually appearance of achievements), and pride (feeling of deep pleasure from one’s own achievement).

Parent do a lot to take care of their children. And in return, these children develop affection for their parents. Affection turns to love, and this is familial love. Children mimic their parents.



Love from intimacy

love is a dopamine hit from attraction/intimacy.

1st gf (ABC) –


Farm – Friends with benefits (she had a 14 son)

there was love. But it wasn’t deep because she has her own child.
She will never be my wife.


Through contributions, giving value, and making the company better:

– Companies love their co-workers.
– Co-workers love co-workers.
– Love develops from interaction. They swirl and flow, and sometimes become relationships:

Luna and Zhao Di (Irving)


Friendship love. Appreciation. Appreciate what your friends have done for you. They were there to help. You grew up with them. Sometimes, they are connected like family.


an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone

Crush – intense infatuation, especially someone unattainable.

(Obsess)Obsessed – preoccupation (constantly thinking)

fixated [verb] (fixation) – cause to develop an obsessive attachment.

attachment – deep, unlinkable connection